Something odd happened to my Splinter this morning. I love this puppy and it has become a part of my daily list. Especially, if the E-Nano isn't turned on or heated up.
So, this morning, I get up, grab a cup of fresh ground Jamaican Blue River and grab the RX300 with my Splinter on it.
Fill 'er up with some Hazeman White Grapes. I can usually get a small hit the first time right from a cold start but it's more flavor than vapor. However, the second hit is ALWAYS a total fog machine. I'm a hard hitter and I like 'combustion feeling' hits. I love this Splinter because it gives me that consistently. I am using it in TCR mode M1 with TCR 140 and Temp 420F (love that number
So, I do a couple bowls, turn it off, put it down, finish my coffee and a protein bar and off to the gym.
I just got home. Turned on the E-nano. That will be available the rest of the day and night unless I leave the house. Grabbed the Splinter to get a few bowls in while the E-Nano warms up and I make a breakfast shake.
Fill 'er up with some Red Dragon. Turn on the RX300 push the button and take a nice deep hit...... hmmm? Something is wrong. No big deal, it's the first hit from a cold start. Second hit.... Oh oh, no fog machine.
Long story short (too late now LOL) I couldn't get a decent hit. I could feel a little heat in my throat but wasn't getting any vapor.
I unscrewed it and turned the box off and on and off. Replaced the Splinter. Turned it on.... nothing.Well, nothing good.
I played around with some different things and now, I am getting awesome hits again but I am using TCR140 (same as before) but my temp is at 520F and 540F. And, I am definitely NOT combusting. Getting great hits like I used to at 420F. Something doesn't seem right. Thought I would toss it out and see if it's a familiar thing to someone else.
I am off to paint the garage but I'll swap mods and try some other stuff and check back.
Thanks and Kudos to RBT for making a fucking awesome vape. I'm am not always the easiest consumer to please and this is absolutely one fine automobile.
So fine, in fact, it makes me wonder why I should buy a Splinter Z. LOL j/k
Thanks in advance for any input.
So, this morning, I get up, grab a cup of fresh ground Jamaican Blue River and grab the RX300 with my Splinter on it.
Fill 'er up with some Hazeman White Grapes. I can usually get a small hit the first time right from a cold start but it's more flavor than vapor. However, the second hit is ALWAYS a total fog machine. I'm a hard hitter and I like 'combustion feeling' hits. I love this Splinter because it gives me that consistently. I am using it in TCR mode M1 with TCR 140 and Temp 420F (love that number

So, I do a couple bowls, turn it off, put it down, finish my coffee and a protein bar and off to the gym.
I just got home. Turned on the E-nano. That will be available the rest of the day and night unless I leave the house. Grabbed the Splinter to get a few bowls in while the E-Nano warms up and I make a breakfast shake.
Fill 'er up with some Red Dragon. Turn on the RX300 push the button and take a nice deep hit...... hmmm? Something is wrong. No big deal, it's the first hit from a cold start. Second hit.... Oh oh, no fog machine.
Long story short (too late now LOL) I couldn't get a decent hit. I could feel a little heat in my throat but wasn't getting any vapor.
I unscrewed it and turned the box off and on and off. Replaced the Splinter. Turned it on.... nothing.Well, nothing good.
I played around with some different things and now, I am getting awesome hits again but I am using TCR140 (same as before) but my temp is at 520F and 540F. And, I am definitely NOT combusting. Getting great hits like I used to at 420F. Something doesn't seem right. Thought I would toss it out and see if it's a familiar thing to someone else.
I am off to paint the garage but I'll swap mods and try some other stuff and check back.
Thanks and Kudos to RBT for making a fucking awesome vape. I'm am not always the easiest consumer to please and this is absolutely one fine automobile.

Thanks in advance for any input.
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