Evolution of the Milaana right here. The first pre ordered OG unit, the second (sorta) pre ordered updated model with recessed glass and screen on the air intake, and the start of the special wood collection.
The new unit is taller than the others, I think maybe a tad bit thicker too.
Love the dark female end...and my intake screen sits really low, it looks funny lol
This is you, This is me, This is RBT.
Absolutely love the picture above, really shows off everything going on:
-The OG with the raised female end, the intake has the mesh instead of the screen (can't see here), the wood is more pixelated, and the gap is larger on the bottom end. Brass lid is also much duller, despite the Milaana getting much more use. Unit also runs colder than the updated. OG you bring out the heat, updated you tame the heat.
-The first updated units got the recessed female and the screen instead of the mesh (so sexy when first revealed to us). Also more QC to make the heaters run more consistently, and in my experience, hotter. As you can see, the wood is more...wood...looking, and looks all around more organic imo. The bottom end did not come from the same section of wood as the body, you can see the color difference, but is sealed very nicely.
-The newest unit is all cut from the same piece of wood, the bottom matches the body and there is almost no gap...for half a second, it seems as if there is no bottom end, and that it's all one unit. Focuses much more on craftsmanship and really making it feel like a smooth, quality piece of wood. Reminds me much more of my old Nano than my other Milaanas did. Also the stem brings me back to when RBT first tried to introduce the idea of customizing your Milaana, by introducing colored stems.
To the average joe, this is a picture of three Milaanas.
To me, this is 2-3 months of pre order anxiety, wondering if this company will hold themselves above water. It's weeding through all the negativity, the doubts, and the sadness of missed deadlines. It's the feeling of the first units being shipped out on 4/20, and seeing that this was a reality. It's that feeling of that first rip, that first taste, and that first cloud. It's seeing a company grow and making improvements within the first weeks of release. It's a company that is prospering and doing everything it can to bring exactly what we want in our hands. To people who got on before I did, it was built from the ground up, partly by them. They all contributed to make the Milaana what it is today. This is 6 months of the best vape (jk there is no best) only getting better and better.
Last picture of the Trifecta together.
Away in your homes you go...sleep tight.

Enough boring sappy shit, I finally got to take her for a drive as well. Got my brand new brown (HG2 I believe), charged to 4.15, loaded up the cobalt stem (first time using a stock stem since DDave mod), packed her up and started vaping...
That's when it got strange. First rip....I feel barely any heat. Like VERY little, even after 10 seconds on the throttle. "great..". Second hit, cold air until like 7 seconds in and then it started getting heat...but still not enough. This continues for a few hits. I'm like, okay...it's gotta be the battery lid not making contact...but that wasn't it. Alright, my battery is a dud, changed batteries...nope. Looking my unit up and down, looking for any reason my unit might not heat up...and totally drawing a blank. Then I see the one part I haven't attempted to change. The goddam throttle. I wasn't pushing it down hard enough. Next rip massive hit, cashed the bowl, put in a DDaves mod to get some familiarity, and worked exactly like my other one. More testing needed, too medicated now, lol. My heart dropped when those first two hits were cold.
Edit: Holy shit, just when I thought it couldn't get any weirder of a Milaana experience...
My Milaana has a hum. But...It ONLY hums when the heater is activated. If I draw with the button pressed with no battery...no hum. Insert battery, press button, wwhhhooooooooooooo. A deep deep sounding whoo'ing sound...like wind blowing through a cracked window. As I let off the button, the whooooooo'ing gets quieter as the heater cools off.
It literally gets louder as the unit heats up. What is this...what is happening to me. Am I going insane. I don't dislike it though, but with DDave 14mm reducer it can sorta turn into a whistle...will experiment more...my god.
As a gauge, it probably isn't loud enough for someone standing 10 feet of me to be able to hear, if the tv was on someone next to me probably wouldn't hear it.