This is exactly how I feel too. It's much easier on my throat. Tried the stock stem the other night and it's just too much air for me.I have been finding that the sheer volume of vapor (and hot air) that the Milaana pumps out can be a bit much (but oh so good...). The thin stem brings it down a couple of notches. Still very free flowing, and cloudage, but feels more managable for me. Less warm air drying me out.
@Ratchett here is my prototype multi tool battery guard that I've been testing. You may want to offer something like this as an option. I know I'd buy one that is made a bit better than mine lol. I will say that this definitely works. A poker/stir stick molded into one side and then a stem lock/holder on the other. Simply turn it just a little to release the stem to stir it and then pop it back in and lock it back.
Lol, yeah I think I could easily do something like that - could you do me a favor and PM me some more info on the whole "stem lock" function, bit confused on that
Now that I have the basic shape, I can easily modify it as necessary to offer different versions. I also thought about one with a raised notch so it's easy find swivel out of the way without looking at the vape
My @DDave mod kit finally arrived yesterday. Not quite a month in transit, but close...
I have only tried the 14mm stem so far, but am really liking it. Very smooth (even though I didn't realize until the 3rd bowl that I had forgotten to put my usual cotton filter in the new stem). Early days, but it does seem to offer greater control on my unit, but the big bonus for me is toning down the power.
I have been finding that the sheer volume of vapor (and hot air) that the Milaana pumps out can be a bit much (but oh so good...). The thin stem brings it down a couple of notches. Still very free flowing, and cloudage, but feels more managable for me. Less warm air drying me out.
All the parts fit perfectly (even though my screen depth is less than 1 inch) and feel secure. Nicely made too. Those 14mm tapered stems are very elegant and nice to use.
Oh, and basket screens. ..first time I've even seen one, and so easy to place and use. I can see why people were so keen to try and use them with their Zions and Milaanas in early testing.
Thanks @DDave
Cannot wait to try out the other combos, but even with just the micro stems, i am a happy camper so far.
Genius!!! Now thats a fucking must have level useful mod dude. Ratchett this will probably be the one I get from you, let me know if you'd like any input on the design![]()
Woooh! Now I'm not the only one posting pics! Awesome setup. Cool knowing other people using the Milaana similarly. That 2nd pic almost looks like a log on ur bubbler with the way the Milaana is positioned.![]()
Finished my travel case. Probably as good as it'll get. Not bad for being cheap and lazy.
Fits 4 18mm stems, 1 14mm stem, reducer, 2 top hats, 2 glass vials for prevape/postvape material, milaana and 2 batteries.
Will just carry any extra batteries on me as I think it's filled to reasonable capacity atm lol.
Meant to post these other 2 earlier but was lazy
Professional, hahaha. That's awesome.Ok after some more thorough professional testing,
I think tonight I'm gunna empty out the water and do a full wand assembly and just go for the fattest flavor rips I can possibly achieve. Sounds like a splendid start to my weekend.I figured I can knock myself out with a dense hit from ddave mod.
I do not own a mi until now but planning to buy one in the future... In my opinion there were a lot of vaporizer releases this year... also a lot of new vapes... I am alos interessted what the potential market for herbal vaporizers is worldwide... do not know if it is a niche and will further develop in the future... so to speak laybe people on this forum are more early adopters... also it is very hard to get recognized in the vape market... there are bigger firms with bigger budgets for promotion and so on... I would also recommend to get more shops international to carry your vapes... it makes a huge difference if you couod try and see it before you buy it... in my opinion this forum is very International and there would be some members from all arround the world which may help you and demonstrate you product to local shop owners... I would do it... p.m. le if you are interessted could also ask well known shop owner which organizes every year a tradeshow if he would sell display your products (it is a well known trade show called cultiva ... where also a lot of people in europe are visiting it... it is shame that brands like pax get so much attention olthough there products are not nearly as good as others in my opinion... good luckThanks to everyone for the support on this project. There is two pages on this thread for every Milaana that exist in the wild. It's hard to believe so few Milaana could make that much noise.
