Gas lines are stupid long and people are crazy over gas (case in new york a guy was shot over GAS). Now Christie imposed a gas "thing" where you can only get gas a certain day of the week with certain license plate number/letter. So even if you have no gas for your generator or car, you cannot get it.
I'm not sure about that shot part, here we heard a guy
pulled a gun (big difference) when those in line objected to his 'cutting in'. Happens here all the time, try cutting the wrong guy off on the freeway. Bad form of course, but not the same as getting shot over gas.
I don't mean to sound cold about the loss and temporary adverse living conditions but it does 'come with the territory'. Buy a fancy beach front house on a
barrier island and you might get flooded out someday. It's not hard to figure any more than those of us who foolishly live in 'earthquake country' here might get shaken up or those who rebuild in the Mississippi
flood plains who get flooded out every 30 years or so. The risk is real and has always been. Or as pointed out, those with houses in the wild woods might face the occasional wild fire.
The odd/even thing is old hat to those of us who survived 'Carter's gas shortage'. It's at most a one day delay. Folks here worked around it. Some borrowed gas, we borrowed each other's cars (with 'today's numbers) or 'borrowed a few gallons until I can get some'. People helping each other, not waiting on the Government to do it for them. IMO it was better than the longer lines with smaller purchases. I know guys who would 'top up' a few gallons 'just in case'.
They're saying these superstorms will be commonplace soon. Oceans temps rising and climate change and whatnot
Pony Pucky.
I heard Al Gore too, he just wants more of your money. I also listened to yet another 'expert' explain how the 'greenhouse gas caused
sea level rise' was contributing to the storm flooding! Anyone notice the ocean getting bigger where they live? Watch the low lying islands like Belize disappear? Or coral reefs disappearing beneath the waves never to be seen again. Or wondered about the flooded out docks on the local waterfront?
It was a bad storm, the worst most can recall seeing perhaps. But history knows better and logic and 'real science' tells a slightly different story than the 'global change' guys would like you to think. For myself I'll continue to look on such 'junk science' as Big Al's "Hockey stick" fantasy graph with a jaundiced eye.
You need to understand that in my youth we were warned that air pollution from autos (specifically PAN smog like in Mexico City, the stuff that makes The Great Smokey Mountains 'smokey') was going to cause disastrous world wide
Global Cooling. Several degrees in our lifetimes, complete with larger polar ice caps lowering sea level 'as much as 200 feet in some places' (????), forcing world wide famine when ocean shipping collapsed. Folks would starve because we couldn't ship food from the new places we could grow it to the hungry people living in the now cooler places we couldn't. The same exact sort of people with the
opposite boogie man. Our local High School Science Club (yes, I was a member.....) got a lecture from a clown from Dow Chemical on just this topic. Many of us took it seriously....we were younger then.
Did you know they at one time grew table grapes in England? Or ice skated on the Thames? Check out 'the little ice age' or 'Medieval Warm Period', both predated SUVs by a fair bit. It has been warmer and cooler in recorded history. Today is not abnormal historically.
Best of luck to all facing tough recoveries, and condolences on the losses and hardships. But IMO we should try to keep it in perspective?
End of rant, at ease, smoke (or better still, vape) if you got 'em. Thanks for listening.