Micro-Climate Mastermind
Bummer. No back up for 'Mission Critical Equipment'? I bet we don't catch you on that one again.......
I often carry a Ego T supply and adapter and loaded cart in a Doob Tube and (of course) have never been caught short. Small package in a handy pocket. Having a backup makes me pretty casual about battery charge (another problem that can blindside you). A few times I've grabbed the wrong vape and headed into the garden to supervise the day and been saved the walk back with that little backup (the battery is a bit smaller than the Doob Tube).
I also keep an original Omicron pen in it's case with a loaded cart and charger bits (wall and car) for trips. I just upgraded that to the new Omicron Light, neat vape, BTW. If I still worked, I'd probably keep it in the trunk? I'm in a MMJ state with a card, which makes it legal, of course not all are.
Bummer you're caught out. How's your headache? Need to go home?
Ya mission critical equipment should be treated like NASA with back up plans of b,c and d.... And wouldn't you know it I almost grabbed my flight box this morning too and decided not to because my current strain cherry pie doesn't have the most discrete smell lol. It's been a bad month for my pen vapes though I usually carry the Persei and 2 Ego-T's but I managed to have one ego fail after more then a year and the other I fried when I didn't notice e-juice had dripped into the button

Once I get all set up again I think I will only pack my day bag with either high or low voltage on the road......