The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Forced cannabreak starts today, my dumbass coworker gave me and a few others his cold because he doesnt understand the concept of staying home when youre contagious, or at least COVERING YOUR MOTHERFUCKING MOUTH when you hack incessantly when youre in the same room with other people for 8 hours a day, filling that fucking room with a million of your fucking nasty ass virus-laden cough particles. And the best part is he didnt even bother to take a break from smoking 10 cigarettes a day while this was going down. Fucking unsanitary negligent slob, I wanted to punch him. I dont even have a desire to vape cannabis right now (I wouldnt be able to taste it anyway), the only thing I feel like doing is downing Nyquil and wallowing in my own misery.
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Research Geek, Mad Scientist
Forced cannabreak starts today, my dumbass coworker gave me and a few others his cold because he doesnt understand the concept of staying home when youre contagious, or at least COVERING YOUR MOTHERFUCKING MOUTH when you hack incessantly when youre in the same room with other people for 8 hours a day, filling that fucking room with a million of your fucking nasty ass virus-laden cough particles. And the best part is he didnt even bother to take a break from smoking 10 cigarettes a day while this was going down. Fucking unsanitary negligent slob, I wanted to punch him. I dont even have a desire to vape cannabis right now (I wouldnt be able to taste it anyway), the only thing I feel like doing is downing Nyquil and wallowing in my own misery.

I'd start keeping an N95 mask and gloves in my desk. some people! sheesh! :(


Well-Known Member
Forced cannabreak starts today, my dumbass coworker gave me and a few others his cold because he doesnt understand the concept of staying home when youre contagious, or at least COVERING YOUR MOTHERFUCKING MOUTH when you hack incessantly when youre in the same room with other people for 8 hours a day, filling that fucking room with a million of your fucking nasty ass virus-laden cough particles. And the best part is he didnt even bother to take a break from smoking 10 cigarettes a day while this was going down. Fucking unsanitary negligent slob, I wanted to punch him. I dont even have a desire to vape cannabis right now (I wouldnt be able to taste it anyway), the only thing I feel like doing is downing Nyquil and wallowing in my own misery.
At least you’ll have a lower tolerance when you feel better!


Well-Known Member
my dumbass coworker gave me ... his cold..... The only thing I feel like doing is downing Nyquil and wallowing in my own misery.

I'm sorry to hear that you are sick. Some people are so unbelievably rude, spewing their phlem around, contaminating everything and everybody.

If you don't mind spicy, this tea will surely make you feel better. Its an expectorant and clears your chest. Reduces inflammation and helps with your circulation and eases your aches and pains.

Boil a cup of water and add:
- The juice of half a lemon
- One jalapeno finely chopped
- 1/4 tsp - 2 Tbsp cayenne pepper
- 1 tsp powdered vitamin C
- Stevia or honey or sweetener of choice

Stir together and enjoy. You should start low on the cayenne pepper and increase the amount as you improve your tolerance. Buildup to your max dose.

This really will make you feel better.

Get well soon!


Well-Known Member
@Squiby its funny you mention that, I've been buying japapenos on the regular for the last few months and doubling down on them for the last few days. The capsaicin in hot peppers is great when you have a respiratory illness. Its the only time that sweating from eating spicy foods actually feels good. I also started taking fish/krill oil daily a few months ago, which has lots of other benefits too, and it already feels like most of this cold is behind me and I'm only on day 3 of having symptoms (typical cold symptoms last a week for most people). I'm kinda surprised. Omega 3's are awesome.
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Research Geek, Mad Scientist
@Squiby its funny you mention that, I've been buying japapenos on the regular for the last few months and doubling down on them for the last few days. The capsaicin in hot peppers is great when you have a respiratory illness. Its the only time that sweating from eating spicy foods actually feels good. I also started taking fish/krill oil daily a few months ago, which has lots of other benefits too, and it already feels like most of this cold is behind me and I'm only on day 3 of having symptoms (typical cold symptoms last a week for most people). I'm kinda surprised. Omega 3's are awesome.

