About 20% of the time I use my Splinter, it says, "Atomizer Short". Then, I have to unscrew it and screw it back on. Then, sometimes it works and sometimes it says, "Atomizer Short" again. Eventually, it always works again.
Is that a bad thing?
I had the same issue early on, exactly the same but I knew it couldn't be the splinter... and probably not the mod. How could it be if it worked in wattage mode, right?
I had a suugested ohms and tcr number I got from redit dialed in and got the same problem. I used it in the dark and noticed a very faint glow from the heater and knew there was something really wrong.
First I changed, I let the mod specify the resistance wich was .245 I read somewhere the FJ firmware I am running reads the ohms a bit high so had lowered this previously, but locked in what was there after doing a zero all.
Then I started going through tcr choices, didn't know weather to go up or down so just picked one and started going up by 5 at a time... after a few I got bored and jumped to tcr190 was previously around the 150 mark I think I cant remember... but...
It started working flawlessly its totally fucking amazing now and hasn't skipped a beat since with zero attomizer low warnings

Now I can go from the 180c flavor deliciousness to the absolutely face melting power of 215/220

This is all on a wismec 2/3 with the tubo software (still feel a little weird using it but gotta give fj big ups for being cool... and delivering a rock solid platform)
And the settings are
Resistance locked at 0.245
TCR187 (I dialled it back a few after a couple of bowls)
Max power 50w
I use cruise but still turn it off before the end of the hit, just like the Milaana
Hope this helps dude try my settings or just play around with the settings, lock your resistance when the splinter is stone cold so the mod has the correct constant to calculate the resistance change
It might work but then ymmv,
@AJS has the same mod as me and im pretty sure completely different settings