The KISS carts big advantage is the clean taste due to build materials... Besides that, it pretty much a simple LAYG cart... The Hercules SR74 or 71 is what really makes the PERSEI shine... And vape!
Cool, so a kiss cart is the same setup as a MicroG type, understood.
So now as to why it's different, what about the materials that's it's made with makes it better?

No combustion. Let's get that outta the way. The rest I'll give it a shot. The wire heats up and melts the oil. Small loads are key. Oil melts into the windings of the coil and to a small extent, the ceramic rod (wick), the wire is wrapped around. Pulsing the button rather than constant mashing prevents the load from dripping into the white cup( ceramic). Ideally with good button technique, you should be able to keep the cup clean. I have not been successful yet...
Try this: put a small load on the coil and push the button without the cone and mouthpiece in place.
Watch what happens. After this you will understand the rest.
Thank for explaining. I have a question regarding the combustion/burning/vaporizing thing
My perspective is this: I used to smoke buds out of a bowl, to me this was BURNING OR COMBUSTING it. Then I discovered vaporizers like the Pax Ploom and the iolite and I felt like that was VAPOIZING weed. I like it better for many reasons. It felt healthier, it smelled a little less, it gave a different (better IMO) buzz.
Then I discovered BHO in shatter and wax form, and I liked it even better. I only ever used a MicroG. When I look in the top of it with the cap off and the button pressed it looks like the oil so being BURNED OR COMBUSTED, analogous to my old school bowl/bud days. So im wondering is there a similar was to vaporize oil. Then I do research on the Internet and discover sites like these, and different companies claim to have a better way and they market it as VAPORIZING.
But it seems to me that KISS carts/microG style is Combusting/burning, am I misguided in my thought process here