Well-Known Member
thanks man well i'm simply using an o ring and nope i didn't touch anything else besides thatThis is AWESOME! How do you keep the Ti adapter secured? Did you loosen the plates then re-tighten?

thanks man well i'm simply using an o ring and nope i didn't touch anything else besides thatThis is AWESOME! How do you keep the Ti adapter secured? Did you loosen the plates then re-tighten?
Have you experienced any degradation in your O-ring? What material/size is it? And how much has your supreme been used since making this mod?thanks man well i'm simply using an o ring and nope i didn't touch anything else besides that![]()
hey man well i have used several o rings since that mod and they all happen to crack over time so i finally made a garage mode where i stuck a lil piece of SS as big as a paper clip ish and problem sovled no more o rings. I always run the supreme at 470 and it's on everyday it's my main vap during the day well let's say i use it a lotHave you experienced any degradation in your O-ring? What material/size is it? And how much has your supreme been used since making this mod?
Thanks in advance!!!!
hey man here you go the bowl i'm using with it is a female grace glass Ti bowl i inverted it and added a lil handle to it and voilaWoah. This morning I tested out my new 14mm J-hook by setting the pid to 448*f (I have a PSL setting of 1.28 on an Auber RDK-300 so it shows 350f on my controller but the coil is 448f.) First time I’ve been under 470f, the starting point recommended in the manual. I now understand what people in the SV3 thread mean when they say they found flavor town. I was puffing on a full packed stock stem of fuel OG through the j-hook with the SV6 like futuristic cyborg steam punk Gandalf. The steam was so smooth I was truly surprised on exhale to see such profuse but light and wispy vapor. My mind almost couldn’t process how it was so substantial and simultaneously dulcet. I hadn’t been able to coax such a profound experience from the same material after many attempts with a low temp stock DBV through a whip, my previous go to way to experience the flavor of a strain. Flavor town rocks!
I just finished the day with a couple high temp convection blasts of Sunberry in the Lotus WPA. I recently discovered that utilizing the strongest draw possible with a high PID setting like 537.6f (420 with my 1.28 PSL) can fully extract any coarsely ground material in the lotus WPA whether it’s full to the brim or just covering the screen. When full the vapor thins to nothing in about 10 seconds leaving even, brown ABV. The flavor on this hit is insane. This trip to flavor town is much more brief but the memories last a lifetime. Sweet dreams y’all.
@doc_jols would it possible for you to post a picture or link to the modded ti bowl you use with the 18mm newvape post on your supreme? My interest is doubly piqued. v6, trying to find more info about the maker. Do they have an actual website? I'm looking for more info than is on vggodiez? Or IG or Reddit? Thanks.
Best of luck brother, stay supreme! If in a year or two it appears Ed is out of the game for good I am definitely interested in reaching out to him to license his creation so that people can continue to access his fantastic vaporizer. The supreme is an iconic piece of vaporizing history that shouldn’t fade into obscurity. The heat exchanger is much more effective by design than even the helical volcano hybrid exchanger. I’ve heard musings about the potential for the supreme exchanger to be put into a portable platform but the huge thermal mass lends itself more to desktop applications. I think a aesthetic and effective heat shield could give the SV6 more mass appeal. The only heat shield I have seen on a metal e-nail style desktop is the sublimator and everything about the sub is kind of fugly. I think flowerpot and supreme style desktops should be able to be knocked on the floor without burning down your house. Although they should be strategically placed to avoid accidents.