Okay, so i think I have it figured out: I REALLY like the variable voltage and digital display on the iris. A lot. But i really only like using my hercules through my nibbler, which pretty much means exclusively at home. For this reason, i was considering getting a hammer top + core for at home usage with either the black rod or dialed down white rod, and then an 8 to continue rocking my okeanos as well as getting a kayfun on my shorty on the go (please release a shorty brushed metal tube so the full okeanos setup can match head to toe that'd be so slick).
And I have no issues with using the SR71 white rod at 7.4v on the batteries so if I did want to take it out on an adventure i wouldn't necessarily NEED to dial in voltages, I could rock it on my 8 just fine
so I dont think i really need an iris. Do i? I might have a shopping issue. Plz help and praise be to obama