Well-Known Member
I've designed the FIRST car which doesn't require that you reload firmware into the guidance computer when you vent the fuel cells.
I used to work with a crazy man who had a dead pan face and twisted wit. He'd tell people 'we've finalized the design for the power supply for our matter-energy transfer unit and have started work on the control panel.....we still need a few investors with vision there.....'.
One day, in the middle of a truly ugly Production Meeting where Planning was all bent out about Engineering part number changes impacting Work in Process (WIP) so the sales guys we coming up short in their traditionally optimistic shipping quotes.....the usual. At least it was Assembly or Test that was the hangup, 'hey Inspection would pass it if we could build it..'. So Jim looks across the table, and in a stage whisper that brought the other conversations to a stop said to me, 'you know I think I have the solution, I could write a simple program to determine the average part number which planning could use to set up the runs if Engineering could provide an average release date...'. Folks bought into the idea, desperate for a way out of a traditional set of problems. It didn't last long, but it was amazing to watch happen.
And guys around here think they're ready for the Big Leagues? With guys like you and Jim setting the pace??