My Splinter has been my only device for months, y’all are in for a treat, can’t wait to see the flood of happy first impressions to come!Time to dust-off & warm up this MOD box that has been sitting in storage waiting for a Splinter to attach itself to. Many thanks to @RastaBuddhaTao in advance prior to its arrival.
Looking forward to hearing everybody elses thoughts when you all get your Splinter's. T-Minus and counting!
#250ish, mine hasn't shipped yet... wait what?.....Time travel? No.... I bought @Cheesequake's via the FC classifieds about a month agoDo you happen to recall what number you were when your Splinter was shipped?
I’ve gotten lazy, my favorite way to use my Splinter is kinda aggressive: DNA75 Temp Control set to 385, watts set to 28 (that’s high, start at 25 new users), pulling thru the Vapefiend Milaana Cooling Wand, results are consistent, quick, and powerful.This is my third week with the splinter and I totally agree with @hippogriff, this 510 mod is going to puton all yo faces!
Once you get your settings dialed in and you've had a week to acclimate to the draw speed/duration you'll find this a "plug and puff" device. It just works and is very convenient to use.
The draw on it is more restricted than the original Milaana's but I have adapted to it and now I don't even mind it all that much.
I find the buzz comes on in a far smoother fashion than either my Vapcap or grasshopper which can sometimes feel like I'm mainlining THC. That's not to say the splinter is weaker, it isn't, it's just a smoother initial ramp up.
Looking forward to hearing everybody elses thoughts when you all get your Splinter's. T-Minus and counting!
Time to dust-off & warm up this MOD box that has been sitting in storage waiting for a Splinter to attach itself to. Many thanks to @RastaBuddhaTao in advance prior to its arrival.
I’ve gotten lazy, my favorite way to use my Splinter is kinda aggressive: DNA75 Temp Control set to 385, watts set to 28 (that’s high, start at 25 new users), pulling thru the Vapefiend Milaana Cooling Wand, results are consistent, quick, and powerful.
Unfortunately that cooling wand is fragile, just broke my second one falling out of my pocket a couple feet onto hardwood, it’s the inner glass piece that’s broken both times.
Have also had excellent results w a DDave microdosing settup, it’s just too many pieces for me. Now trying to fuse a 420EDC Top Hat inside a stem for more solid and compact microdosing.
You know I never used one at first. Unless you are running it through water or huffing on it for extended periods, you don't need it in my opinion. That said it
You know I never used one at first. Unless you are running it through water or huffing on it for extended periods, you don't need it in my opinion. That said it
certainly won't hurt.
I happen to have it on here because I had a SAI Top Flow atty with the Ti bucket. You definitely need it for that if you want to protect your mod.
Crush a .1 bowl in 1 fat high temp high airflow rip through water then come back to me.....when you're able's just a smoother initial ramp up.
Probably any vape shop. I got some from fastech but it's gonna take a few weeks to get to you.Where can a heatsink be purchased?
For you new owners. case. Little tip to help ensure the threading doesn't detach from the body: Do not unscrew or put strain when the unit is warm.
yeah from the wood itself. I think it's held with a type of adhesive, wood.Body? I presume you're referring to the Splinter?