I understand green drinks are pretty useful for their chlorophyl content in particular when it comes to respiratory fun... I think it's even been studied for COPD. The Red Omega3 made from Krill is pretty good.
Can't handle the hot peppers... red hots and atomic fireballs are about my temp :)


Well-Known Member
I don't know if this has been mentioned, but I make a blend of turmeric, ginger, black pepper and cayenne.
It's called "Golden paste". The cayenne is something I've added as an extra ingredient.

I'm on my 9th day of a cannabreak. I'm suffering from late stage neurological lyme disease. I want to see how I react..

First I had a month where I just used micro/nano-dose in the evening, and I felt good and thought it wouldn't be a problem to make MJ a recreational thing again, which I miss..

Now the inflammation in my joints and muscles is on it's way back. Along with neurological symptoms like twitching fingers, feet, head etc. And sometimes it feels like everything I do is in super slow-motion. along with more pain, fatigue + +

I must admit that a lot of the symptoms and their worsening is quite scary, but I'm determined to at least go a month 100% of. It might be a stupid idea, but so be it.. :)


20 going on 60
I don't know if this has been mentioned, but I make a blend of turmeric, ginger, black pepper and cayenne.
It's called "Golden paste". The cayenne is something I've added as an extra ingredient.

I'm on my 9th day of a cannabreak. I'm suffering from late stage neurological lyme disease. I want to see how I react..

First I had a month where I just used micro/nano-dose in the evening, and I felt good and thought it wouldn't be a problem to make MJ a recreational thing again, which I miss..

Now the inflammation in my joints and muscles is on it's way back. Along with neurological symptoms like twitching fingers, feet, head etc. And sometimes it feels like everything I do is in super slow-motion. along with more pain, fatigue + +

I must admit that a lot of the symptoms and their worsening is quite scary, but I'm determined to at least go a month 100% of. It might be a stupid idea, but so be it.. :)

Wish you the best of luck bud.

I'm just beginning month 3 of my t-break. It's been going OK but I miss my evening routine.

One thing to note in my case is my eczema seems to have cleared up quite significantly. To the point where I was able to consume dairy and not spend a week regretting it.

Not sure if this is directly related to breaking from cannabis or as a result of handing in my notice at my current firm and thus no longer being stressed out by it. I did pose this question to my dermatologist and they seemed to feel the work stress was far more likely to be a culprit than cannabis.

Guess we will find out in a few months when I finish my break. Until then all I have to say is..... I FUCKING LOVE CHEESE AND ICE CREAM, IT'S SO GOOD TO EAT YOU AGAIN. OMM NOM NOM........

@duckTape Can I ask why you are taking your Canna-break?

Hope your symptoms don't cause you too much distress.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if this has been mentioned, but I make a blend of turmeric, ginger, black pepper and cayenne.
It's called "Golden paste". The cayenne is something I've added as an extra ingredient.

I'm on my 9th day of a cannabreak. I'm suffering from late stage neurological lyme disease. I want to see how I react..

First I had a month where I just used micro/nano-dose in the evening, and I felt good and thought it wouldn't be a problem to make MJ a recreational thing again, which I miss..

Now the inflammation in my joints and muscles is on it's way back. Along with neurological symptoms like twitching fingers, feet, head etc. And sometimes it feels like everything I do is in super slow-motion. along with more pain, fatigue + +

I must admit that a lot of the symptoms and their worsening is quite scary, but I'm determined to at least go a month 100% of. It might be a stupid idea, but so be it.. :)
Hey man nice to see you dropping in here. I have been wondering how your own Lyme battle and recovery are going.
Im glad you are on the spices, they are gold dust for all round health support. Are you using organic? It is really vital from a medicinal viewpoint, you will get far better results. It's really worth paying a little more and searching around.

That is very interesting what you report about your break and changes in your Lyme symptoms. I have sworn that my cannabis use all these years has kept my health much more stable and more serious, irreversible conditions at bay.

Did you know that cannabis actively supresses the Borrelia and also the multiple symptoms.
For some it means having seizures all day long, or using cannabis and not having a single seizure.

Fortunately Im not that dependant. But do keep it in mind that cannabis is an invaluable aid in safeguarding your overall health from further damage and disorder from the Lyme Disease.

