Am I mistaken, or isn't that the method used to fill the 2.4 & 5 ohm older style carts?
Why would it be ok to use the SS funnels to fill up the SS carts, but not to heat up the Hercules SS chamber, or the Kiss carts for that matter?
If your getting discoloration your probably holding the flame too close.
I still use my old style carts, and I hold the tip of the torch lighter flame about an inch and a half to two inches away. They aren't stained. If you hold a torch lighter close enough to stain, wouldn't you think you would be burning the oil as well? It gets plenty hot an inch or two away from the tip of the flame to heat without burning I would think.....
I was just reading through this and thought I'd throw my

I'm no expert with oil, yet.

So its as much of a question as a statement.