Is this a...what day is this?
Thanks! I'll take a look.you should easily find it on Amazon by searching for “case for miyoo mini plus”
it's available with a cat pattern too. and the interior is really soft
Thanks! I'll take a look.you should easily find it on Amazon by searching for “case for miyoo mini plus”
it's available with a cat pattern too. and the interior is really soft
That's an admirably worked burl. I can't identify the button, is it abalone or stone?
I don't think anyone is accusing Dan of being nefarious. It's concerning that there have been no weekly batch 2 updates for more than a month, but there's been yet another Toad drop. It's starting to look like the "side project" has become his main focus.
Strange times we live in... accelerating populations, dwindling resources, and higher demand for, well, everything. But, I digress.
And here you have one man, and one very unique art form. I'm surprised the demand isn't higher and the cost isn't greater. I've been in line for a Nomad 2 since 2021 -not nearly as long as some others who wait. I currently have a Toad on order, paid for and awaiting finishing and delivery. If it is in the stars, I will purchase other Toad's. I take the same approach to the Nomad. I believe in the work Dan is doing and I will continue to support his art for as long as he is willing to create it.
Hopefully Dan will find a way to keep the Nomad's in production. If that means more Toad's and more of a wait, then so be it. If that means higher prices, by all means -the sky is the limit. These are heirloom pieces of functional art and they are unlike anything else on planet earth. Would it be too bold to call them priceless?
Love how changing the woods changes the whole personality.It is truly a piece of art.
Come on, is it a "need to know" basis? 'cause I NEED TO KNOW!This latest update is very interesting. These Nomads are really coming along!
Flammy that’s incredible!
For all of those curious about the Batch 2 updates, they'll be back first week of October. I just sent out a longer update email to Batch 2, and Batch 3, that outlines the estimated timeline for shipping Batch 2 (February), and when I'll be starting on Batch 3. I also go into a bit about the Toads in the email, but I'll offer up some thoughts here too.
The Nomad IIs turned out to be financially unsustainable. This was mostly because I vastly underestimated the time it would take to make them, but my inexperience with planning a project of that size certainly didn't help either.
@jds You're correct in that the Toads had become a necessary evil. While I never intended the two projects to overlap, and I really tried everything I could at the time to avoid it, they did end up offering me a sustainable way to keep things going.
I have a lot to say about the Nomad II project, and one day I'll have my thoughts together enough to make a post about the entire experience. For now I just feel as though I am sorry for how long it has taken to fulfill these orders... and that what matters is that I keep trying my best to get them out the door.
For those wondering if I’ll ever make another batch of Nomad II’s after these orders are all caught up…. I will say that my improvements over the last years are starting to make the Nomad II’s look more viable to continue making at some point, with a few design tweaks and a price hike for sure. I absolutely love the design, so I’ll definitely be looking for ways I can keep it going in some form.... but... I really won't know for sure until I'm done Batch 3.
What wood is that beautiful burl? And it looks so perfect with the burl. And look at the silky smooth edging. And the battery compartment has a nice top curve that's unexpected. It must feel so good in the hand.
Congrat's on the new vapes man, they truly are beautiful pieces, what a collection!The maple burl is just incredible... it's soft, it's beautiful... I can spend a lot of time looking at or touching the wood... I'm a fan!
And with an 18650 battery inside the weight is just perfect...
And the abalone button is also exceptional... I imagined one day asking Dan to sell me a button that would contain a galaxy... well... I'm pretty good now!
There you go... I had fun with this post... (sorry if it's "too much")... and I had fun with this purchase!
But so, Nomad #008 is well settled in his new home.
Okay and finally... maybe some people have spotted in the previous image... but in this room full of treasures where I found my Nomad #008... there was another lost artifact.. . a unicorn that we no longer dared to talk about... Okin #81... but this part of the count is for another thread...!
That's it for me...
I'm in a little bubble of happiness at the moment...!
I sold everything else... I still have vapman, lotus and a glass vape... and I'm enjoying it!
Thanks again to this awesome seller who was kind enough to part with two unicorns...
and once again, Thanks to Dan for this exceptional job he did with this custom Nomad...
It is a true work of art, a functional jewel... and an artifact that makes me dream and travel... in space and in time...
Happy vaping everyone!!
Damn, man. A full on Morwood trifecta! Couldn’t have happened to a bigger fan.In this room full of treasures, there was another lost artifact, a unicorn we no longer dared to talk about...
Batch 2 should be sent out February-ish.Congrat's on the new vapes man, they truly are beautiful pieces, what a collection!
I envy your Okin, even though I imagine I'd rarely use one (I rarely use any of my vapes that aren't Nomad/Toad) I'd love one for the occasional leisurely charcoal toke! And to have an example of each of Dan's vapes must be like having a mini museum of modern craft in your vape box!
Whereabouts are we in the Nomad II waiting list?
I had to drop out of the first batch but re-joined as soon as I could and think I just missed batch 3.
Has anyone from 3 received their Nomad II yet?
I see from recent posts that Dan may be reviewing prices etc. I REALLY hope that batch 4 (and beyond!) will still be made, are you able to offer any updates to those of us beyond the current batch @danmorrison?
Batch 2 should be sent out February-ish.