I was going to make a sweet 420th post to celebrate on 4/20 with that KISS Cart and Globe rebuilding tutorial I've been practicing my wrap game to film, and some Okeanos and Nibbling action to boot, but sometimes, life has other plans. My first piece of UP Tech glass bit the dust recently- a friend wasn't aware of where it was placed, and I lost what was rapidly becoming my favorite Nibbler....
Down temporarily, but will be back up and running soon: A metaphor for me the last few weeks, lol.
Things has been busier than usual is all. Finding a new home in a new city, packing to move, bikes to ride, sunsets to chase.. The minutiae of life...
While I've had plenty of time to help out during the day at work with G and crew, I haven't had much extra free time to contribute to FC as much as I usually do in the past month. I promise to make it up to you all in a few more weeks once I'm moved and settled
I did get to take my first vacation in a year this past weekend. Just before I move out of the San Juan Islands, I got to spend the weekend over on Orcas Island with a friend who is Master Gardener and owns his Tier 2
I-502 Producer / Processor... It's the nicest garden I've ever seen.
It sure is nice to have backup units...
Big thanks to my room mate
@higher_vibration for snapping that one...
I've put over 3oz of extracts through this Hercules (originally an SR-74, then upgraded to an x) all on one of two rods (its original, and a black 3.7V). I've needed a new bottom insulator (upgraded to the SR-71 mechanical style) two new PTFE inserts and one more Ti coil for it- one of my original Ti coils is still going strong about a year and a half later. About 90% of this Herc's use has been on this V2 Persei which is solid as a rock. I've gone through a few sets of AW's, and I'm scared to think about how much it would have cost me to put that much oil through disposable cartridges in the last year if I wasn't using the Hercules.
And how weak and flavorless that vapor would have been. But I digress...
Want you all to know, even if you don't see me posting super often, I am here to help manning the phones with product questions Monday through Friday, as well as answering any warranty, repair, or troubleshooting through our support ticket system- hit me up any time at
Until next time!