I forget the way to put it now, but it plays an important role in calming down your immune response from being too exaggerated (inflammation) and serves to regulate the nervous system which the Borrelia basically causes havoc with.

Just make sure that your need to support your Lyme symptoms and keep the Borrelia from causing more damage is not greater than your need or reasons for a t break.

I wouldn't want you to be so determined that you unwittingly allow the Lyme to get a bit stronger and take you down a bit in the process. If that happened it would surely outweigh any benefits from your break.

Just something for you to consider. Wishing you the best bruv take care.:)


Well-Known Member
Wish you the best of luck bud.

I'm just beginning month 3 of my t-break. It's been going OK but I miss my evening routine.

One thing to note in my case is my eczema seems to have cleared up quite significantly. To the point where I was able to consume dairy and not spend a week regretting it.

Not sure if this is directly related to breaking from cannabis or as a result of handing in my notice at my current firm and thus no longer being stressed out by it. I did pose this question to my dermatologist and they seemed to feel the work stress was far more likely to be a culprit than cannabis.

Guess we will find out in a few months when I finish my break. Until then all I have to say is..... I FUCKING LOVE CHEESE AND ICE CREAM, IT'S SO GOOD TO EAT YOU AGAIN. OMM NOM NOM........

@duckTape Can I ask why you are taking your Canna-break?

Hope your symptoms don't cause you too much distress.

Hey @GreenHopper, thanks for your good vibes :)

Wow, 3 months is a solid t-break! How long did you use before this break? I'm glad to hear that your eczema has improved, I hope it keeps getting better.

How long are you planning to stay away from MJ? Keep us posted on how the eczema reacts when you break the fast ;)

My reason for the canna-break is that in December I cut back on usage quite a lot and my symptoms seemed fine for almost 4 weeks. I started to wishfully think that I could make MJ a pure recreational thing to enjoy once in a while. Then the joint/muscle/nerve pains, cognitive symptoms and fatigue started to get a lot worse.

Now I want to go a period without MJ to see if I can reduce my symptoms by eating as anti-inflammatory as possible. MJ really helps me with inflammation, so if I go without for a while I hopefully will get a better picture of what foods I need to stay away from to optimize my health.

What's your reason for the t-break? Is it the because of the eczema or something else?

Best wishes to you my friend!

Hey man nice to see you dropping in here. I have been wondering how your own Lyme battle and recovery are going.
Im glad you are on the spices, they are gold dust for all round health support. Are you using organic? It is really vital from a medicinal viewpoint, you will get far better results. It's really worth paying a little more and searching around.

That is very interesting what you report about your break and changes in your Lyme symptoms. I have sworn that my cannabis use all these years has kept my health much more stable and more serious, irreversible conditions at bay.

Did you know that cannabis actively supresses the Borrelia and also the multiple symptoms.
For some it means having seizures all day long, or using cannabis and not having a single seizure.

Fortunately Im not that dependant. But do keep it in mind that cannabis is an invaluable aid in safeguarding your overall health from further damage and disorder from the Lyme Disease.

I forget the way to put it now, but it plays an important role in calming down your immune response from being too exaggerated (inflammation) and serves to regulate the nervous system which the Borrelia basically causes havoc with.

Just make sure that your need to support your Lyme symptoms and keep the Borrelia from causing more damage is not greater than your need or reasons for a t break.

I wouldn't want you to be so determined that you unwittingly allow the Lyme to get a bit stronger and take you down a bit in the process. If that happened it would surely outweigh any benefits from your break.

Just something for you to consider. Wishing you the best bruv take care.:)

Hey Alexis, nice to "see" you again :D

Not much has changed when it comes to my lyme battle.. I guess the infection is under control (but I have no idea), but my nervous system is quite chaotic. If I don't pace myself when it comes to physical and mental activity I get burned out. And when I'm burned out my body shoots out massive amounts of adrenaline and other stress hormones so that I get pretty bad anxiety and all other symptoms increase as well. So it's hard to replenish any energy.

I feel really alone when it comes to the MJ since it's illegal where I live, and I can't be open about it.. At the same time I feel proud for going against the grain and do what I need to do.

As I mentioned above I want to learn more about my bodies reaction to different foods, and that's my main reason for the break.

