The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I dont have a strategy for you, but are you a member of ACNA? (American Cannabis Nurses Association )

I am not (not yet anyways) I’ve heard of the organization and have glanced over their website in the past. It doesn’t look like there is much activity on the website itself (though maybe they have more active areas on the website with a membership to the organization).
I am not (not yet anyways) I’ve heard of the organization and have glanced over their website in the past. It doesn’t look like there is much activity on the website itself (though maybe they have more active areas on the website with a membership to the organization).
There is a private Facebook site that is very active. There over 1300 members in ACNA. You will very much enjoy the collegial relationships and the members are a great source of information and encouragement. I encourage you to join and then you will be eligible to join the FB site which has over 500 of us.
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The Dude
I started a t break yesterday. I couldn't sleep due to pain and ended up vaping a little hash at about 2am. Reset I guess.. My anxiety was crazy yesterday though. I almost couldn't decide what to do for lunch because I was getting overwhelmed. :uhoh: I have some CBD bud that hopefully will help with the anxiety but damn this is the worse start to a t break I've ever had. :rip:


Well-Known Member
I started a t break yesterday. I couldn't sleep due to pain and ended up vaping a little hash at about 2am. Reset I guess.. My anxiety was crazy yesterday though. I almost couldn't decide what to do for lunch because I was getting overwhelmed. :uhoh: I have some CBD bud that hopefully will help with the anxiety but damn this is the worse start to a t break I've ever had. :rip:
Can you provide any context to your situation? Reason for the break? Causes of anxiety? Any health issues?


The Dude
Can you provide any context to your situation? Reason for the break? Causes of anxiety? Any health issues?
Sure. T-break is because I'm spending a little too much on bud every month. I have PTSD and a host of other pain problems, that's basically why I use on a regular basis. The anxiety is not being caused by anything apparent to me. I did a bit of meditation this morning and it seemed to set a different tone today.


Well-Known Member
Sure. T-break is because I'm spending a little too much on bud every month. I have PTSD and a host of other pain problems, that's basically why I use on a regular basis. The anxiety is not being caused by anything apparent to me. I did a bit of meditation this morning and it seemed to set a different tone today.
Alright, cool. So you aren't worried about being drug tested, and you aren't experiencing any negatives from vaporizing, other than the cost, correct?

In that case, especially since you say that Cannabis is helping provide relief for some ailments you have, have you considered just cutting back each dose, little by little, until your tolerance lessens to a level where you don't have to consume as much (or spend as much money) for the desired results? Cutting anything out, "cold turkey" can be stressful, just from the breaking of habit/routine, let alone if the things that you cut out has been providing some form of relief.

You can try weighing out doses, based on your target Cannabis budget, and not going over that limit. That way, you get some of the benefits, while avoiding your problem.


Well-Known Member
I'm three days into my t-break (football game at the homies house on Sunday reset the calendar) and I've been hoping that the night sweats would become lighter with time. They have not. I picked up an 8th of CBD from the local head shop, to see if that helped with the sweating, and it didn't do much for last night's sleep. Maybe tonight will be better? :shrug:

Vaping CBD last night reminded me that I STRONGLY DISLIKE the taste of hemp. I've had a few different strains from different sources, and none of them have tasted pleasant. Which is too bad, because I do feel an overall calming effect from CBD use. I know...wish it tasted more like good flower, instead of lawn clippings.

In 2020, I've been trying to get back to fitness and health being a priority. In trying to live a healthier life, I've tried to get a minimum of 6hrs of sleep a night, with a goal of 8hrs. I frequently have to wake up early for work, so it's difficult sometimes, but it's impossible when I wake up to change clothes from sweating. Also, as a part of waking up early, if I'm nervous about a client meeting the day I have to wakeup early, my mind races with thoughts the night before. "Will the client ask a question I don't have an answer for? What if I say something stupid? What if I don't collect enough information, or the information I get is not accurate? Why can't I fall asleep!?!" All those thoughts and more sometimes keep me up during the night. These thoughts are much quieter, almost gone with regular cannabis use.

The first week or so on a t-break is usually the time that I go through the physical adjustments, such as sweating and loss of appetite. I don't miss or crave cannabis during this time, that comes later, and is the worst part of a t-break for me.

Hope y'all are enjoying the evening, and thanks for letting me jot down some thoughts. :rockon:


Well-Known Member
It’s now been a little over 2 weeks for me. I’m sure it will be at minimum another 2 weeks before I’ll be in the clear.

