Behind The Scenes: How Do We Communicate Product Problems?
Since my last post wasn't as thorough as I'd like, my goal is to show how we (our manufacturer and I) work through issues.
The Presale Problem:
The first round of production the C-Clip and Mesh Screen in the housing wasn't assembled as intended. The screen was not sitting flush (flat) on top of the C-Clip
Problem Source:
After opening up the first kit and seeing the bent screen, I opened up a second kit to see if it had the same issue..
When I saw both screens had the same problem, I started to take apart the vape to see if I could pinpoint the source of the issue.
Problem Assumptions:
- Since we upgraded the mesh screens in the housing to be more firm/stronger... in the process they ended up increasing in diameter
- Due the increased diameter size (assumption) -> the screens weren't sitting flush in the cutout and bending
Testing The Problem:
Although I knew the heater wasn't assembled to specification, I was curious to see if it impacted the performance of the vape.
After testing a heater with the bent housing side by side with a correctly assembled heater, I realized there wasn't a noticeable decrease in how the vape performed (which made me feel slightly better about the whole situation

Finding An Immediate Solution
With the goal to get the presale kits in peoples hands ASAP, I decided to send out all the kits as is. I reached out to all preoders on an individual basis to communicate there was a known issue, and I would send out replacement screens after I resolved the problem.
Problem Deep Dive
Once I was all caught up sending out preorders, I took time to take a deeper dive into the heater assembly. After a little experimenting, I realized the problem wasn't with the screen diameter - it was with the cutout in the housing.
After the problem source was identified, I took time to document the assembly process for feedback.
Communicating Feedback
Here our the screenshots from the Google Doc I sent over to our manufacturer for feedback:
Solving The Problem
After communicating with our manufacturer, we agreed that the screen cutout needed to be increased (from 1mm to 1.2mm) and that they were already in the process of solving the problem.
Here is the video update they provided:
Side Note: Manufacturer Shoutout
I wanted to make a special shoutout to our Manufacturer for being a great partner throughout the process of bringing this idea to life. None of this would have been possible without their expertise, support, and shared vision to create great products that people enjoy using. 
For those that haven't seen, I had a chance to meet the Owner of our Manufacturer last April in San Francisco.
(Me before a haircut, at our visit to Stanford University in April, 2023)
Resolving The Presale Order Problem
The second round of production includes the updated housing (as seen in the video above). My plan is to confirm in person that the problem is resolved once I receive the next round of kits.
Assuming the problem is 100% solved, I will have additional Housings with installed C-Clips and Mesh Screens made for all early adopter and presale orders.
After I receive the updating housings I will send them out along with extra rubies to everyone.
If you have any issues or need help please send an email to
Final Thoughts
Although there will always be unexpected problems that arise, I am still beyond grateful for the opportunity to make better products, and provide better experiences for our community.
Every day I wake up excited (and sometimes a little anxious) to work on this business and make things better. Over a decade ago I started my Entrepreneur journey, and I don't think my younger self would ever have believed I'd be where I'm at today.
And this all wouldn't be possible without this community.

It's still a surreal experience being able to contribute to this thread, after I've spent so many hours being on the other end - researching the next product that would scratch my VAS itch
The past ~2 years have been a hell of a journey to get to this point - and I wouldn't want it any other way. I have a lot of exciting things planned for 2024, and I invite you all to come along for the journey
Talk soon,
PS - If you read to this point, you are the real MVP