Now I don't feel bad!
I have two PERSEI's one set up with the dual configuration now single the other with the daber adapter. Two Hercules on the way. I want two more PERSEI's. One for the Bender and one for the IRIS. I'm a Wood Worker as my Hobbie and have 6 different router motors fitted with 6 different router bits. The PERSEI reminds me of a good router motor just change the bits!
Love your video your definitely "Experienced"!
Haha, na that's not me. I can't chug on it the way that dude does!

The family photo, however,
is a picture of my collection.
The vid is from ThcScientific's YouTube channel.
You hit the nail on the head (pun intended) with your router motor comparison. I would add that the Persei is like a
high performance router motor, and the attachments (Bender, double top, Hammer, Iris, Herc, etc.) are like
specialized high end bits.
There are other platforms out there that offer the flexibility to vaporize flower/plant matter, oil/concentrates, and e-liquids. Of course, some satisfy this claim better than others.
With the Persei, there are plenty of attachments available to vape different types of mediums (is that the correct term?) and many more are on the way to further refine the vaping experience.
This is high-end vaping so yes, it comes at a premium. Some well invested time, money, study, patience, and practice can reap a lot of rewards in the long run and, imo, make it all worthwhile.
Edit: Man, I'm such a Persei fanboy.
Edit #2:
For somebody that only really vapes herbs, am I better off with the INH as opposed to the persei?
Although the Persei+Bender is "technically" a portable (you aren't tied down to an outlet), I'd hesitate to call it "convenient for travel" and definitely wouldn't refer to it as "stealthy". As much as I'd love to, I won't be strolling down the street puffing on my Bender anytime soon (someday, though... [sigh]).
The learning curve with the Bender is significantly higher than the inh, mainly because the inh really doesn't have a learning curve. The inh also has the edge in terms of stealth, portability, and overall convenience.
Where the Bender
KILLS the inh (and almost every other vape, imo) is vapor flavor. The Bender isn't my daily driver; I have other, more rugged/convenient vapes to fill that need.
In my mind, bringing the Bender out is akin to bringing out the fine china- I'm gonna bust it out when I have them highest quality product. (Actually, it works quite well with shitty weed, too.) The Bender is much more delicate and prone to breaking compared to most other portable flower vapes, but it lends the experience a sense of sophistication. For me, the risk (breakage) is definitely worth the reward (namely, delicious vapor).
In summary, if:
- you're looking for incredible flavor
- don't mind taking the time to really learn a device
- aren't worried about using glass pieces
- don't need a vape for stealth reasons
then I think the Persei+Bender is the way to go.
If this doesn't sound like your cup of tea, no worries. Luckily we live in a golden age of vaping and there are a ton of other solid options out there that might be a better fit for your needs!
Edit #3:

I forgot to mention that the Bender also kicks ass in the area that matters most; rest assured that it will medicate you to your heart's content.