After a few days, the fasting is not a problem for me aside from missing the pleasure of the effects of cannabis.

mom not sleeping well or restfully, but that has been a problem as far back as I can remember. Since I was a young teenager I’ve always found myself chasing sleep. Cannabis did not solve that for me, at least not often.

When I am able to partake again I will try to be more strict about my use of cannabis and keep its use capped at a few times per week.

I recall my first use after a 2-3 month fast a few years back. Just a single hit off my vapcap put me into a great place. I enjoy being a lightweight for however long I’m able to maintain it.

I’ll be flying to California in a few days for 4 days of procedures training, and my girlfriend will be joining me towards the end, she wants to take a few days and visit Disneyland. She and her family are maniacs for Disney, I dunno that I’m really interested but it will be far easier to do a trip with her than with her full family.

It will be a bit of a bummer to be in California and abstain from the greenery it has to offer, and she will now be able to use cannabis while there, but I’m not going to be swayed by the temptation to indulge.

I hope everyone else on a break is finding their time away to be smooth.


Well-Known Member
It’s now been a little over 2 weeks for me. I’m sure it will be at minimum another 2 weeks before I’ll be in the clear.

After a few days, the fasting is not a problem for me aside from missing the pleasure of the effects of cannabis.

mom not sleeping well or restfully, but that has been a problem as far back as I can remember. Since I was a young teenager I’ve always found myself chasing sleep. Cannabis did not solve that for me, at least not often.

When I am able to partake again I will try to be more strict about my use of cannabis and keep its use capped at a few times per week.

I recall my first use after a 2-3 month fast a few years back. Just a single hit off my vapcap put me into a great place. I enjoy being a lightweight for however long I’m able to maintain it.

I’ll be flying to California in a few days for 4 days of procedures training, and my girlfriend will be joining me towards the end, she wants to take a few days and visit Disneyland. She and her family are maniacs for Disney, I dunno that I’m really interested but it will be far easier to do a trip with her than with her full family.

It will be a bit of a bummer to be in California and abstain from the greenery it has to offer, and she will now be able to use cannabis while there, but I’m not going to be swayed by the temptation to indulge.

I hope everyone else on a break is finding their time away to be smooth.
Hey friend, do you have any tricks that have worked for you in the past to set caps on your usage? When I return to cannabis, I say the same shit; "Only on Fridays and Saturdays this time." Within two weeks it typically goes back to every night out of my sticky brick or elev8r.

I mean, I guess I could just be a fucking responsible adult and do what I say, but that self discipline has been lacking lately. I'll hit two weeks myself on super bowl Sunday. :rockon:


Well-Known Member
Hey friend, do you have any tricks that have worked for you in the past to set caps on your usage? When I return to cannabis, I say the same shit; "Only on Fridays and Saturdays this time." Within two weeks it typically goes back to every night out of my sticky brick or elev8r.

I mean, I guess I could just be a fucking responsible adult and do what I say, but that self discipline has been lacking lately. I'll hit two weeks myself on super bowl Sunday. :rockon:
You can weight out your doses, and set a session frequency, and then stick to that. That way, you get to enjoy it without having your tolerance creep back up.


Well-Known Member
Hey friend, do you have any tricks that have worked for you in the past to set caps on your usage? When I return to cannabis, I say the same shit; "Only on Fridays and Saturdays this time." Within two weeks it typically goes back to every night out of my sticky brick or elev8r.

I mean, I guess I could just be a fucking responsible adult and do what I say, but that self discipline has been lacking lately. I'll hit two weeks myself on super bowl Sunday. :rockon:

hi there, sorry for my delay!

I am one who is pretty disciplined...well, until I am not.

I am still trying to determine what my strategy will be to ensure that I stick to my plan and keep my usage and tolerance in check.

I think one thing that may me instrumental for me to keeping myself in check is to limit not only the amount of herb I am using, but also the vaporizers that I use on those weekends.

over the years I’ve built up a decent collection of vaporizers and I like to put them all through the paces. I think when I return to cannabis I will try to keep each day I allow cannabis dedicated to using one device for said day. If I use my vapcap but am thinking about how I am planning to use my Z, odds are I will consume more material and not have fully appreciated the effects from what I just vaped out of my vapcap.

