Happy Holidaze FC!
As the end of the year closes, I hope everyone has an opportunity to spend time with their family and loved ones
This past week I've been celebrating Grandma's 90th birthday, and having family in town has put me a little behind with work & communications. Thanks to everyone for their patience and cooperation
Presale Updates
US Kits are officially sold out!
I may do another presale before the next round of production, more info coming soon
International kits are still in stock and are starting to land. You should have received an email from me today about onboarding and power plug info.
International Kit Power Plugs
Unless you order from Rec Vapes (they have kits with UK plugs), all international kits default with 220v coils and Euro plugs. Please make sure you have the correct power plug on hand if you are located in:
- Australia
- United Kingdom
- Israel
- Etc
I'm working towards expanding the power plug types provided, and apologize if this is an inconvenience for you. If you have any questions or issues please send an email to
PID Compatibility
The provided PIDs are compatible with 110v & 220v coils, along with all power plug types.
Screwball Double Deckers
Salad bowls are great, but who else loves doing a double decker on this? Little dab melted through the gems while hitting a bowl...

I've tested this too (for science!

) and although it's possible, I don't recommend doing it unless you are capable of the cleaning / maintenance involved
Have seen people doing that. Does it clog the device though? Do you clean the rubies with iso?
IMO, it depends on what type of concentrate you use. Regardless of the type, I think it will eventually lead to reclaim building in the heater and a burn-off will be necessary.
Iso baths for the gems and lid could be done if needed, but I don't want to keep track of those gems. I'm gonna stick to heat cleaning until I notice a flavor difference or visible nastiness on the gems.
Even with a heat clean, I've noticed that I still need to let the gems soak in 99% iso to clean.
Since I'm lazy I prefer the least amount of maintenance possible... which is why I just put the concentrate on top of the bowl instead of the heater (but I'm going to do some more testing since I have multiple heaters now

Experiment with the Full Vaping Spectrum (low to high temp)
This only works assuming the differential is linear, which it's unlikely to be.....
Good point!
IMO, I think the real benefit for people is to experiment and test the full temp ranges on their own setup. In other words, start the PID as low as possible and keep increasing it until you reach combustion/near combustion.
How do you know what you like until you try alllll the things?

Half Bowl Variable
The half bowl has half as much conductive surface area. Because of this, I am compensating by about 10-20 degrees on the PID to boost the convection air temp and account for the difference in surface area. 520-530 is working really well for a good quick session on the half bowl.
I agree!
And I've also been enjoying the 520-530f range with the half sized bowl and ~1 SQP.
It's been cool to see how changing one variable (the bowl depth) can change the overall experience.
I connected the Screwball to my DC PID today. I ran it through a smallish bubbler with pretty open airflow. Started at 440f and eventually ended at 420f with excellent results. I’m cleaning some pieces with larger volume, anxiously waiting to try and roast an entire full bowl in one hit!
Glad to see things have been going well!
IMO, it seems like an entire full bowl is best for 'sesh' mode and the half sized bowl is better for 'one hit extractions' - let me know if you find a good setting to completely roast an entire full bowl in one hit
Adjusting The Bowl Screen
I went from the bottom, actually, pushed it out and into the top groove. Much better, cash a half bowl in a couple hits. I’m running it on the kit pid at 485, will prob switch it to my dc pid to conserve desk real estate.
I like to use the bottom of the scoop to help set/adjust the screens.
Heater Stand & Performance
The stand is one part of the kit I’m not particularly fond of. It’s effective and does what it’s supposed to, but I wish there was a notch somewhere on the handle of the heater so it could set and rest without it slipping and the head then makes contact with the stand. Also, the stand sides are as sharp as a knife. Can the edges be rounded?
This has probably been mentioned earlier in this thread but why wasn’t wood considered for the heater handle to match the handle of the bowl?
Those few things aside…this thing is a beast
Thanks for the feedback
@Kaptan !
I agree with you on all the points - the goal with the Starter Kit was to minimize costs in all areas that didn't impact the vape performance.
95% of my time went into the heater + bowl performance, and most accessories were an afterthought. I was trying to answer the question "If they already have glass, what is the bear minimum a user needs to get started with the Screwball?"
Next steps are to refine the current versions and add deluxe options too
Stand & Heater Performance
This video is also a short section of the videos in the full video also show that my DIY pid doesn't have a offset temp and runs the same temperature as the factory pid and same results.
So not entirely sure how I feel on venting a bit of heat yet!
Side note to get a little VAS go the new bowl came in today pictures and thoughts coming soon
Thanks for sharing the video
@Necra !
Interesting experiment - I will have to do some testing of my own. For now, I feel like it hasn't impacted the performance too much - but more testing may change my mind
is what fits my decor
Awesome DIY stand!
Love the industrial look to it
Wireless Screwball
Also, if the SB ever goes wireless it will need a good stand (in fact the world needs a good stand now), so that would be a golden opportunity to come up with something special that can be used for both setups. or everybody's setup.
Sooo... I've reconsidered offering a wireless Screwball
This is a mockup for a 25mm wireless Screwball. I've also designed two wireless injectors - one with an 18mm joint and one with a 14mm joint
More info will be announced at a later date
Sesh Mode vs One Hit Extractions
This device is for serious session users: the hits are incredible. I have numerous vaping devices but none come close to the screwball for ease of use. I'm going to reduce the size of the bowl so I can do smaller, more manageable hits. What a great machine!
I tend to disagree, as I use it mainly as a one hit and I'm done vape, and it excels compared to my others. The on demand, instant extraction makes it easy to do one fully medicating hit and be on my way, instead of sipping on dynavaps all day.
It is not for the casual user who only needs light medication or a little stone at night to wind down, but I would hesitate to put any other label on it, because it works for so many use cases! One hit, session, high temp, low temp, clouds or slow whispy extraction, this thing rocks it all!
As already mentioned, it seems like the Screwball is quite a versatile device that is capable of meeting different users expectations and preferences.
Although I've mainly used it as a sesh style vape during testing, I've come to enjoy the half sized bowl too. I think the important thing is how many variables we have in our control to help fine tune our unique experience.
Received this last week. I've been busy testing the Proxy. I'm going to give this pretty red head a whirl this weekend.
Welcome to the club! I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts after some thorough testing is completed
Next Update
I'm working on building a web app (website) specifically for Screwball reviews. After I get caught up shipping and communications, I'll be able to get back to this project.
If anyone needs anything please send an email to
Happy Holidaze,