Calm Consistency
The VTC5 definitely feel hotter. My current unit is feeling as hot as my other, hotter unit. Where it was difficult on this unit to brown a 14mm in 1 hit, it is now quite easy if attempted.Thanks man, just tried it and didn't blow up, yay!
I just sold my OG Milaana to a good friend. He's splitting it with his roommate, so hopefully two combusters are converted with one vape. Sad to see her go though...onwards little OG Mila, onwards.
(Unrelated to above)The random coldness I was experiencing is no longer an issue, and my unit is now as consistent as any. I think it just needed a little breaking in. This is my favorite unit so far now I think. I thought, upon first few uses, that i was disappointed with performance because I was spoiled with a hot heater, but now as everything is falling into place and coming together, I am thoroughly enjoying it. No complaints here anymore. None at all.
Well, it doesn't vape perfectly even 100%'of the time, but none of my units ever did

Down to 2 units and think my backup is about to go to a friend. Spalted will be my one and only .... Until another model of RBT products is released, that is.
Edit: and oh yeah, I forgot I weighed out a 14mm basket, scale kept jumping between .02-.03, so .025 is a safe bet

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