Thanks for all the great information
@Alexis ! We should talk more over PM

I'm toast right now, but will probably contact you for more information if you don't mind
Yes of course. I have done so much homework and dug deep for answers for overba decade. I have had the most sevre allergy and intolerancd issues the whole time, and 99% of all supplements and herbs, and therefore treatment protocols, I react to too badly to handle. So this hasnmade it virtually impossible for me to treat myself, with the odd exception here and there.
Theres so much more I could do without these problems, but throuh perserverence I have done enough at last, and could be on the verge of finally regaining my health and reclaiming my body.
I always try and help others. I have learnt so much that it will help anybody who wishes to help themselves, health wise. Im pretty high right now too on edibles, but just pm me any time and we can take it from there.
Somehting else I strongly recommend, there is a website called "dragonfly bioelectric"(or just type that in to google I mean).
Its called electromedicine, and this really clever guy called Michael Forrest builds and sells fantastic devices using batteries to pass weak electrical currents through the body to kill all pathogens.
Electricity is the absolute king at killing infection! Its completely safe as long as you use the devices as directed and pace yourself.
I have been doing "blood electrification" with his "microbe electrifier extra" this year. This treatment has completely cleared my bloodstream of all pathogens, including borrelia, and keeps it that way, it improves blood health and oxygen carrying capabilities, andnimmunity and health in general. Check his site out, there is a page on Lyme disease you can read, and he gives great info all over his site.
I really recommend this electromedicine. Sorry, thats all now folks.