The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
There's other stuff that's just as believable-sounding saying himalayan rock salt isn't any better. It probably is because it contains some useful minerals? Plus, it's safe anyway
These same sorts of studies were saying fat was more unhealthy than sugar, and it was BS. Nothing is trustworthy.

i'd like to take tumeric, magnesium glycinate, omega-3 and vitamin D3

I feel sort of the same now, as when during the 1-week break It's not worth it here, too much shit that makes me paranoid. The heat gun was a stupid idea... why do I get so desperate? But maybe it wasn't more harmful than combusting. And just taking a couple of hits should be roughly equivalent to heavy normal use of the heat gun, I guess. if it really released toxins from degrading plastic, it could be harmful even if not directly inhaling the air? blah blah blahblabhablahbal
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Well-Known Member
Wish you the best of luck bud.

I'm just beginning month 3 of my t-break. It's been going OK but I miss my evening routine.

One thing to note in my case is my eczema seems to have cleared up quite significantly. To the point where I was able to consume dairy and not spend a week regretting it.

Not sure if this is directly related to breaking from cannabis or as a result of handing in my notice at my current firm and thus no longer being stressed out by it. I did pose this question to my dermatologist and they seemed to feel the work stress was far more likely to be a culprit than cannabis.

Guess we will find out in a few months when I finish my break. Until then all I have to say is..... I FUCKING LOVE CHEESE AND ICE CREAM, IT'S SO GOOD TO EAT YOU AGAIN. OMM NOM NOM........

@duckTape Can I ask why you are taking your Canna-break?

Hope your symptoms don't cause you too much distress.
I was intrigued by your comment that your eczema cleared up. I think indeed that it was more stress related than the cannabis. I also have done some T breaks due to vacation for a month or something so I cound;t take canna with me. But that didn't helped my eczema. I'm still in the process of singling things out. For now not eating eggs is a nice change for me.


20 going on 60
I was intrigued by your comment that your eczema cleared up. I think indeed that it was more stress related than the cannabis. I also have done some T breaks due to vacation for a month or something so I cound;t take canna with me. But that didn't helped my eczema. I'm still in the process of singling things out. For now not eating eggs is a nice change for me.

Hello Bud,

I suspended my T-Break last week after receiving a few new vape toys and although the first couple of days didn't seem to affect my eczema in any negligible fashion after about four days (3-5 vapcap stems in the evening) my eczema has returned.

I suspect that the cannabis may be making me more sensitive to other triggers (such as eggs) so I don't believe it's the cannabis on it's own.

My plan is to try and cut back to weekend use only and remain off the dairy (no more cheese :cry:).

It's important to note that I've been having major eczema issues the last couple of years, not the normal patches here or there but totally flared up red swollen skin all over. Almost anything I ate for a year set me off so I had to go on an exclusion diet eating mostly lamb, potatoes and asparagus (for a year), antibiotics, steroids, the whole shebang. It's only been in the last six months that things calmed down and went back to the normal patches on the hands and back of knees. When I went on the T-Break even those patchy areas cleared up and it's those areas that have come back slightly from this last weeks indulgence.

Let's see if I can get away with a weekend routine.

Hope your ailments subside and you get some peace, glad to hear the eczema isn't affected by your herbal escapades.

Take it easy.


Research Geek, Mad Scientist
day 20 of the flu, crazy winds and high pollen levels aren't helping things... every joint in my body was just SCREAMING at me... so I relented and ate 1/4 of a Bhang CBD bar (1-1 THC-CBD, 60mg of each), so 15mg of both. So so, ate another 1/4, THAT took the edge off. Ahhhhh... 1/2 a bar as opposed to ≥2 bars works for me! :) I've never experienced any of these other reactions I've read here.
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Well-Known Member
Hello Bud,

I suspended my T-Break last week after receiving a few new vape toys and although the first couple of days didn't seem to affect my eczema in any negligible fashion after about four days (3-5 vapcap stems in the evening) my eczema has returned.

I suspect that the cannabis may be making me more sensitive to other triggers (such as eggs) so I don't believe it's the cannabis on it's own.

My plan is to try and cut back to weekend use only and remain off the dairy (no more cheese :cry:).

