100% correct - the Persei can deliver more power if required and using 18350 batteries has much less mA rating. By product of the voltage requires. On a system level 100% correct. And yes, we are atypical and the exception. So our discussion really has the dress pulled up over our heads showing everything so its easy to misunderstand for the typical user aka your POV is more appropriate info to them.
So the trade-off is based on voltage because the battery technology to give the same mA rating at 7.4V verses 3.6V isn't there. That is design feature of the Cera EO. A secondary consideration on the cart design has first level performance effects on the system

And this discussion 100% germane because in the end that will be the typical system performance on battery life.
But saying that, at first glance the 7.4V/1.5 ohm numbers being flown around here isn't static - the actual numbers are 18W between them. Its the voltage value difference causing the battery life diff...
I am just throwning around details like you say. Motivation is not to point one is better that the other and I welcome your POV - because 1) learn something always 2) it helps clarify the fdata and information 3) we all get a better enlightenment on the trade-off.
No one is so good to know everything and I typically output technical details directed to people who are the same... My demon when interacting with people not like that

Lousy teacher, good mentor to my teams I have been involved with aka controlled membership of like technical drive.
Interesting - you maybe correct here. What hurts from voltage squaring the power, helps on mAh use. The SR-71 is half the current draw of the Cera EO cart. 2.5A at temp verses 5 (4 with base). That's 1/2 the mAh rating. Again its a battery issue when just discussing cart performance...
The is a great discussion because it bring trade-offs into view and into the open.