I lost the parts.
That's what I was wondering!
They only make a 7.4v version now IIRC.
this will make a nice attachment!Looks like there's both... http://www.w9tech.com/hercules-sr-74/
I lost the parts.
Completely inoperable (my fault)
My second one is in perfect condition for now. I will fill it with SHATTER SATURDAY and use it until I destroy it.
"G" I love my gear!Contact the office on what's missing. I have a few used units that are parted out maybe we have what you need.
Looks like there's both... http://www.w9tech.com/hercules-sr-74/
"G" I love my gear!
Sorry to ruin a perfectly good device.
I will look for the parts however I think I lost them?
Making SHATTER for my 2nd HERCULES SR71
This. All day.White 7.4.
Just took 3 nice, smooth rips from the persei, 3.7v with 5 ohm cart. The bad taste is 99% gone and man I'm pretty medicated! I need to get the SR-74 and a nice case for my new set up.
Was the vapor wispy? I ask because the 5ohm is rated for 7.4 volts, assuming this chart is somewhat correct.
I'd guess your metal taste came from mashing the button too much at 7.4v. But hey if it gives you the effect you're looking for at 3.7v, go for it! You could also try the two cr123 battery 6volt option.
Thank you sir!! Sorry for the late response. I've been so busy that I haven't even been able to get on here the past couple of days!! I was wondering if maybe u will have them available on your site eventually? Bcuz where I found them online they all have like three different measurements for each size!! So I would need to know the nominal id, the nominal od, and the nominal width!!! Talk about a pain in the ass just to order some replacement o-rings!! Lol. So if you could actually get me those measurements that I just asked for, that would be awesome!!! Or if not, is there a website or something that I could order them from that has them available listed just as one number, just like u said, so the o-rings that I need for the Hercules would just be listed as "904's"?? Sorry if I'm being a pain in the ass, but I know I'm gonna need replacements soon and I would just order them from the W9 Tech site if I could, so that I know I'm definitely getting the right ones, but I can't. So if u could possibly help me out with these other measurements, it would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks again!!ok guys the Oring sizes we have that we use are
906's and a custom variation of it for the benders, and nibbler x's.
and 904's. for the Hercules.
I'm still getting a slight bad taste with the 5 ohm cart and 3.7v bat. I just took 5-7 hits (small hits, even if I hold button for 10 seconds). I'm slightly medicated, but not where I think I should be after 5-7 hits. I weighed the cart after this session, and it's 4.8 grams. That's what it weighed when I first filled it 2-3 days ago. I've used it 3-4 times.
3.7v bat and 5 ohm cart
Please explain...found your problem
When I first got the persei, I assembled it with the 3.7v bat and 5 ohm cart. Then hit the button for 2 seconds, and released. Pulled on it and tasted and saw the smoke, so I didn't do it again. I didn't want to burn anything out. Loaded .4 g then another .25. When I put the 7.4v bat in the taste is unbearable. Almost made me puke.