The Pinky: an open-source DIY injector style thermal extraction device

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Quite the funny name ! Only downside i see is that the surface is very abrasive, you can see how it had rubbed off the metal of coil,upside is that it is probably a secure fit..Other than that the e-nail recommendation look great. Does any one know what brand it is ?

""RUHC - R is a dark pink aluminum oxide obtained by fusion of calcined alumina and chrome ore in electric arc furnaces. Its high purity and self-edged reposition characteristics make RUHC a special product for vitrified grinding wheels.""


Well-Known Member
Is there any off gas concern with that pink material? I’m completely unaware of what it is, I’m guessing not but just checking, this looks like a fun build that I’m down for.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
How do you feel about the safety of vaping with them? Clearly you’re exposed to them being heated all day. You wear a filtration mask?
MSDS sheet.
Bottom line is that it can cause irritation when in powder form. I suggest to give it a wash before installation in order to get rid of any particles. Ammount produced due to friction between coil vs cup and cup vs bowl would be probably negligable,careful not to scratch too much with screen installation and make sure balls are not rattling around.
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Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Nobody else thinks it's hilarious troy (420vapezone) made a big stink about Scott's vgoodiez balls in the elev8r and 1 year later it's basically the same thing balls enclosed by a screen being heated up via a enail pid. He was trying to up the sales of the terp torch vs the elv8r
I find it more funny ,how many Ball guys benefited from the Inverzion and the Glass Symphony threads and not a single one of them makes even a honorary mention of the dudes ... It appears people are so busy cashing on other people ideas,they dont even find the time to give credit owed. As for professional reviewers/promoters ,they all start good ,but somewhere down the line their credibility gets chipped away by their financial interest, just like the VC.
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Well-Known Member
Search for the part numbers - my nozzles arrived from eBay this morning
And all's working well with about 115 x 3mm rubies, a slightly flattened out Arizer dome screen at the bottom and a bigger screen in the top
Really pleased with the results and fit with the Elev8R, short 18mm reducer adapter, and glass flowerpot bowls.
Was surprised that it can sit on the bowls hands free to be honest altho I'm quite tempted to try sanding one of the spare nozzles down for a more secure fit
I find it more funny ,how many Ball guys benefited from the Inverzion and the Glass Symphony threads and not a single one of them makes even a honorary mention of the dudes ... It appears people are so busy cashing on other people ideas,they dont even find the time to give credit owed. As for professional reviewers/promoters ,they all start good ,but somewhere down the line their credibility gets chipped away by their financial interest, just like the VC.
Thank you for this I wanna give a special shout-out to @invertedisdead as I couldn't have come up with this if I hadn't seen the idea for the SCVW and inversion. You're a genius and I'm excited to see where you continue to go with that brain of yours!

Search for the part numbers - my nozzles arrived from eBay this morning
And all's working well with about 115 x 3mm rubies, a slightly flattened out Arizer dome screen at the bottom and a bigger screen in the top
Really pleased with the results and fit with the Elev8R, short 18mm reducer adapter, and glass flowerpot bowls.
Was surprised that it can sit on the bowls hands free to be honest altho I'm quite tempted to try sanding one of the spare nozzles down for a more secure fit
You're gonna need to use diamond to sand the nozzles. But it's totally possible, just make sure to use proper safety equipment too!


Well-Known Member
I find it more funny ,how many Ball guys benefited from the Inverzion and the Glass Symphony threads and not a single one of them makes even a honorary mention of the dudes ... It appears people are so busy cashing on other people ideas,they dont even find the time to give credit owed. As for professional reviewers/promoters ,they all start good ,but somewhere down the line their credibility gets chipped away by their financial interest, just like the VC.
thats normal - every1 stealing something and not giving due credit

If you read the directions you manually cut the screen off a basket bowl and wedge it in there lolol, its not even done by the mfg like the elev8r screen was. I mean 1 incorrect seated screen and you may have hot ass balls falling everywhere, I would really like to see him mimic vgoodiez video where he bangs the shit outta the elev8r and says hey look no hot balls falling out, but at least that screen was installed by the mfg and not by yourself - so I guess if you fuck up - you blame yourself


"A handjob is still a job, okay?"
thats normal - every1 stealing something and not giving due credit

If you read the directions you manually cut the screen off a basket bowl and wedge it in there lolol, its not even done by the mfg like the elev8r screen was. I mean 1 incorrect seated screen and you may have hot ass balls falling everywhere, I would really like to see him mimic vgoodiez video where he bangs the shit outta the elev8r and says hey look no hot balls falling out, but at least that screen was installed by the mfg and not by yourself - so I guess if you fuck up - you blame yourself
Yeah it’s DIY, so it’s 100% on you. FWIW I did bang the ever living shit out of mine on my coffee table because I installed it into the coil backwards and it got stuck to try to get the nozzle back out of the coil. Eventually the nozzle came out of the coil, no worse for wear. The screen didn’t move much, but I’d still check it’s placement every few uses while cold just to be on the safe side. My coffee table has a bunch more dents in it then it did before now, but its pretty old so whatever… just more character heh.


Well-Known Member
thats normal - every1 stealing something and not giving due credit

If you read the directions you manually cut the screen off a basket bowl and wedge it in there lolol, its not even done by the mfg like the elev8r screen was. I mean 1 incorrect seated screen and you may have hot ass balls falling everywhere, I would really like to see him mimic vgoodiez video where he bangs the shit outta the elev8r and says hey look no hot balls falling out, but at least that screen was installed by the mfg and not by yourself - so I guess if you fuck up - you blame yourself

To be fair, this IS a DIY and open source model. Compared to a DCE, the only difference imo is a quartz head and an alumina nozzle. In this case, the alumina nozzle is much cheaper. Which is better would entirely depend on personal preference.

Safety wise, I don't see much difference. The Pinky is every bit as safe as a DCE. I actually feel that Pinky is safer. At least the Pinky nozzle is a standard size. Every elev8r head is different so I'd consider that to be more dangerous, when nodded with coil/balls. Definitely way more uncertainty with DCE compared to Pinky.

You also cannot compare a DIY list to a full kit sold by a retailer. If you want an assembled kit, perhaps contact the maker?

Don't get me wrong though. I do get where you're coming from. I personally prefer the safest solution possible as well. That's why I spend extra on flowerpots and qaromashop stuff. I just feel that this is a great diy effort and should not be unfairly compared with the more established and expensive stuff out there.

I look forward to the Pinky growing in the HLT direction. Good luck! :tup:


Well-Known Member
From my experience, the bottom screen on a DCE is a LOT easier to accidentally dump balls with than the grippier Pinky screens. Of course, it all depends in how you shape and install your screens, but mine feel very secure. *knocks on wood*


sigma vape enjoyer
Really interested in building this thing, but I wonder if it's possible to source all these parts in EU
On the vapezone page (first link) Secreagent states that he'll add international links about the parts in the coming days.
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