Do you have a good source for organic spices online? I know you're the guy to ask ;)

I still use the salt/c-vitamin protocol from time to time and it's amazing at clearing mucus. It's like an "edible nasal spray".

How is it going with you my friend? I hope all is well!!

Best wishes mate :)


20 going on 60
Hey @GreenHopper, thanks for your good vibes :)

Wow, 3 months is a solid t-break! How long did you use before this break? I'm glad to hear that your eczema has improved, I hope it keeps getting better.

How long are you planning to stay away from MJ? Keep us posted on how the eczema reacts when you break the fast ;)

My reason for the canna-break is that in December I cut back on usage quite a lot and my symptoms seemed fine for almost 4 weeks. I started to wishfully think that I could make MJ a pure recreational thing to enjoy once in a while. Then the joint/muscle/nerve pains, cognitive symptoms and fatigue started to get a lot worse.

Now I want to go a period without MJ to see if I can reduce my symptoms by eating as anti-inflammatory as possible. MJ really helps me with inflammation, so if I go without for a while I hopefully will get a better picture of what foods I need to stay away from to optimize my health.

What's your reason for the t-break? Is it the because of the eczema or something else?

Best wishes to you my friend!

Hey Alexis, nice to "see" you again :D

Not much has changed when it comes to my lyme battle.. I guess the infection is under control (but I have no idea), but my nervous system is quite chaotic. If I don't pace myself when it comes to physical and mental activity I get burned out. And when I'm burned out my body shoots out massive amounts of adrenaline and other stress hormones so that I get pretty bad anxiety and all other symptoms increase as well. So it's hard to replenish any energy.

I feel really alone when it comes to the MJ since it's illegal where I live, and I can't be open about it.. At the same time I feel proud for going against the grain and do what I need to do.

As I mentioned above I want to learn more about my bodies reaction to different foods, and that's my main reason for the break.

Do you have a good source for organic spices online? I know you're the guy to ask ;)

I still use the salt/c-vitamin protocol from time to time and it's amazing at clearing mucus. It's like an "edible nasal spray".

How is it going with you my friend? I hope all is well!!

Best wishes mate :)

I've been using cannabis recreationally for 1.5 decades on and off. I used to just smoke it at the weekends during the summer months and take the winter months off. I worked this way because I always felt like it was my way of knowing it was my choice to use and not because I was becoming dependent on it. I never had any issues with it affecting my eczema during this time.

About 2 and a half years ago I caught an infection that sent my skin haywire. The docs messed up with a misdiagnosis and gave me steroids unaware that it was a topical infection which meant my immune system was unable to fight the infection. I went for about a year swinging from clear to crazy messed up not knowing what was causing the flare ups. At one point I was oozing yellow plasma all over and totally swollen. At that point I started using cannabis again mostly to help me sleep but also it stopped me from getting down. It didn't stop the pain but it certainly helped me cope with it.

Once we figured out that I had an infection I was able to slowly tackle it using a topical mixture but I was unable to leave the house for another year. So the last 1.5 years I've been consistently using cannabis, consuming it more frequently throughout the day.

Once I was over the infection I stopped having the flare ups but just couldn't shift the patches of eczema that remained. I was well enough again to leave the house so decided to switch jobs as I was sick of working from home and the company I was working for (certain individuals at least) were pissed at me for getting ill and started making life difficult.

At that point I was already on an exclusion diet due to the eczema, was exercising daily to lose the weight I had gained from the roids so the next logical step was to cut the cannabis. I didn't want to start the new job with thc in my system anyway and it was a good opportunity to get back to my 6 months on 6 months off routine.

I have 3 more months to go. I'll be keeping a close eye on the eczema and report back.

I hope the anti inflammation diet works out for you. Keep a journal so you don't lose track of your trigger foods.

Best wishes to you bud.

Jill NYC

Portable Hoarder
I have been wanting to take a t-break for awhile now.
I want to see if vaping effects my focus and motivation.

Last week I took 3 days off. This week, I am shooting for 5 days off and just vape on Fri/Sat.