I think that @EverythingsHazy has a great suggestion about weighing out amounts for the day as well. Some folks are great at approximating a weight by eyeballing and amount of ground flower, but I’m not among them. I am however a pizza nerd (shout out to @invertedisdead and @Aimless Ryan), and have a few jewelers scales that I use to measure small quantities of yeast with my formulations. Odds are I will try to incorporate that into the mix as well.

mid you have any ideas that you come up with I too am all ears! It can be hard to stay disciplined and I admire those who are steadfast in their ability to stick with it!
@virtualpurple I bought a cheap scale on Amazon 5 years ago, use it once daily, have changed the battery once. I measure out only the amount I alot for a day or two. Usually .08-.1gm, depending on strain and tested potency. I grind in a nano grinder orginally purchased to use with my MFLB and consume 5 ten-second draws on my convection vapes (the MFLB gets little use these days as my routine takes up enough time as it is.) By measuring out the same amount and then vaping the same number and length of hits in the 350-375 temp range I get my dose fairly measured and consistent. Even if there is unspent herb left over I discard the next day and do it again. Maybe once a week I reuse what was ground and vaped the evening before, but since I grow my own and have access to nice dispensaries in SF and SJ, I dont worry about "waste." Then at bedtime I take a 4 second hit of a Pax ERA pod with Indica oil. That's how I keep my use down to a low but daily dose (by most user's standards.) I do like THC better for my mind and spirit, but my body requires frequent dosing with CBD to ease the aches and pains of old age.


Well-Known Member
I have done tolerance breaks several times. I am a daily user of cannabis. I self medicate for Apergers, social anxiety, depression, lack of energy, sleeping disorder etc,. I am a strictly sativa user during the day, or sativa hybrids in the late afternoon/evening. I am not a person that vapes insane amounts of cannabis, although some of you might argue that daily intake of cannabis is already a lot. But i use less than 1 gram for the entire day, and sometimes there is abv left that i can vape again the next day.

I am a very introvert, authistic, negative person by nature that gets upset about a lot of things.
The Sativas help me get in a postive happy motivated flow, which i never had my entire life. Also the next day i wake up with positive energy.

I took tolerance breaks before. usually i did that because i felt the weed did not work anymore.
But i don't have that problem anymore since i bought a c-vault storage container with humidity control.

when i took tolerance breaks, the first 4 days where pretty easy because i still felt relaxed and centered because the terpenes are probably still floating around in your body. after 5 days i started to notice i get dragged back into my old self, being more negative, get more upset etc. So usually after like 7 days of t-breaking i decide it is to go back to the cannabis.

7 days of t-break usually gets me back to full reset, it feels like that anyway. But i hate it when my positive uplifted mood is being interrupted, after a few days in on the break. So sometimes i just take a small break now for a few days. If i take a break for to long, i just have to rebuild the postive flow within me, and that can take a while to build it up again. So i guess i just go with my gut feeling rather than do what other people do.


Well-Known Member
Last night was a test for sure. My brother in law is staying with my wife and I for a few days. He was recently in a accident that has him using cannabis for pain management, and the mmj he brought over, it smelled delicious! He combusts only, which I think might have helped me not partake, but I almost went to pull out my SBrunt at least 10 times throughout the night.

Ive set goals for myself to take breaks for X many days, and I have usually come out short. Last night could have been the same story, but I was able to keep my word to myself, at least for one day. My goal is to go all of Feb without consuming, and I want to do that for myself. Jan 31st was the last time I consumed, which was a heavy night of edibles, but besides that, I'm a little more than 3 weeks into this break. Still have night sweats here and there, not nearly as bad they were. Dreams are vivid, but not the nightmares I usually have. Im still not motivated to go to the gym, but say that I will just about every day. :(

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the week.

Jill NYC

Portable Hoarder
I was able to keep my word to myself, at least for one day.
Outstanding job!
It is so easy to talk yourself out of keeping a promise to yourself - especially when something comes into play that could make an easy excuse to deviate from the plan (in-law with grade A mj.)
Sincerely- I am very impressed. I need a little more of that kind of self discipline (not necessarily with MJ).
Congrats! I am sure it will be worth it.


Well-Known Member
Outstanding job!
It is so easy to talk yourself out of keeping a promise to yourself - especially when something comes into play that could make an easy excuse to deviate from the plan (in-law with grade A mj.)
Sincerely- I am very impressed. I need a little more of that kind of self discipline (not necessarily with MJ).
Congrats! I am sure it will be worth it.

Thanks Jill! I need to start thinking more long term and not in the moment when it comes to self control. At the time I wanted to, but I'd not be happy/proud of myself today if I did.

When I do a canna-break, I have to box up everything & tape the box up and store it in a spare garage where it is very inconvenient to get. I can't rely on my self-control. I know me too well.

I also put all of my paraphernalia away in the bedroom. If I'm not starring at it all the time, or it's inconvenient like you mentioned, it makes it easier to avoid use.

