Ohhhh okay im good with that. The ultra pure ceramic part threw me off and thought these were gonna be upgraded and even cheaper. I'm okay with upgrades just not a week after I've made my purchase lol.
Gotcha! Thank you very muchThey've all been little QoL or manufacuring "improvements" like not recessing the 510 connection to simply the process of building.
The ceramic base insulator shouldn't really change things much except maybe keep the mod a little cooler.
Will wait to hear what @KenZero says.
Lower the tcr value by two and repeat until you get to a sweet spot level...every coil is different and will require a slightly different TCR value...mix in the difference in mods (sometimes even of the same make and model) and the role proper batteries play and you'll realize other peoples TCR values can be helpful, but they are just ballpark.Has anyone here nailed down TCR for splinter with an RX GEN 3? I tried TCR 180 24 watts .24ohms locked on cruise but as soon as it gets passed 240 degrees it scorched it a little so something is off. Looking for the proper value so I can run accurate TC temps! Thanks homies! Old to vaping new to this forum.
So the splinter I bought last week is gonna be different from the splinter being shipped on January? Wtf
Please don't start butchering my nickname like that other chap did in the Nomad thread!![]()
Did everyone see the RBT sale email? As it's 4 hours after midnight EST (Ryan's time), I guess there is no harm in posting this. This is a US sale with a 2 unit per person limit and will be for a limited number of units.
"Greetings all... So, after 4 years developing Zion, Milaana, and Splinter RastaBuddhaTao is finally ready to hit the streets with a professionally manufactured product! We have been working hard for the past six months on the Dark Side of RBT Splinter. This package will include 1 Bubinga Splinter, Three screens, two mouthpieces, a stir stick and cleaning brush all in a box adorned by art from @weedgadget. The Unit will feature the Ultra Pure Ceramic fitting, heater optimizations and a new holographic pyramid logo 510 fitting. It has been a joy to see Splinter put into full production with these final refinements.
So, in order to give back to all you fine peeps that supported getting this thing off the ground ... a special introductory offer starting at 6 PM today. This is 6 hours before the public announcement at midnight to allow you all to get the jump in line. Two Splinter packages will be listed the first is as mentioned above for $59.50 and a second package with 2 extra mouthpieces and 3 screens for $79.50 with $20 of the sale going to the @UnderDogVapes fire fund. Code: DARKSIDE
These units will begin shipping in January and will be completed shipping in February (latest). This is a US sale with a 2 unit per person limit and will be for a limited number of units. We will be supporting a similar special offer through our retail partners worldwide once stock becomes available. Thanks so much for supporting RBT over the years and please continue to follow along on IG for the latest updates."
At this point, my spam folder seems to fill faster than a screen door on a submarine.
Just be thankful that I didn't call you the wrong name in a scenario where it would have really stung.![]()
Not so sure you'd slap me with a rose then.![]()
I don't have any inside info but I'd bet money it's just a short basic stem, likely not even a colored one. The XL8R stems are still priced close to the deal for the chinese Splinter itself. There's next to no chance we start seeing them thrown in for free with a $60 Splinter pre-order.Does anyone have any idea if the extra stems included are the cooling stems?
It says that they ship in January, so even if you ordered now...I'm sure you would get the details well before it ships AND I'm also fairly certain that if the sale doesn't include the cooling stem, he would most likely give you the stems in substitute for a slight up charge...still well below market either way?was thinking about grabbing this underdog support splinter preorder.
Does anyone have any idea if the extra stems included are the cooling stems? or just extras of the regular stems? (I sent an email asking this, but not sure if I'll get a response in time)
also these only take the special 19mm ground shorter to 19mm right? so you can't just get standard custome stems or mini bubbler MP's to work with this?
Sorry if these have been answered before. trying to figure out a cuple of questions quickly before I pull trigger.
edit: oh and wasn't there a "long" cooling MP also? I can only find the junior on the site?
edit2: welp if you add the short cooling 19/19 to the cart it says out of stock there too...
Make the load a bit more dense, this will cause it to absorb more heat...you can also use a drop or two of flavored/unflavored VG.Hi All,
First let me start by saying I love my Splinter. Its my daily driver and after owning more then a hand full of vapes I consider the Splinter the best portable Vape I've owned. My question for you wise men of this thread. And I only ask as I can't be bothered reading back thru the 130 pages to date. Has anybody got any stealth/portable cooling stem solutions? I'm aware of the xl8 stem at the RBT site. Has anyone used the short version? Does anyone have any other solutions for shorter cooling stems. I use the standard and am suffering from a sore throat from the hot vape. Was hopeful someone might have a solution that isn't a long ass stem or water tool.
...it wouldn't feel good to be slapped by a rose either...the thorns and such.
Purchased a 2-hole Splinter around Halloween, and finally got around to getting a mod (actually 2) this past weekend. I'm not getting much, if any, vapor at all. I've tried slow draws, quick draws, 25 watts-40 watts. The plant material is turning a tan color, and was a bit dark brown when I tried 40 watts. But I'm not seeing any vapor, even if I puff on it like a cigar. I'm also only getting a very slight buzz off of 4 or so drags in a 5 minute period. I've tried holding the button down and drawing until the protection/shut off, as well as releasing before the shut off and immediately starting it up again. If I had smoked as much as I've used up trying to get this thing working, I would have passed out or been convinced I was dead, as I'm a light weight.
My first mod is an eleaf Aster, because I saw it was compatible with Arcticfox (which I have absolutely no clue how to use.) My other is a VooPoo Drag 1 (highest I went was 35 watts with this.) Both tried in wattage mode only.
Anyone have any advice on what to do? This is my first attempt with an herbal vape. I vape ejuice daily, and I'm certainly not expecting that kind of vapor level. But I'm starting to think this thing is broken, although I see no signs. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
↓Does anyone have any idea if the extra stems included are the cooling stems? or just extras of the regular stems? (I sent an email asking this, but not sure if I'll get a response in time)
I don't have any inside info but I'd bet money it's just a short basic stem, likely not even a colored one. The XL8R stems are still priced close to the deal for the chinese Splinter itself. There's next to no chance we start seeing them thrown in for free with a $60 Splinter pre-order.
Has anybody got any stealth/portable cooling stem solutions? I'm aware of the xl8 stem at the RBT site. Has anyone used the short version?