@VegNVape stop making us look gloomy, They already think it's always grey and rainy here...(shhh)
This was taken the other day....
And this too...
Uk can be very colourfull.....

Oi oi saveloy! Anywhere can be gloomy at times, bro - and what's wrong with that? Personally I think the UK is stunningly beautiful - even in my so-called gloomy pic I think the rolling hillsides look amazing, atmospheric, amd almost mystical. The countryside has so much to offer.
In fact, in the past I've actually heard you dissing the UK and what it has to offer, to people in other threads, so I recall . . . . .
Anyway, maybe these brighter pics I took the other day are little more your bag, bud . . .
Oh fuck it. Who the hell am I kidding . . .
This is England
Like it or lump it!