It's important to note that I've been having major eczema issues the last couple of years, not the normal patches here or there but totally flared up red swollen skin all over. Almost anything I ate for a year set me off so I had to go on an exclusion diet eating mostly lamb, potatoes and asparagus (for a year), antibiotics, steroids, the whole shebang. It's only been in the last six months that things calmed down and went back to the normal patches on the hands and back of knees. When I went on the T-Break even those patchy areas cleared up and it's those areas that have come back slightly from this last weeks indulgence.

Let's see if I can get away with a weekend routine.

Hope your ailments subside and you get some peace, glad to hear the eczema isn't affected by your herbal escapades.

Take it easy.
Thanks for the detailed reply. Indeed not eating cheese is something that I really dislike.

But. I have found something interesting. It's a diet based for auto immune diseases, but I have a strong feeling this can work very well with my eczema issues. I strongly think that all these issues are strongly tied to the things you eat.

I think i'm gonna try the diet explained here:

Will report back to you if it helped or not.


Well-Known Member
I have been wanting to take a t-break for awhile now.
I want to see if vaping effects my focus and motivation.

Last week I took 3 days off. This week, I am shooting for 5 days off and just vape on Fri/Sat.

Ultimately, I think I need to take at least 3 months off to really see if it is effecting me in a negative way, but I am not quite ready to do that yet.
I preordered the Haze Square and my goal is once it arrives and after using it for a few weeks, then it will be time to take a true t-break. There is no way I will have the willpower to start one with a new toy in the house!

The first night or two, sleep has been a little tough and I am very antsy at night.

A lot of times I think I miss the ritual more than anything else. So I have been using an e-cig to help ease the desire. (I am using the safest ejuice with very, very low levels of nicotine). It helps some, but who am I kidding? It’s no substitute for cannabis.

I am posting this to try to hold myself accountable. We shall see.
I am open to any tips or advice!

Jill, your post describes me as well, except for the e-cig part. I am a weekend user but am always keeping an eye on my ability to focus and stay sharp and get stuff done. It does take to tell if there are any real life changes, but since we are weekend users, I doubt much will change. If I had a new toy, my break would be over for sure. I also like to microdose a bit at night to keep the jitters/or restlessness in check. The key is to find something else to do to look forward to or that relaxes you. Not always easy. In any event, you got this!! Good luck.
I've combusted for the first 9 years of my life (no tobacco) with the end accumulation of having the worst case of bronchitis I ever had, sending me to the hospital and having to go on prednisone. I picked up the arizer solo 2 and while it helped at first for about 6 months, I started getting asthma attacks, chronic coughing, huge amounts of phlegm, stopped breathing at night and horrible sneezing after about an hour of taking some hits. The effects persisted a couple of days later and I needed to use ventolin probably twice a day. Went to get my spirometry done and my lung funcitoning was at the border between mild copd and moderate copd. When the Methacholine test was adminstered, from a 1-7 dosage scale (1 being the smallest amount), my throat immediately seized up at 1 and my next spirometry reading was about 25-30% lower . The doctor said people with asthma usually start at 4 or 5, so I was in bad shape.

I went on the keto diet and I started my t-break last week and I've already noticed my symptoms subsiding. It was around the fourth day that the constant stream of mucous started to subside and I was able to walk around outside without tightness in my chest. I was using a thc|cbd tincture that did wonders for nightime and I've slowly tapered it off now. I am starting to think that, after almost 10 years of cannabis use, I've become horribly allergic to it. I'm going to let me lungs rest for a few months and stick with edibles and tinctures for the time being.


Well-Known Member
I've combusted for the first 9 years of my life (no tobacco) with the end accumulation of having the worst case of bronchitis I ever had, sending me to the hospital and having to go on prednisone. I picked up the arizer solo 2 and while it helped at first for about 6 months, I started getting asthma attacks, chronic coughing, huge amounts of phlegm, stopped breathing at night and horrible sneezing after about an hour of taking some hits. The effects persisted a couple of days later and I needed to use ventolin probably twice a day. Went to get my spirometry done and my lung funcitoning was at the border between mild copd and moderate copd. When the Methacholine test was adminstered, from a 1-7 dosage scale (1 being the smallest amount), my throat immediately seized up at 1 and my next spirometry reading was about 25-30% lower . The doctor said people with asthma usually start at 4 or 5, so I was in bad shape.

