thank you, man.
I use "sea salt" withoud additives.
But I was under the impression that "salt" is bad for use.
Causing strokes, high blood presure and damaging the organs.
I will head out now looking for the himalayn thing you speak of.
One table spoon first thing in the morning and thats it ?
Would be awesome.
why no metal ?
some chemical reaction happening that "weaken" the sole salt ?
Thank you so much for being open to my suggestions.
Yes I edited my post to say the sole will oxidise the metals.
Salt has been so wrongly demonised. The misinoirmation, my gosh! It is actually the bad table salt that causes all adverse effects blamed on salt.
We need a LOT more salt than we have been tricked into believing by the usual mainstream bullshit nonsense and lies.
I weigh out 10 grams of himalayan salt EVERY DAY. I divide it between 2 meals. This is the amount I need, we all need AT LEAST 8 grams daily.
But my diet is 100% home cooked, natural, unprocessed. I dont get ANY bad salt at all. Tinned fish, beans etc- spring water. No commercial bread. I add my own healthy salt.
I have perfect heart health, low 50's resting pulse. Perfect blood pressure, my good cholesterol is way better than average and my bad cholesterol is way lower than average.
I also eats a very high fat diet, with 50 to 60 grams coconut oil/organic beef fat every day, as much or more extra virgin olive oil, plus additional fat from nuts, meat and fish.
Insufficent salt intake is also an epidemic, in most cases directly related to the consumption of the wrong type of salt and the complete absence of the correct salt.
But even myself who has avoided the poison and used the good stuff for many years, I discovered in recent years that I had been heavily undersalting my body for many years.
I used to weigh 6 grams of Himalayan salt for my daily consumption until I learnt that we need a minimum of 8 grams and can require significantly more without any negative effects quite the opposite actually.
You only take 5 ml max of the sole each morning. But start lower and build up, it is an amazingly Powerful detox, so go slow.
Unwitting insufficient salt intake is also directly related to depression and low mood disorders.
I will look for a few links on salt in general to paste below, back in a mo...
Okay here is a great one:
Also of interest:
You DEFINITELY want to be taking turmeric daily as well. It is proven to be amazing for depresion, far more effective than antidepressants, with only upsides too.
We were discussing the benefits of turmeric a page back in this thread:
I would strongly recommend you try to get some good quality and specifically organic turmeric powder and take one to two heaped teaspoons daily if you can. If you see the posts on the previous page where we discussed turmeric and the various methods of taking it that will help.
Here is another excellent and informative link about salt how much we really need and the misinformation we have been fed:
However one thing to understand is that unfortunately not all Himalayan salt is equal. It is all natural but it is of varying quality and make up depending on where it is mined from and can be extremely beneficial or considerably less beneficial and sometimes a little aggravating for our bodies depending on where it is sourced and how it is mined.
Any type of natural unrefined salt will be a thousand times better than refined table salt but unfortunately it is impossible to know if we have the best quality or an inferior one which is therefore not capable of the full medicinal benefits.
Redmond real salt is also highly reccommended if you aren't confident of the source if your himalayan.
Best to use whole rocks to make sole too.
Okay I shall leave it at that for now, sorry I don't mean to overwhelm you, just take your time getting a better picture and use your instincts and judgement to try and find a good source of salt where it seems that the seller genuinely cares about sourcing the best quality soaps possible.
The best himalayan salt will actually be less pink and much more on the whiter side contrary to what most people believe, but I have had very white Himalayan salt which I got my homeopath to test which wasn't very good as well so you never can be completely sure unless you can have it tested like I can. The very best stuff I get I can no longer get hold of it is the best quality in the world and you can tell just by looking, touching and tasting it.
So I am currently looking for a new source of the absolute best quality myself.