Shit Snacks
Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
You mind PM'ing me an idea of what you'd like to see this pic do? How would you like it to function? you want it to cover the whole brass clip like a sleeve perhaps?
Lol, we can certainly discuss a leather case for this vape, although I'd need to establish the core items for the case - two preloaded stems + 1 battery slot (other battery stored inside vape) + doob tube slot + poker tool slot + ??
Trust me my friend, I still haven't forgotten about our stash stacker ( shhhhh) discussions. I keep circling back to it every few months actually
The guitar mod is actually here, maybe someone will chime in and post theirs, mine is still stock. It's just plastic with a hole in it, you slide under the brass cap, so it can be slid out in use and prevent the battery connection for transit. There may be other ideas though, like what you said could work too maybe...
Yeah first most I think I'd like to see a leather wallet that held two stems two batteries and a stirrer, maybe even a 3stem/3batt option... Then a separate case that was Milaana two stems two batts stir tool... or Milaana stem + two batts even... (Some won't keep the batt in the Mi, if they don't have one of those safety protection mods in place) actually a bare bones Milaana stirrer one stem one battery case would be pretty nice and sleek... even one that just held only the Milaana... Too many options? lol I personally don't have use for the doob tube slot, I don't like using long narrow storage I prefer shorter and wider personally and can carry it separately... Maybe we can vote on best case design to go with, I think at least two options would be nice, but if only one I might say the two stem two batts one stirrer and no Milaana wallet might be ideal?