I went on the keto diet and I started my t-break last week and I've already noticed my symptoms subsiding. It was around the fourth day that the constant stream of mucous started to subside and I was able to walk around outside without tightness in my chest. I was using a thc|cbd tincture that did wonders for nightime and I've slowly tapered it off now. I am starting to think that, after almost 10 years of cannabis use, I've become horribly allergic to it. I'm going to let me lungs rest for a few months and stick with edibles and tinctures for the time being.

I'm thinking it might be allergies too. To find out I would suggest testing by making a small scratch in the skin on your arm (no cutting, just enough to open the skin..), and rubbing some MJ on it to see if you react. I've done this with some foods and figured out I was allergic to things I've eaten on a regular basis.

Anyways, best wishes and I hope you get better soon ;)


I am starting to think that, after almost 10 years of cannabis use, I've become horribly allergic to it.

I've actually wondered about how common this is myself. From my research, at the very least, it seems pretty easy to develop a pinene allergy to the a-pinene terpene in cannabis.


I'm thinking it might be allergies too. To find out I would suggest testing by making a small scratch in the skin on your arm (no cutting, just enough to open the skin..), and rubbing some MJ on it to see if you react. I've done this with some foods and figured out I was allergic to things I've eaten on a regular basis.

Of course I just did this on both wrists and now they are red and itchy.......................... :rolleyes:

oh well, I never liked cannabis much anyways :doh:

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Well-Known Member
I'm thinking it might be allergies too. To find out I would suggest testing by making a small scratch in the skin on your arm (no cutting, just enough to open the skin..), and rubbing some MJ on it to see if you react. I've done this with some foods and figured out I was allergic to things I've eaten on a regular basis.

Anyways, best wishes and I hope you get better soon ;)
Hey buddy reslly hope you are doing alright. Just a note on allergies- some people are allergic to touching the plant like leaves rubbing on skin, but can otherwise ingest it normally with np problems.
Some people cannot work in a harvest area without allwergy reactions to airborne particles, vut can smoke and touch it no problems.

And others may be allergic to the standard ingestion of weed (smoke vapor etc) but do not suffer the other types of reactions. So it is not all so clear cut. Not detracting from your points at all, just something to keep in mind.

Any which way, one thing is for certain- Allergies suck! :nope::argh:


Well-Known Member
I've combusted for the first 9 years of my life (no tobacco) with the end accumulation of having the worst case of bronchitis I ever had, sending me to the hospital and having to go on prednisone. I picked up the arizer solo 2 and while it helped at first for about 6 months, I started getting asthma attacks, chronic coughing, huge amounts of phlegm, stopped breathing at night and horrible sneezing after about an hour of taking some hits. The effects persisted a couple of days later and I needed to use ventolin probably twice a day. Went to get my spirometry done and my lung funcitoning was at the border between mild copd and moderate copd. When the Methacholine test was adminstered, from a 1-7 dosage scale (1 being the smallest amount), my throat immediately seized up at 1 and my next spirometry reading was about 25-30% lower . The doctor said people with asthma usually start at 4 or 5, so I was in bad shape.

I went on the keto diet and I started my t-break last week and I've already noticed my symptoms subsiding. It was around the fourth day that the constant stream of mucous started to subside and I was able to walk around outside without tightness in my chest. I was using a thc|cbd tincture that did wonders for nightime and I've slowly tapered it off now. I am starting to think that, after almost 10 years of cannabis use, I've become horribly allergic to it. I'm going to let me lungs rest for a few months and stick with edibles and tinctures for the time being.
I believe that Cannabis can be an irritant on certain mucus membranes, because if I touch buds and then touch my nostril or eye, they start to itch like a bad pollen reaction, but vaping it is fine.

If you are truly allergic, you might still trigger it via ingestion, though. Definitely, be careful, as allergies can worsen with repeated exposures.

I've actually wondered about how common this is myself. From my research, at the very least, it seems pretty easy to develop a pinene allergy to the a-pinene terpene in cannabis.


Of course I just did this on both wrists and now they are red and itchy.......................... :rolleyes:

oh well, I never liked cannabis much anyways :doh:

I wouldn’t be surprised if I hadn’t the same reaction. I’m not sure if it’s an allergy, or if it’s due to Cannabis containing at least one irritating chemical. Have you ever touched buds and scratched your eye?


