My finding with the PID is that when set to "on" with the preset numbers, it is generally hotter, and you don't need to manually up the ohms as much to achieve the real feel temperatures.
But, I also found it increases the preheat some causing the initial glow to be hotter before it settles down. Another observation has been that it slowly increases in temp as time goes on. Like it's daring you to go
I used for a while but decided the standard algorithm seemed a safer bet. Specially when first setting it up. Lots of time to play after. But then again, you won't be in the mood....

Another feature we should grab onto before the major playing begins is saving your complete settings, including the manual ohms and all the weird stuff. With the "myevic" you press
and hold the + and fire button for a few seconds. This brings up a list of saved configurations to either save to or read from. It is a pita when you get it working perfect and make some changes and can't remember what you did.
Let's keep the horse in front of the carriage.