i don't know, why they didn't require that list from the sender on my earlier purchases. because two out of my three purchased goods from america didn't include any information and i didn't ask to do so. out of three times ordering vaporizing equipment i had only to deal with the customs once. and although there was a printed bill inside, they asked me to bring one with me(they were too lazy to check properly inside the box), but without even checking it when i was there(why bother to ask). so my conclusion, based on this little data, probably the sender is not required to put the bill inside, since the receiver will probably have to show one anyway. summed up, if and only if, the sender is not required by the postal rules to put a bill inside, there is a chance the package can slip through the customs. if it doesn't, one would have to show up with a proof of payment and pay the import tax. omitting a piece of information that is not absolutely required(shall it be the case), is probably not ilegal and not the same as declaring a lower price and i don't see, why it should be considered as such. the seller recieves the payment, pays his taxes at his end, the other party recieves the packages and pays or not(if lucky) his import taxes. packages slip through customs every day, so it's not even unjust towards other people. the fact, that the system allows lots of packages to slip through is, on the other hand.

for us EU-byuers, import taxes of around 25% add a significant chunk to the final price of this beauty, so i hope you understand, why i touched the issue. my intend is definitely not to cause any trouble to Dan.
the protection of a home industry is ofthen the main aim of import taxes. but there is no industry present in this particular segment, that needs protection. so it's just a hefty rip-off by a party that didn't contribute anything to the act of creating the device, the exchange of money and goods and their transportation.
on a different note, will we see more reviews and videos from the testers soon?