I hope you already came up with a fast production process in order to satisfy the growing demand you create with your updates.
EDIT: one further question came to mind. manufactarung the box surely takes a decent amount of time and is playing a role in establishing the price range. are you going to offer a budget version with a box only made out of craft paper and corc with an option for a later upgrade?
Amazingly, with a crosscut sled and box joint jig mounted to my tablesaw the boxes don't take that long to make. It would actually take longer to make them out of kraft paper, ha. This is just about the cheapest option I could come up with! As a bonus, it looks nice.
I might get the tar and feathers for saying that (bring it on

) but I have to admit I'm not too keen on the box look.
I find these 2 colours not to go too well together;
@Dan Morrison would you consider making a black box (maybe african blackwood then) and a black sleeve with a brass like colour logo so the box would match the Okin head?

Maybe the current sleeve colour would go well with a black box now that I think of it.
Oh and does black cork exist?
I'll be using the African mahogany, as you know now, but it won't be as red as the picture you posted. With the linseed oil finish it will be a sort of darkish brown, a hint of yellow, a hint of red.
To make the boxes out of African blackwood would cost about $40 in material cost alone. That shit is EXPENSIVE. haha. I thought about walnut, but again, it's fairly expensive... and tough to work with, the dust is quite irritating.
I definitely see where you're coming from, I am all about harmony! But mahogany has a lot of physical properties that make it ideal for a box like this.. It's stable, easy to work with, glues well, and it's medium priced.
That said, I'll probably change up the box wood now and then, keep things interesting.
ha! black cork does not exist, sorry!
Wow. Although this is my first post on this site, I've been following this thread and the development of the Okin for a while now. And after seeing everything you've posted, I must admit I usually set my expectations very high when I see an update from you. However, to my amazement, you always manage to exceed my expectations and put a level of thought and detail into the design of the Okin that simply blows me away.
Well Done. I look forward to the day when I can put it to use, and truly appreciate the work you've put into this.
Thank you! That's so kind of you to say.
ps: Thank-You for not doing a pre-order... <--- I can't stand pre-order and crowdfunding campaigns personally.
Some of them do put a sour taste in my mouth... Others are not so bad!