Regarding the person who asked about the stainless mesh moving inside the tanks; I have a few doing that too. G said it is no biggie / not a production issue as they use no glue.
It seems that the tank innards need to move in order to allow the ceramic heater to fit into the
bottom of the cartridge. I find that I have to keep pressing the "screen" down in its tube in order
to allow the heater to travel fully up into the tank. If the rod does not go all the way into its recess,
the unit will not heat correctly and you will be recharging batts at a furious pace.
First off OM, thanks very much for the report. Absent an agreement with D9 I think it's a good thing for us to share our
honest opinions and experiences with each other. Please continue to do so?
I think you raised an interesting point which Mep fleshes out well. Having the base of the tank shift up is not a trivial thing. It can lead, one would think, to poor performance an leaks as it cycles in temperature. While glue is of course out there's an industry standard practice called '
shrink fit' that should fix this in it's tracks. It involves making the core slightly oversize (or the tube under size) then heating the tube while you freeze the core (typically with dry ice or liquid nitrogen) and drop it into place. As soon as the temperatures are normal it's in there for good. No leaks around it for sure. No shifting. This is sometimes combined with knurling the inner wall to put some real teeth into it, but that's no doubt overkill here.
It might be a careful center punch prick or two on the tube would anchor it down?
Something to watch out for. Thanks for the heads up.
I don't have the batteries here to run at six volts, I was hoping for the Iris to come at the same time so I was trying to saving money.

I will have to make an order I guess, OF, DubC is comming over today to watch football and try out Hercules and work out some Bender problems your more than welcome to come over if you want (Tracy) and help us burn down the house, the wife is gone so the mice will play.
Wow, thanks very much for the invite, but I can't swing it. I'm not big on football anyway, although I do understand your wanting someone to help watch DubC. He's sneaky, he can take some serious watching for sure. At least the wife is safe......
Hey, I've got an idea. Just give your gear and stash to DubC. He can bring it back, he and I can get together and do the testing for you later in the week..... We'll email you the results.
Guys the stainless steel plate that absorbs the liquid is made to move and come out, this is done to make sure we can switch it out to different microns for different liquids and to be fully cleaned.
Fine if you say so, it's your baby. I still don't think the plate shifting around is a good idea. I'm assuming the tendency is to get pushed up meaning poorer heat transfer? You can check for it, of course but it's also likely to shift on loading/use? Is it possible it could stick on the rod and 'have the bottom fall out' when you went to remove the cart? That would harsh my mellow I bet.....