Ultimately, I think I need to take at least 3 months off to really see if it is effecting me in a negative way, but I am not quite ready to do that yet.
I preordered the Haze Square and my goal is once it arrives and after using it for a few weeks, then it will be time to take a true t-break. There is no way I will have the willpower to start one with a new toy in the house!

The first night or two, sleep has been a little tough and I am very antsy at night.

A lot of times I think I miss the ritual more than anything else. So I have been using an e-cig to help ease the desire. (I am using the safest ejuice with very, very low levels of nicotine). It helps some, but who am I kidding? It’s no substitute for cannabis.

I am posting this to try to hold myself accountable. We shall see.
I am open to any tips or advice!
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Long draws
I’ve been wanting to take a tolerance break for some time now. I can’t go a morning without it and my symptoms start destroying me. I often wonder if it’s my mind playing tricks. Making me sick until I take that hit. I have crohns and only medicate with herb. Any ideas out there from people with similar situations?


Research Geek, Mad Scientist
I have been wanting to take a t-break for awhile now.
I want to see if vaping effects my focus and motivation.

Last week I took 3 days off. This week, I am shooting for 5 days off and just vape on Fri/Sat.

Ultimately, I think I need to take at least 3 months off to really see if it is effecting me in a negative way, but I am not quite ready to do that yet.
I preordered the Haze Square and my goal is once it arrives and after using it for a few weeks, then it will be time to take a true t-break. There is no way I will have the willpower to start one with a new toy in the house!

The first night or two, sleep has been a little tough and I am very antsy at night.

A lot of times I think I miss the ritual more than anything else. So I have been using an e-cig to help ease the desire. (I am using the safest ejuice with very, very low levels of nicotine). It helps some, but who am I kidding? It’s no substitute for cannabis.

I am posting this to try to hold myself accountable. We shall see.
I am open to any tips or advice!

I'm working my way through this lovely flu. Day 12 so far.
Haven't medicated throughout this, and may not for perhaps another week.
Haven't taken a break longer than 7-10 days, and that lowered my tolerance pretty significantly.
If you're agitated from the break, you might look into using L-Theanine (natural anxiolytic amino acid from green tea).


Well-Known Member
Anyone heard of these?

I'm not a fan of the price, but I took a chance and bought one for those times when I just have to puff on something but cannabis is out of the picture (for whatever reason). I didn't relate to any of the claims they make about it changing how you feel or lowering stress, but the flavour is nice and it has good vapor production. The problem is if i went cannabis-free for an extended period of time I would end up spending as much $$$ on these as I would cannabis. The one in the link is the one I bought, so I can't speak for any of the other flavors.
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Well-Known Member
I broke it, lol. Fuck it, I guess I don't wanna work anywhere that drug tests for weed.

And... I broke it by vaping with a fucking Wagner heat gun. :( It worked well... hopefully there's no plastic before the heating element.
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Well-Known Member
I am on day 11 or 12.
it's okay but i am bored.
One day i broke the break because it was an "extreme personal problem" with a friend and i wanted to comfort him.
felt awful afterwards.

again its the tiredness that ruins my days.
I think I used the herb to get me fully awake.

coffee, tea, match, guarana, ginseng, maca have no postive effect on my tired brain.
I can/could sleep again 2h after waking up.


Well-Known Member
I am on day 11 or 12.
it's okay but i am bored.
One day i broke the break because it was an "extreme personal problem" with a friend and i wanted to comfort him.
felt awful afterwards.

again its the tiredness that ruins my days.
I think I used the herb to get me fully awake.

coffee, tea, match, guarana, ginseng, maca have no postive effect on my tired brain.
I can/could sleep again 2h after waking up.
Hi mate. Sorry for your ongoing struggles. Have a look into "himalayan salt sole".
It is a brine you make from himalayan salt and take just one teaspoon first thing each morning.

It supercharges you with energy, and combats tiredness/lethargy.
As well as a million other substantial all round benefits.

Have a look. But, I am going to go out on a limb and suggest you are suffering, like 90% plus of us (dumb) fools called humans, from chronic dehydration.

I will put money on it. Dehydration is SO widespread and prevalent. Very few people you meet are adequately hydrated. It is a still overlooked but vastly important epidemic.
The brain only operates at 20% if you are just slightly dehydrated.

