Hey all!
I don't post much but I have been lurking this thread for a while. I was a lucky guy and got myself a spot in the 3rd batch! I couldn't believe it either, such an amazing device and now I get to design one!
Anyway. The design process was awesome. From the selections of different wood species, enough to suite any ones taste I'm sure, to the sleeve, collar and button. Mixing and matching, choosing and changing, finally, this looks good. And I must say that Dan nailed it.
My Nomad, No. 76 will be coming home and I cannot wait. Haven't thought about a name yet but man if No.76 doesn't just sound cool. No.76, yep, that'll be the name. <--Srsly just came up with that. I like.
BTW, doesn't Dan take some seriously kick-ass pics? Look at these shots, perfect.
The body is of Redwood Burl. Collar African Blackwood. Button is Abalone.
And, of coarse, the Kanji reads "Nomad"
Hey all!
I don't post much but I have been lurking this thread for a while. I was a lucky guy and got myself a spot in the 3rd batch! I couldn't believe it either, such an amazing device and now I get to design one!
Anyway. The design process was awesome. From the selections of different wood species, enough to suite any ones taste I'm sure, to the sleeve, collar and button. Mixing and matching, choosing and changing, finally, this looks good. And I must say that Dan nailed it.
My Nomad, No. 76 will be coming home and I cannot wait. Haven't thought about a name yet but man if No.76 doesn't just sound cool. No.76, yep, that'll be the name. <--Srsly just came up with that. I like.
BTW, doesn't Dan take some seriously kick-ass pics? Look at these shots, perfect.
The body is of Redwood Burl. Collar African Blackwood. Button is Abalone.
And, of coarse, the Kanji reads "Nomad"
@Ramahs nice job on the case. What small grinder is that? It looks like you got it pretty well covered for a safe storage and on the go unit. Congrats on your Nomad!
Hey all!
I don't post much but I have been lurking this thread for a while. I was a lucky guy and got myself a spot in the 3rd batch! I couldn't believe it either, such an amazing device and now I get to design one!
Anyway. The design process was awesome. From the selections of different wood species, enough to suite any ones taste I'm sure, to the sleeve, collar and button. Mixing and matching, choosing and changing, finally, this looks good. And I must say that Dan nailed it.
My Nomad, No. 76 will be coming home and I cannot wait. Haven't thought about a name yet but man if No.76 doesn't just sound cool. No.76, yep, that'll be the name. <--Srsly just came up with that. I like.
BTW, doesn't Dan take some seriously kick-ass pics? Look at these shots, perfect.
The body is of Redwood Burl. Collar African Blackwood. Button is Abalone.
And, of coarse, the Kanji reads "Nomad"
Looks like there’s already one from this batch in the classifieds
Hope you’re all enjoying your Nomads.
Mine is still on it’s way, it was due a couple of days ago but the tracking stops when it arrives in the country so now I just have to wait.
Looks like there’s already one from this batch in the classifieds so some lucky person gets to queue jump.
Where in the classifieds?
Looks like it may have been removed?
The ad was removed because we do not allow selling for a price above retail.
Nomad arrived!
Wow it’s gorgeous but I wasn’t expecting such great functionality.
After we get to know each other I’ll post a couple of photos.
Planet of the Vapes just released the "One" along with newly designed dosing capsules that happen to work very well with the standard glass stem for the Nomad. The perforations are identical on both ends, so you can just flip the capsule if needed to get everything even. There's a tiny tiny bit of space around it when inserted into the stem, so the original screen is needed as a backstop, but I imagine a firm o-ring might provide a better seal around the edges. However, I've vaped a couple of bowls and there doesn't seem to be any problem with air going around the capsule. I got lots of vapor and even ABV without flipping.
These capsules are stainless steel and very sturdy. I highly recommend them.