Hey guys, had a little fun today, head ache, high blood pressure But the high light of the day was seeing Breal using a Persei around the show.
Did you happen to peep Brother Ali? 6'6 250lbs, and albino...hard to miss.
Hey guys, had a little fun today, head ache, high blood pressure But the high light of the day was seeing Breal using a Persei around the show.
Lots of people mention clogs. I get regular clogging but they they never get me down, and i dont use any tools. My solution to clogging both for my v1 omicron, and now the persei, is to put a little bit of sucktion on the mouthpiece, then seal it with my tounge. In 5-60s with no heat mine always clear out, with a ball of oil at the top of the air tube. Its not always perfectly cleared this way, but more than enough to start smoking again. The only thing to watch for is if you have an oil that solidifys quickly you may need to heat the top of the cartidge once in awhile to get the oils pulled up to the top melted back down to the heater.
Now i just have to figure out how to get the rest out of that damn plastic tube
Did anyone watch the Breal show today? we had the nail cartridge at bat and being used.
710 special is a 16 cartridge unit?watching G on Breal.tv right now!
rofl the double nail carts killed that guy!
common G give a shoutout to fc... aww I think he's done that was sweet though!
Ok I give up, what is "beeze in the trap"? lol
Why can't I stop watching now that they're playing fail videos; they brought back the Persei! The guy looks happy with it![]()
You missed our posts in the Omicron thread!
Any word on pricing for those bad little nail carts though?
Did anyone watch the Breal show today? we had the nail cartridge at bat and being used.
Is that something you had to see live, or can it still be viewed online somewhere? I have been moving... trying to keep up.
Nevermind, you just answered that in a later message.
ok so good news just got off the skype with my engineer in Australia and we have 3 working herb chambers in the mail to get here soon.
finally he did it. Now he cant use herbs with it so he needs me to try these puppies out with all different types of herbs.
Wait for testing. To start This friday.
ok so good news just got off the skype with my engineer in Australia and we have 3 working herb chambers in the mail to get here soon.
finally he did it. Now he cant use herbs with it so he needs me to try these puppies out with all different types of herbs.
Wait for testing. To start This friday.
ok so good news just got off the skype with my engineer in Australia and we have 3 working herb chambers in the mail to get here soon.
finally he did it. Now he cant use herbs with it so he needs me to try these puppies out with all different types of herbs.
Wait for testing. To start This friday.
Excellent, moving right along.... Is this three copies of one design, or 3 different versions?
Good luck on the testing, there's more than a few of us interested you know....
Thanks for the update.
Its three of the same, so that once we do pre lim testing, and paperwork filed we will have a few trusted people testing the.
Parallel efforts, cool. Thanks for the word.
Will stand by with fingers crossed and breath baited.....
Hopefully you will test it out on the 21st.
Hopefully you will test it out on the 21st.
Get it working and to the Deep Green show and you can be sure I won't be alone. I can guarantee a line, if I can get a place close enough to the front.....
I'm not worried if I don't get that chance, there's a lot of guys out there who's opinions we can trust.
This all depends on us doing the paperwork. Remember guys this is a hand made unit and for testing purposes only, its not the best looking unit.