Juicyfruit thai FMCD is what I'm using as I type.
Dispensaries have fracked up most of our "common terms"... This has altered the meaning of many things "cannabis" leading to confusion and "renaming" of things cannabis related.
Bubble Hash aka Water hash and the lovely FMCD:
Not all strains will produce clear domes. It's very top quality bubble hash that hasn't been over processed. It has almost no solid plant matter in it. I only
hand stir for 3 minutes before straining to try for FMCD. If mix with a blender, I will never get FMCD....only a full melt. Many medical patents will only use water hash as to avoid solvent processed hashes...and the nasty things that may be in them. Other water process hashes such as "Gumby Hash" and "Isolater" (ice-o-later) are also in the same category.
"Full Melt" means mean the hash "melts" completely, for example a chunk
when heated melts down to a liquid slurry that contains a variable amount of plant matter. A "half melt" starts to melt down but the amount of plant matter in it prevents it from melting to a pool.
FMCD or "Full Melt, Clear Dome" is a description of bubble hash that melts to a clear liquid, with almost (or no) residual left after heating. It's the most pure of bubble hashes, almost no solid plant matter at all in it.
Half melt (charcoal hash) = Usually low grade, dirty bubble hash. Varies in quality greatly.
Full melt (FM) = Bubble hash that was made correctly, with some solid plant matter left in it. Varies in quality.
Full Melt, Clear Dome (FMCD) = Very pure bubble hash, super clean that melts to a clear liquid, with almost (or no) residual matter left after heating. It's the most pure of bubble hashes, almost no solid plant matter at all in it.
Not all strains can make FMCD. It's dependent to some extent on trichrome size and very technique dependent. FM hashes can be just as potent but not as "clean".
Petro Solvent Hashes - usually the strongest hashes:
"Supermelt" is a term coined by Cali Bay Area dispensaries to avoid the terminology for illegal to produce butane and other solvent hashes. BHO, PHO, Wax, shatters, crumble, honeycomb that are solid at room temperatures are also "supermelts" by definition but are usually named by texture, i.e. wax, budder, oil etc. A Supermelt is a solvent extracted hash and may contain elements of the solvent if not made correctly. "
Nectar" is an extract of just cannabis nugs, no leaf or trim.
The names of these preparations seems to change every couple of years.... so know what you are getting and what is in it.
The term "Supermelt" is almost never found outside the Bay Area. You do see terms used "creatively" to describe things that they are not. The cannabis industry is not a very trustworthy one and people will use the wrong terms to bring in patients. That's why "Supermelt" (nice sounding term) is used in Colorado to make patients think bubble hash is "special" or a solvent hash. It's just a deceptive practice.
Pressed hash - Strength varies:
The old standby, compacted kief
Keif - Strength varies: The trichromes of the plant, separated by a sifting screen. Some well made keif can be quite strong but the good stuff usually is kept by the grower.
I could go on but I have some ice, water and sugar trim in the mini washer. After all, I have to live up to my name.