Special thanks to everyone for their patience with the poor customer service. RastaBuddhaTao isn't a company, it's a time consuming and expensive hobby. Doing this single handedly means that only a few hours a day can be devoted to CS, Milaana and Zion production, engineering, marketing, sales, supply chain, warranty, shipping etc.
Given the low volume nature of niche vaporizers we have decided to move to a batch process. 500 Milaana bodies are making their way across the drill presses to make way to complete the 200 Zion. It is anticipated that these will be the last Milaana and Zion made as it is predicted to supply all of 2017 and some of 2018. By the time these units are sold RBT will be on to the next more commercially viable product.
This change in product philosophy will focus on production rather than sales. Once a stock of Milaana and Zion are complete, sales will resume until they are gone as we develop the next limited run vaporizer(s). Hopefully future designs will have enough commercial appeal for the RBT hobby to have enough support to become a viable business. Regaurdless of RBTs success 200 Zion's and 500 Milaana will be completed to ensure all existing customer commitments are met. Although sales have been slow the Zion and Milaana have helped RBT create a base technology and learn the inner workings of this crazy industry.
Another change in the business plan is knowing that FC is the main customer base it will now be the primary "Social Media" allowing us to streamline the marketing efforts. In the future we plan to leverage Instagram as our only social media outlet given the visual, artisan nature of our product.
Thanks to everyone who has helped along the way as it's been a fun and exiting hobby to say the least. 2017 should be a good year with Milaana and Zion done we can work to introduce a few designs that we believe will have more mass appeal and might allow RBT to find commercial success that will bring some much needed sustainability.
What new designs? Potential products include a Mini Mi (14 mm) a 510 flower, a 510 concentrate, and we are taking with Heat Island about doing an RBT log. 2018 we will target a small portable with voltage regulation / adjustment.
With Milaana nearing completion and Zion on deck there is a light at the end of the tunnel... And man it's gonna feel good to prove the haters wrongwith some luck, 2017 should bring the RBT mojo back to life.
It would be hilarious (but almost certainly inadvisable) if RBT made a vape that would only take Grasshopper batteries!@Copacetic I bet you would be all over the mini mi. isn't your profile pic the CAD mi that was originally supposed to be 14mm?
*nice fucking stems too!*
I think a AA battery sized MI would be dope as fuck (if the heater got hot enough). it would probably also kill the mflb. but the size and stealth possibilities alone are enough to make me drool.
Surprising that you feel that the Milaana wouldn't be a cornerstone product to keep in the @RastaBuddhaTao lineup Ryan.
On the other hand I think I'd be just as interested in a 'Mini-Mi' as the regular 18mm version, so sign me up to that one for sure!
I hope that it will turn out to be wood (exotic!), 'side by side' like the Milaana, and able to maintain Milaana levels of flavour in a micro-dose
I should get Dave's 14mm stem for my Mi to try out a skinny stem shouldn't I?
One day soon.....
I'm sorry to say that my experiments with 420EDC's stems aren't working out too well for me so far.
The joints on my 18-18mm adapter are both a touch too long, and foul the heater screen, preventing a seal.
And even un-ground material tends to crumble and find it's way through the glass screens and top-hats (the extremely dry nature of my current material might be contributing to this, but still .)
I'm going to have to add some mesh to eliminate this.
These aren't complaints BTW, I knew the developmental nature of these stems when I bought-in.
I'm hoping that my new spalted has a very slightly lower heater screen than my OG unit.
I think I got a slightly higher heater screen than most, as even RBT's supplied stems were 50/50 re' whether they'd fit or not.
My favourite stems so far have been two wood ones from Alan at Hi/ToastyTop, retro-fitted with RBT made screens.
One is a walnut, around 3"-7.5cm over-all length.
The other is burl wood and only 2 1/2"-5.5cm.
The walnut is now my favourite stem, no contest.
I love the feel of it, the taste it provides and especially the way it looks.
The short isn't anywhere nearly as hot as I'd imagined it might be, really quite comfortable really.
Both are fantastic, and I really recommend picking one up to try:
Left and right on this pic^
I'll try to take more pic's when my spalted Mi turns up.
In all seriousness though, wouldn't 18650 remain an essential ingredient ?(only POWA! battery currently available).