Have a productive day all. :rockon:


Outstanding job!
It is so easy to talk yourself out of keeping a promise to yourself - especially when something comes into play that could make an easy excuse to deviate from the plan (in-law with grade A mj.)
Sincerely- I am very impressed. I need a little more of that kind of self discipline (not necessarily with MJ).
Congrats! I am sure it will be worth it.

I stopped fighting it JillNYC, now it is just resignation to fact.
I guess it's diff for everyone, but for me a "T"break has become for a week or two I just vape weed in Cano or GH, that gets me back to where I like for my concentrates, witch are the highs I want &
prefer over the limits of just weed & the amounts I need for pain control.
I find a mix of both keeps my happy & moderates my use.
Oh yeah, I freaking love my way as :>) stopping is only an option when someone gets me sick
then I let my body do it's thing and clean out. This has worked for 60+yrs.
Really great weed now is at 30% thc , and Shatter, live resin & distillate combos are at 90%+.
I need those stronger ammts to medicate properly & the entourage effects from weede are nice
but feeling less pain is nicer & makes the effort worth it. Just my 2 cents lol
I'm from Brooklyn, NYC but lived all over the place upstate , queens, staten isl & the city.
Cali & now Vegas is the life for an old hippie! :>) TY peace & love



i heard that switching strains also helps building a tolerance. you may try that.

I started my own t-break today, cold turkey style, while i was in the same room as the vaporizers and stash all day. I just do that so the medication works better again in a couple of days.

Very lucky here in Vegas as there is so much available for very little out here.
Great concentrates & weed variety & AWESOME sales. I pop around to diff
dispensaries & get all kinds of 2 & 3 for 1's on Shatter & weed giveaways.
The market works here so far, prices drop, quality goes up.
Got 5 strains & 5 diff waxes. Save a little from each & rotate strains.
Fun & effective. Sorry to hear of all the states that are being restricted,
that's the nature of our corrupt politics. We are now the Most Corrupt
Capitalistic country on Earth (we have legalized corruption now. whoopee!)


Well-Known Member
Well, as of last week I’m still not clear on a UA screen, so the fast continues.

At this stage I miss how I feel when I’m using cannabis but there’s no urge that I have to fight in order to abstain. I just get more nostalgic for things like how much fun I have watching certain shows stoned or for how much better some foods taste when I’m high.


Well-Known Member
I stopped my break at 3+ weeks, vaped for about 5 days and immediately went back on a break. When returning to cannabis, I started where I left off, which was way too aggressive. Full bowls in the OG Sticky Brick, concentrate through my SBrunt with the sticky pad, etc. I wound up freaking myself out on day 2 of the return to cannabis, and had almost crippling anxiety for a week straight. Today is my best day so far since having the anxiety/panic, with still some lingering nervousness that I'll end up back in that head space. I didn't eat, didn't go to work, and slept a lot. I wound up losing 10 pounds in a week, and still feel a little weak/dehydrated.

I used to like the paranoia from the super highs before the break, but as of lately, I don't want anything to do with cannabis for atleast another month. One of my lowest points psychologically in my life. Again, this mental haze is lifting and that I'm at the tail end of this, so things are getting better. :rockon:


AVB Inspector
I stopped my break at 3+ weeks, vaped for about 5 days and immediately went back on a break. When returning to cannabis, I started where I left off, which was way too aggressive. Full bowls in the OG Sticky Brick, concentrate through my SBrunt with the sticky pad, etc. I wound up freaking myself out on day 2 of the return to cannabis, and had almost crippling anxiety for a week straight. Today is my best day so far since having the anxiety/panic, with still some lingering nervousness that I'll end up back in that head space. I didn't eat, didn't go to work, and slept a lot. I wound up losing 10 pounds in a week, and still feel a little weak/dehydrated.

I used to like the paranoia from the super highs before the break, but as of lately, I don't want anything to do with cannabis for atleast another month. One of my lowest points psychologically in my life. Again, this mental haze is lifting and that I'm at the tail end of this, so things are getting better. :rockon:
Heya sorry to hear the nightmare stuff.
I really feel to recommend reading through (if you haven't already) the microdosing thread on here. It sounds like a perfect opportunity (when you're ready) to give it a go and find the most enjoyable dose/buzz after a break, mine went from a 0.15g dry herb to 0.015 and now sits at about 0.03. I'm a low doser strictly speaking (rather than a microdoser). Be mindful of your tolerance and you can keep it low and still feel like you're getting the best out of the herb. Being in control of your anxieties is well worth its weight.
All the best for the rest of this break and I'd be very interested to hear how a 0.02 in one of your Bricks goes down when you first pick one up again.:)
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