Downward spiral
As soon as I track down my dang wallet, the Core shall be mine!!

I apologize about the length and angered content of some of my previous posts. I don't warrant that they were unsolicited, however, outbreaks of rage on a forum meant for intelligent discussion are never great.
I am happy to report that I have an enormously consistent daily driver now, and that the problems I'll face in the future with W9 will be less harried now that the Persei isn't the device I rely on.
Enormously sad to see the state of the KISS carts. Was just about to order one when I read a few experiences. I'd love to see these things kicking ass soon, and being exactly as described. Fool-proof devices that don't work sound like a bigger pain in the ass than my Hercules.
Speaking of...
@THC SCIENTIFIC Wasn't able to come up to LA due to the hurricane in the Philippines affecting my family. Just gonna ship it when I have time. Do you want just the Persei and the Hercules or did you also need my batteries and the bottom plate spring of the SS kit?
As for the kiss carts they are fool proof, yup. Never said break proof. Every unit of this type of design is going to burn out sooner or later. The next version of the Kiss carts we have will have the Ti Gr 2 wires that will outlast anything out there except for maybe one not sure but never really did a head to head with it. I guess we have to wait and see once we introduce it to the world on what the issues with them are, but for now, we have ran 15 - 20 min dry and they dont break.
I may have had a pair of flukes, but Im thinking those 5ohms get too hot too quick. My buddy has had his 2.4's for over a week now with no issues.
I'm sorry to hear about the recent events that have cause so many people grief and heartache. All I can say ATOMSk is that I can get any Hercules working. We understand the Hercules is not for everyone. I can assure you that I can get the Hercules working 100% as everyone who has had issues with their unit and the most likely cause was user error. The only hand full was with the ceramic rods and that was small number out of the thousands of Hercules out there atm.
What would be the best is I will buy your unit back Persei and Hercules at original Receipt price if i cant get it to work. This offer only comes if you can drive out and for me to have a sit down with you and get it working. If you are willing to take a drive up then im willing to place my bet on us getting the Hercules working 100%.
I can get it working here but i would like to see you get a better unit then someone anger driven purchase that you will regret most likely in a few weeks.
As for the kiss carts they are fool proof, yup. Never said break proof. Every unit of this type of design is going to burn out sooner or later. The next version of the Kiss carts we have will have the Ti Gr 2 wires that will outlast anything out there except for maybe one not sure but never really did a head to head with it. I guess we have to wait and see once we introduce it to the world on what the issues with them are, but for now, we have ran 15 - 20 min dry and they dont break.
That theory is a good one except both of these burnt out with a full load on them. It overheated as it was melting in. I am sure my 2.4's will work much betterThe 5.0 ohms get to 10 watts. Might have to throttle back on them. Its not the issue of it getting hot, its the issue of it running dry because the issue with wire heaters plus now the reduction of wicking of the ceramic.
Simply put the 5.0 ohms are on their last legs until Ti Gr2 is introduced.
Not that it should be a challenge, or even a bet. I'm sure we'll get it working if we're at your shop with all the resources needed. I'd most like to know why it stopped working and what can be attributed to user error on my part and what can be attributed to device error. I understand it's been said that the Persei and especially the Hercules aren't for everyone, but I'm really hoping you guys don't mean that a base understanding of electrical engineering is what sets the bar here. If you mean the devices calls for someone who must be meticulous, patient, and reasonable, I await the day my device works as hard as I do.
As to my comments on the KISS, I meant McLovin's dead 5 ohm carts. I know they weren't built with longevity in mind, I don't expect you to be making Excalibur here, G. But you might set that down for the naming contest (X Caliber).
Seriously though, it's not like I'm anti-Persei. There's a reason I put my faith in you guys instead of the other options when I first stepped in to the Oil-Ring. I really want your products to work, and I especially want them to work for me. Lately, it's been the other way around.
As to the messages: No, I didn't get a new electric oil device. Just bought an oil rig. Well, two. The first one broke at the joint (where the nail sits). Apparently, you're supposed to heat the Nail while actively manipulating the laws of Thermodynamics such that heat from the nail can't transfer to the shoddily blown joint.
Classic Atomsk user experience.
If i cant get it to work, gas cash, oil cash ($50 per gram max), and persei and hercules buy back.
Yes, NPH as Barney Stinson in How I Met Your Mother, the originator of the phrase, "Challenge Accepted!"Is that NPH?
what attachment would you use honey bud in with the persei?I'm looking to buy one very soon but want to become very familiar with it first and what I can do with itFinally a legit use for honey bud!!
Bet it'd work great
good question I'd like to kno the answer alsoIt is safe to ISO the actual coil itself?
Hercules SR71.what attachment would you use honey bud in with the persei?I'm looking to buy one very soon but want to become very familiar with it first and what I can do with it
where are these available and what are they called? Thanks in advanced
those are the KISS carts you're welcome in advance!where are these available and what are they called? Thanks in advanced
where are these available and what are they called? Thanks in advanced
disposable but can I get a few uses out of them?
disposable but can I get a few uses out of them?
I was not aware of that.
Also didnt you mangle part of your SR71?
Two parts, actually, mentioned at length in a number of separate posts.
1) The bottom slotted contact sleeve. After trying the Black Rod the first time it stretched out the four prongs. In refitting it for the White Rod, a side snapped off.
2) The top slotted housing sleeves in the top chamber. After trying the Black Rod the second time, I found it would not budge from this piece. The rod snapped at both ends and the only way to get it out was to peel it out.
@THC SCIENTIFIC That's what I thought it was, thanks for the clarification. We'll set a date in mid-December, will you be in town?