Happy April!
Hey Y'all
Finally getting caught up after being out of commission from covid for ~2 weeks

Good news is me and the fam at home are feeling better, and things are getting moving for April.
Let's jump into what's new
Video Update
Been awhile since I recored a video update, so I figured why not show off some of the recent prototypes
Current Presale Changes
The following changes are being implemented in the current presale (~100 kits).
The remaining inventory is
listed on our site, and once they sell out then the estimated ship date will be pushed back until the second part of production is complete (~400 kits).
You can use code 'FC10' for 10% off and support future giveaways here
Screwball Lid + Housing Update
Since the testing went well with the SS prototype, we are moving forward with this design change.
IMO, the main benefits with this change will be:
- Help keep dust out of the gems
- Leaves space for branded collaborations (companies can have their logo laser engraved on top)
From my testing, it seems like the performance is similar (hard to tell exactly since its SS and not Ti) and the airflow is the same or slightly improved.
New Lid + Housing Upgrade Availability
After the titanium version is tested and approved, the second part of production will begin for ~400 kits.
Once the second part is complete, we will have a listing available to purchase the upgraded parts (housing + lid) for current Screwball owners. I will also be working with our partnered retailers to have the upgraded parts available too.
The price is estimated to be ~$30 USD with free shipping, but I still need to receive a final price from our manufacturer.
Branded PID + Coil
The PID is getting a cosmetic makeover with new teal end caps & buttons, and our logo + serial number on the back.
Coach Reuben Coming To Life
I've been working with our illustrator to update Coach Reuben for the next round of stickers, and wanted to give a preview of some of the quick start guide that's still in the works.
Microdose Bowl Prototype Preview
Here is a sneak peak at the latest mockup I was sent for the next round of changes to the microdose bowl.
As long as there are no issues, I'm hoping we can move forward with an early adopters round for the microdose bowl (and possibly the 20mm version).
Glass Bowls
Any updates on the glass bowls?
Still need to make a 2nd round of prototypes with Goldman Glass, and I plan to start working on an import version too for a more affordable option.
Pass Thru Adapters
I think the glass bowl can be used with an injector style ball vape
The glass pass thru is technically an injector bowl first. Our manufacturer uses it for another product they offer, so it's easier for us to buy it as as stock item (which is why it comes with the screen installed already).
Vapvana Homebase Fan Concept Revision 3
Awesome mockup! Thanks for sharing
PID Issues + Warranty Form Link
I have recently been hearing a high pitched noise in my vape cabinet. I have just narrowed it down to my screwball PID. I now have it unplugged, when I plug it back in it immediately makes the noise again. Do others notice their PID making a noise?
I do, even when turned off. I need to unplug it to make it stop, I thought I might just be going crazy, glad to know I'm not.
It seems like on occasion these PIDs will make this noise. If you are experiencing this problem or anything else with your kit, please use this form and we / I will take care of you
4/20 Sales
I'm working on getting some accessories listed on our site for a 4/20 sale. I'm hoping to have everything ready by this Friday the latest.
Next Update
I'm hoping to have some new prototypes sent to me in the next couple of weeks. I will update y'all once I have more to share.
If anyone needs anything please send an email to
Talk soon,