If you drink tea, coffee or alcohol, you need extra water on top, and that is assuming you have had enough clean water that day to begin with, which is rare for most.
So you may be permamently dehydrated, always in debt with backlog to catch up on, but never getting close without being awate of it and the need to rectify and modify bahaviours to ensure you get adaequate water.

Salt is of vital importance here. Without salt the body cannot hydrate or make proper use of water. However, the type of salt is crucial here. Refined table salt is pure poison, and incapabe of assisting bodily hydration.

Natural, unrefined salt (himalayan or "Redmond real salt" is best), is required for proper hydration and a million other vital bodliy processes.
Most people have no concept or understanding of the type of salt they are using and how it is so damaging to the health and lacking in the Vital qualities and benefits that natural salt is designed to provide for us.

Just think about this the implications are enormous. Salt is equally vital to our health and survival as water the two most important substances our bodies make use of and require daily.
But the vast majority of people consume only man-made, refined, denatured, destroyed, stripped away and plastered back together, artificial, poisonous table salt with extra additives and all natural minerals removed and sold separately.

I have to spell it out because it's so important people can get a clear view of this.
Without proper unrefined salt it is impossible for the body to hydrate properly. The himalayan (or Redmond/Celtic) "sole" takes the hydrating power to a much higher level.

Do have a look into this please Mr Sifter.
Oh one other thing the sole does amazingly well- it is a VERY powerful and immediately effective antidepressant. Seriously bro I swear it does amazing things for your mood, emotions and energy levels and alertness.

Never use a metal spoon to take it (it will oxidise the metal, like it will do to clear and detox heavy metals from your body- use plastic measurer or wood), and it works much better if you avoid caffeine, or at least start with sole and water to get your PH adjusted and hydration up (caffeine can negate the powerful PH balancing/alkalising effect of the sole).

Good luck bruv, stay hopeful. I honestly don't mean to patronise you at all, but I see you struggling like many of us and feel so strongly and surely that the best thing you can do is find some ways to support your bodily health with some lifestyle mods, as I suggest here for example.
This could change everything for you, gradually bit at a time.:)
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Well-Known Member
thank you, man.

I use "sea salt" withoud additives.
But I was under the impression that "salt" is bad for use.
Causing strokes, high blood presure and damaging the organs.

I will head out now looking for the himalayn thing you speak of.
One table spoon first thing in the morning and thats it ?
Would be awesome.

why no metal ?
some chemical reaction happening that "weaken" the sole salt ?


Well-Known Member
thank you, man.

I use "sea salt" withoud additives.
But I was under the impression that "salt" is bad for use.
Causing strokes, high blood presure and damaging the organs.

I will head out now looking for the himalayn thing you speak of.
One table spoon first thing in the morning and thats it ?
Would be awesome.

why no metal ?
some chemical reaction happening that "weaken" the sole salt ?
Thank you so much for being open to my suggestions.
Yes I edited my post to say the sole will oxidise the metals.

Salt has been so wrongly demonised. The misinoirmation, my gosh! It is actually the bad table salt that causes all adverse effects blamed on salt.

We need a LOT more salt than we have been tricked into believing by the usual mainstream bullshit nonsense and lies.

I weigh out 10 grams of himalayan salt EVERY DAY. I divide it between 2 meals. This is the amount I need, we all need AT LEAST 8 grams daily.

But my diet is 100% home cooked, natural, unprocessed. I dont get ANY bad salt at all. Tinned fish, beans etc- spring water. No commercial bread. I add my own healthy salt.

I have perfect heart health, low 50's resting pulse. Perfect blood pressure, my good cholesterol is way better than average and my bad cholesterol is way lower than average.

I also eats a very high fat diet, with 50 to 60 grams coconut oil/organic beef fat every day, as much or more extra virgin olive oil, plus additional fat from nuts, meat and fish.

Insufficent salt intake is also an epidemic, in most cases directly related to the consumption of the wrong type of salt and the complete absence of the correct salt.
But even myself who has avoided the poison and used the good stuff for many years, I discovered in recent years that I had been heavily undersalting my body for many years.

