Patty's Garden

Squash season is done for us.. so Patty has cleaned up the squash mess, and replanted.

Above: Sage

Above: Cleaning up the Oregano

Above: view of garden from house

Above: watering

Above: Kohlrabi

Above: Banana Peppers

Above: one of the hottest peppers in the world.. the "Tiburon" (Shark)

Above: More peppers

Above: Kale

Above: I trim the kale from the bottom up, to have fresh kale daily

Above: Patty's Garden snake to scare birds away

Above: Patty wiggles Snake over Basil

Above: Spike Lavender

Above: Patty is ready to plant Tarragon (next to Dill and Cilantro)

Above: The Mother Swiss Chard Plant it gives daily harvest of large leaves... we have lots more younger Chard.

Above: Tending Herbs

Above: Chard and Beets

Above: A chile sampler (serrano,Jalapeño, Tiburon,Banana, Cubanelles, and Bell Pepprs)
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