Well-Known Member
Of course I just did this on both wrists and now they are red and itchy.......................... :rolleyes:

oh well, I never liked cannabis much anyways :doh:
I think that a surprisingly high percentage of people would also feel a similar skin reaction to the leaves at least and probably buds too if actually rubbed on the skin and not just daily contact.

This doesnt have to denote allergy in my view, but I aint saying it isn't either.


I wouldn’t be surprised if I hadn’t the same reaction. I’m not sure if it’s an allergy, or if it’s due to Cannabis containing at least one irritating chemical. Have you ever touched buds and scratched your eye?

Oh yeah, done that while trimming! Thinking about it, it's probably even more intense with fresh material than dried?

I think that a surprisingly high percentage of people would also feel a similar skin reaction to the leaves at least and probably buds too if actually rubbed on the skin and not just daily contact.

This doesnt have to denote allergy in my view, but I aint saying it isn't either.

I wonder how much it has to do with the fact that here in California a lot of growers are using the same chemicals that make grass itchy? I typically procure material through alternative organic resources, but have been using some store bought products lately due to lack of inventory. It would be interesting to see if the material grown differently produced the same reaction - although, I realize that strain differences and plenty of other external factors could cloud the results.
I'm thinking it might be allergies too. To find out I would suggest testing by making a small scratch in the skin on your arm (no cutting, just enough to open the skin..), and rubbing some MJ on it to see if you react. I've done this with some foods and figured out I was allergic to things I've eaten on a regular basis.

Anyways, best wishes and I hope you get better soon ;)

Just got back from my GP doc. She said that I don't have chronic bronchitis (thank god) and there is no sign of respiratory infection in my lungs but it's most likely severe asthmatic reaction that is probably coinciding with allergy season and gave me a prescription for a Beclomethason dipropionate (corticosteroid) inhaler. I've been noticing each that when I stopped vaping and smoking that my sputum that I cough up has been decreasing gradually, day by day. AT the very least, I think vaping during allergy season is completely off limits and I'm going to give myself a 2-6 month break off of anything going into my lungs.

I would never dissuade anyone from vaping. I've read the research and even my own experience it is superior to smoking in every way. If I didn't have the allergy I would still be doing it. But if your breathing becomes laboured, your throat closes within an hour of vaping, or you are experiencing night time congestion, I recommend doing what duckTape said and do an allergy test or get tested at a specialist. It's a real thing!

Thank goodness for edibles and tinctures.

Also thank you guys for believing me and giving actual advice. I think most other marijuana forums would tell me "its all in ur head lol" and dismissed my symptoms. I'm happy to have registered in this community :)
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Well-Known Member
Good job! It should only get easier from now on.
Thanks! In my 20+ years of mj use, the longest I've gone w/out is 2 1/2 months. So this current break is going another 2 months at least.

I've been vaping for a little over 2 years now, and have taken a couple month, month and a half t-breaks. Compared to when I was smoking, it ain't nothing. Tolerance breaks when smoking were somewhat "hellish", w/ way more body & mental discomfort accompanied by strong feelings of dysphoria.

Been trying to quite caffeine, & let's just say, those attempts have been less than successful. :ugh: Never knew how addicted to it I was untill trying to stop cold turkey. Caffeine...know that's one hell of a drug!


Well-Known Member
Thanks! In my 20+ years of mj use, the longest I've gone w/out is 2 1/2 months. So this current break is going another 2 months at least.

I've been vaping for a little over 2 years now, and have taken a couple month, month and a half t-breaks. Compared to when I was smoking, it ain't nothing. Tolerance breaks when smoking were somewhat "hellish", w/ way more body & mental discomfort accompanied by strong feelings of dysphoria.

Been trying to quite caffeine, & let's just say, those attempts have been less than successful. :ugh: Never knew how addicted to it I was untill trying to stop cold turkey. Caffeine...know that's one hell of a drug!
I’m pretty sensitive to caffeine, so I really only have it in my one or two matcha servings most days. If I skip a day, I feel fine. Too much caffeine, or caffeine from coffee, instead of from green tea (which contains L-Theanine), makes me jittery and restless/unable to sleep. I hear a lot about headache and nausea withdrawals from caffeine, tho. They don’t sound very pleasant.