I used to weigh 6 grams of Himalayan salt for my daily consumption until I learnt that we need a minimum of 8 grams and can require significantly more without any negative effects quite the opposite actually.

You only take 5 ml max of the sole each morning. But start lower and build up, it is an amazingly Powerful detox, so go slow.

Unwitting insufficient salt intake is also directly related to depression and low mood disorders.
I will look for a few links on salt in general to paste below, back in a mo...

Okay here is a great one:

Also of interest:

You DEFINITELY want to be taking turmeric daily as well. It is proven to be amazing for depresion, far more effective than antidepressants, with only upsides too.
We were discussing the benefits of turmeric a page back in this thread:
I would strongly recommend you try to get some good quality and specifically organic turmeric powder and take one to two heaped teaspoons daily if you can. If you see the posts on the previous page where we discussed turmeric and the various methods of taking it that will help.

Here is another excellent and informative link about salt how much we really need and the misinformation we have been fed:

However one thing to understand is that unfortunately not all Himalayan salt is equal. It is all natural but it is of varying quality and make up depending on where it is mined from and can be extremely beneficial or considerably less beneficial and sometimes a little aggravating for our bodies depending on where it is sourced and how it is mined.

Any type of natural unrefined salt will be a thousand times better than refined table salt but unfortunately it is impossible to know if we have the best quality or an inferior one which is therefore not capable of the full medicinal benefits.
Redmond real salt is also highly reccommended if you aren't confident of the source if your himalayan.

Best to use whole rocks to make sole too.

Okay I shall leave it at that for now, sorry I don't mean to overwhelm you, just take your time getting a better picture and use your instincts and judgement to try and find a good source of salt where it seems that the seller genuinely cares about sourcing the best quality soaps possible.
The best himalayan salt will actually be less pink and much more on the whiter side contrary to what most people believe, but I have had very white Himalayan salt which I got my homeopath to test which wasn't very good as well so you never can be completely sure unless you can have it tested like I can. The very best stuff I get I can no longer get hold of it is the best quality in the world and you can tell just by looking, touching and tasting it.

So I am currently looking for a new source of the absolute best quality myself.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I will read all this and your links.
Thanks for the tumaric info.
Its called Kurkuma aswell, right ?

I bought some kurkuma roots back in 2017 and have it lying in my kitchen.
I wanted to juice it in my greenstar juicer but I forgot about it.

I hope these roots are still fine and I will add some to my restarted juice habit. starting tomorrow.
good to meet you


Well-Known Member
Oh, I will read all this and your links.
Thanks for the tumaric info.
Its called Kurkuma aswell, right ?

I bought some kurkuma roots back in 2017 and have it lying in my kitchen.
I wanted to juice it in my greenstar juicer but I forgot about it.

I hope these roots are still fine and I will add some to my restarted juice habit. starting tomorrow.
good to meet you
"Curcumin" is the main active medicinal compound in turmeric. You can get curcumin extracts which is the big craze these days but I am a believer in just getting the highest strength and best quality organic turmeric powder you can and taking 1 to 2 heaped teaspoons daily where you will get the full range of medicinal benefits from this synergistic compounds in the turmeric powder.

You are more than welcome for the advice my friend my only wish is always to help. My hope is that you are already beginning to understand why things seem so hopeless to you and so difficult when your body and brain is so desperately lacking fundamental basics.

And this is only the beginning of dozens of very easy changes you could make to your daily lifestyle to immediately improve your energy levels and mentality.
And I guess this is what I am trying to illustrate to everybody in general. We can help ourselves so much but we just don't realise or know how to go about it.

And whose fault is that? Well if you ask me, it's the same people who are responsible for all of our problems in my firm belief, and the reason why we are not educated from childhood with the things we should be -
THE DAMNED GOVERNMENTS! (Or secret governments to be more accurate)!:argh::goon::rant:



Well-Known Member
And whose fault is that? Well if you ask me, it's the same people who are responsible for all of our problems in my firm belief, and the reason why we are not educated from childhood with the things we should be -
THE DAMNED GOVERNMENTS! (Or secret governments to be more accurate)!:argh::goon::rant:

^^ THIS ^^
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