Hi all, Im having a problem with my Herc 71. It was giving me problems so I took the whole thing apart last night, iso, and boiled it all out, put it all back together, filled her up and got two super gnarly rips, and then it went back to doing what it was doing before- nothing.

The persei is working, the chamber is loaded, I press the button and draw, but no bueno. Anyone had this problem before, any pointers?
EDIT: Ok, game over, Im going to try and send her into w9tech for a repair, dont know whats going on. Batteries tried to short out on me. I noticed the button was faintly lit and then i pressed it and it was awesome because I got a phatty rip and the persei got super hot all the sudden and I unscrewed the unit apart as fast as I could just in time. The bottom batteries plastic melted. Yikes.