Prisoners allowed to adopt cats: The idea behind this initiative is to take animals from a cat shelter and place them in the correctional facility so inmates could take care of them. The program quickly proved to be beneficial for both the adorable cats and inmates.
by u/izacktorres in MadeMeSmile
The Endurance of a Farm dog
by u/StannisdamfMannis in interestingasfuck
If i were a cat i would listen to him
by u/SirioScorpio in FunnyAnimals
What kind of bird is this?
by u/yougonnayou in AnimalsBeingDerps
my cat helps me with water
by u/Ok_Plate_6606 in cats
Where did that darn cat get to...
by u/Thund3rbolt in aww
Holy cow
by in FunnyAnimals
I have been following CowTurtle's eel pit for over a year now... the mother fucker is absolutely fascinating!