Thanks V much for sharing this insight. It is impossible to predict really, I can only try. I would be looking to use it with the Milaana cooling mouthpiece dry, and through water as well.@Alexis - interesting that you think you will tolerate this Vaspe quite good, wouldn t have thought this. for me, it s not the easiest on the throat and i think you were allergic to much "purer" ones?
That is a newer version if it has the logo on the deck.How do i work out which generation Splinter i have? (Bought second hand).
Mine has the RBT triangles on the bottom and rounded bottom edge.
About 20% of the time I use my Splinter, it says, "Atomizer Short". Then, I have to unscrew it and screw it back on. Then, sometimes it works and sometimes it says, "Atomizer Short" again. Eventually, it always works again.
Is that a bad thing?
About 20% of the time I use my Splinter, it says, "Atomizer Short". Then, I have to unscrew it and screw it back on. Then, sometimes it works and sometimes it says, "Atomizer Short" again. Eventually, it always works again.
Is that a bad thing?
Look at the 510 connector on the base of your Splinter and you'll see that there's a slotted screw head. Gently tighten this (don't force it) and see if your problem goes away. When I had a similar issue, this was the cure.
Im pretty sure he means he has the Z.Thank you @Other Side, i thought that was the case, but couldn't be certain. It seems there were a few upgrades since the pre order list!
@Dubmonkey what is the Splinter 2? Is that the one i have?
If that message keeps displaying then it's the mod. I had a similar issue with one of my mods. Still worked, but the resistance was a bit off. What firmware are you using? Updating your firmware will solve the issue.Yep, it's tight.
Took a chance and bought mine off eBay from this vendor.
Shipped outa California was here in 2-3 days.
Interesting and thanka for sharing. If you say it is a bit too hot for you dry, that does strongly suggest I may have difficulty tolerating this portable dry myself. I was hoping it would be smoother than a dry vapcap which is seen as very gentle and tolerable across the board for most.This Wismec I bought is working out OK, I guess. One thing for sure, the batteries charged better OUTSIDE the mod and in a separate charger. Or, maybe it was just because they were still virgin. Either way, they are going down nice and even without the "Weak Battery" errors I got the first time.
And, the batteries are lasting way longer this charge.
I did use it without water a few times but the hit was too hot so I added the hammer bubbler that Krazy gave me and it cooled it right down.
And, as with all my toys, it all goes through the 'elephant's trunk' before it gets to me.
I love this thing. Standard 19mm adapter on one end and 19/19 Splinter stem on the other. Goes with just about all my hand-held vapes.
Thanks man that's reassuring I will keep that in mind and yes I'm not able to take these high temperatures like most but I do like big clouds and big hits and would never be satisfied if I couldn't venture in that direction.Keep in mind my setting may be what makes it hot. I am running at 420F because I like big clouds. If you don't need the 'smoker's satisfaction' of big clouds, you can dial down the temp and it will be much cooler.
Plus, he has a stem that cools it more. I think he's crazy over-priced on it at 50 bux for a stem but... it is available.
does the copper reek of metal? Never considered a 3 battery mod before but that splinter z may need more juiceTook a chance and bought mine off eBay from this vendor.
Shipped outa California was here in 2-3 days.
does the copper reek of metal? Never considered a 3 battery mod before but that splinter z may need more juice
Is that Mod DNA250 or DNA250c? Which brings the more important question. Besides the color screen is there a Difference between the DNA250 and the color version?Really like this mod matches well with the wooden 510 device.
I haven’t noticed any reek from the metal.
Here’s a couple pic with it and the Z
Replay Mode. I've found it's great paired with the Splinter. Jump to 17:45 for the meat of it.Is that Mod DNA250 or DNA250c? Which brings the more important question. Besides the color screen is there a Difference between the DNA250 and the color version?
Are the profiles and testing you have done transferable for 250 to 250c and visa versa?
Thanks for the reply and thanks for sharing your profiles with us.
no and no. he describes how the algorithm can adapt to the drying out of cotton in the coils, but that's only a sliver of one aspect. He's wrestling with the attempt to describe fuzzy logic to ordinary human beings. It's pretty hard. It's not so much that it's proprietary, what the fuzzy logic algorithm is doing, it's that it's a black box based on training data. TCR is largely univariate. Replay mode, multivariate. I did feel a little sorry for the guy trying to explain that. But at least he tried, few people have.He doesn't say much (obviously to not divulge trade secrets) but this mode is clearly designed for e-liquids. It also emphasize that they developed it because almost nobody in the e-cig world uses TC mode (just read ECF, they'll all say they use VW only and have no intention to switch to TC)
One could have hoped that with the release of those research studies proving that carcinogens are produced by pyrolysis at high temperatures they would have changed their stance, but nope, it's somehow "too complex" to select a material preset and chose a temperature... So evolve developed that idiot-proof mode.
I'm not doubting that it works but they make it sound like it's super high tech, where in reality there aren't that many "parameters" the mod can watch. It's just a glorified battery with a smart DC/DC converter, but the atty is a black box to the mod. It's just a resistance, there's absolutely no sensors embedded inside it. All the mod can see is current and voltage (and thus resistance), battery charge and chipset temperature.