Cannabis withdrawals symptoms include:
-night sweats (though I’ve also noticed the opposite)
-inability to fall asleep
-boredom (probably the most common and most noticeable)
-lack of appetite
-depression-like symptoms / apathy
-full body itching at random times

People who say it’s all “in your head” don’t know what they are talking about. Getting your body used to any chemical, especially one that affects so many different bodily functions, and then quitting cold turkey is going to have physiological effects. To think Cannabis is free from any negatives is foolish, wishful thinking.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! In my 20+ years of mj use, the longest I've gone w/out is 2 1/2 months. So this current break is going another 2 months at least.

I've been vaping for a little over 2 years now, and have taken a couple month, month and a half t-breaks. Compared to when I was smoking, it ain't nothing. Tolerance breaks when smoking were somewhat "hellish", w/ way more body & mental discomfort accompanied by strong feelings of dysphoria.

Been trying to quite caffeine, & let's just say, those attempts have been less than successful. :ugh: Never knew how addicted to it I was untill trying to stop cold turkey. Caffeine...know that's one hell of a drug!
Like you @Morty, I have hit one month too. 20 years of smoking/vaping straight. Longest break was for one month. Vaped for the past few years (no combustion). Trying to be sober for a successful career change and been too apathetic for the past few years with my job and relationships. Symptoms have not been too bad other than increased anxiety and irritability. I think reading forums on quitting can be detrimental, as everyone's experience is different.

Didnt go cold turkey, but gradually cut consumption for weeks.


Well-Known Member
Congrats @mixchu69. Continued success my friend for however long you choose you want to go. Always enjoyed your posts!

People who say it’s all “in your head” don’t know what they are talking about. Getting your body used to any chemical, especially one that affects so many different bodily functions, and then quitting cold turkey is going to have physiological effects. To think Cannabis is free from any negatives is foolish, wishful thinking.
I agree with that. I've also never tapered down, always cold turkey. But like I said above, for me, it's been way easier compared to when I was smoking instead of vaping. But I understand this is just my experience, & everyone else's will be different. I have no problem being around it either. It's been pretty awesome actually. I've been walking/running every morning & that seems to put my brain in a happy state for the rest of the day.

Cannabis withdrawals symptoms include:
-night sweats (though I’ve also noticed the opposite)
-inability to fall asleep
-boredom (probably the most common and most noticeable)
-lack of appetite
-depression-like symptoms / apathy
-full body itching at random times
Don't forget chronic masturbation. :brow: It's been nice talkin' to y'all, but uh, I gotta go to the bathroom! Oh jeez!



Well-Known Member
This seems like a very specific side effect! Is this a broadly reported?
Idk about broadly, but I’ve defintiely read about mutiple people experiencing apathy/loss of interest/no desire to do anything/a feeling of nothing really mattering. It might be more depression than nihilism, but it seems similar. I’d keep an eye out for it if I quit Cannabis, or go on another extended break.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of just switching to cbd isolate for a while. thc makes it kind of hard to do the shit I want to do. I think it's good for creativity and just making stuff (until the comedown comes), but not so good for learning.

time to hit more indica at 1am right before bed


unbearably light in the being....
When I go on a t break, the first thing I notice is that I feel much heavier; the second thing I notice is that things take longer to do because everything hurts; the third thing I notice is that EVERY THING HURTS.

Not in an urgent, 911 kinda way, just... things are slow, I am slow, because moving hurts the worst of all.

Other than that, the only negative effect is the cough when combusting. I do appreciate your good intentions, but I’ve been smoking, nonstop w vaping, for fifty years. I’ve gone years without a break, I’ve gone years without a toke. I can, have, and do just fine either way. My experience and my observations over the years agree with the assessment made by the British government in Jamaica, which was even after prolonged heav regular use there was no distinction in health or longevity or misbehavior, or mental defect to be found.

I myself in all the on and off have never noticed any sort of withdrawal or sign of habituation, but I may be exceptional. I have decided I’d had enough, and walked away cold turkey, from coke, crank, and whisky, with never a wistful glance. I could spend the rest of my life talking and teaching, listening and laughing, cooking and sharing, singing and dancing - and stoned as a goose the whole time.

It’s like my familiar...
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