If corporations are people, then we should be able to execute them when they kill other people, or commit high treason against the united states (for example). Yet the worst offenders are deemed "too big to fail".
(press conference for the ages, part two)
[It reads as follows:]
'The President has been diagnosed with Bipolar Disease. This has been confirmed by psychiatrists at Walter Reed Hospital, where the Chief Executive is now resting comfortably. His statements at the press conference should be taken in that context. An original diagnosis of Bipolar was made three years ago, while the President was a member of Congress. Medication had brought it under control, but due to a processing error, his current supply of medicine passed its expiration date and no longer delivered the necessary elements to correct his chemical imbalance.
"Additionally, someone, or perhaps a group of terrorists interfered with the press conference broadcast. Although the networks tried to neutralize the attack, they were unable to locate its source.
"The situation is now being investigated vigorously.
"There is no comment at this time on the President's mental state or his capacity to carry out the duties of his office."
Dianne Sawyer said, "We can only hope the term of our new President is not cut short. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family. The Vice-President has assumed the duties of Commander-in-Chief. He has declared a national state of emergency."
Screens all over the world went black for a moment.
The face of the President appeared. He spoke:
"Hello, friends. This is prerecorded. I assume they hijacked my press conference and carted me off somewhere, and told you I'm ill or have a mental disorder. Am I right?
"I recorded this statement to assure you that whatever you heard me say at the press conference is quite true, and was not the rambling of a madman. Our nation has been taken over at the highest levels.
"Make it your duty to find me, wherever I am, and get me back to the Oval Office, because no one in the government will do it.
"You're seeing me now because I had a little help from my friends. The rest is up to you. I'm your President and it's time to take this country back. A coup de'etat has snatched it away.
"Elite unelected groups want the majority of you to stay poor and dependent on the government. I want to put this country back to work, and I can do it if you find me and take me to the White House."
That night, 50,000 people gathered at Walter Reed Hospital demanding to see the President. They were held back by several thousand armed soldiers and a long row of tanks.
An hour into the standoff, a voice blared out over loudspeakers, "The President isn't here. They're lying to you. They've taken him to Colorado. He's in a bunker under the Denver airport. If you live in Colorado, get to the airport!"
The crowd didn't disperse, but in Denver, by dawn, 300,000 people were standing in a ring around the main terminal.
And at Walter Reed, the crowd had swelled to 100,000.
At 9AM that morning, all over America, word quickly spread that the FBI was going live with an online message.
---Against a blank white background, the face of a middle-aged woman---
"My name is Carol Sands. I've served as an FBI agent for thirty years. I represent a group within the Bureau who are loyal to the President. The country has been hijacked. We know where the President is. But he's being moved around. They can't keep that up forever. Half the country will be out on the streets looking for him. Right now, he's in a private clinic in Los Angeles. The address is 4256 Citrus Street, in Santa Monica. Go there. Demand to see the President. We'll keep you updated on his whereabouts."
Over the next three days, as the President was taken to one location after another---and the FBI group tracked him and informed the public---more than 40 million Americans did, in fact, appear on the streets of cities and towns demanding to see him.
Finally, on a warm Saturday afternoon in Dallas, a dozen doctors, flanked by FBI agents and members of the press, their cameras rolling, escorted the President out the front door of Parkland Hospital.
It's estimated that 180,000 people were there to greet him.
Wearing overalls, a T-shirt, and flak jacket, he appeared in good health. He waved to the cheering crowd and stepped up on to a makeshift platform.
The crowd slowly fell silent.
"All I can say is thank you," the President said. "You freed me. We're going to stay here for a while, because a troop detachment out of Fort Hood in Killeen is on its way. Two thousand soldiers. They and these FBI agents will make sure I get back to Washington and resume my duties as President. We're going to take the trip in a motorcade. We'll stop off in towns along the way so I can talk to people and explain what I'm going to do in the coming weeks. The press will be with us as well. Meanwhile, we have some time here. Let me fill you in on what's been happening to America behind the scenes for, oh, let's see---the last hundred years or so. (laughter, cheering) This is a history lesson you're not going to get in school."
At that moment, FBI agents came walking down an incline with two men in handcuffs. The agents were holding confiscated rifles.
The President glanced over and nodded.
He continued talking.
"How about we start with a lesson on energy?" he said. "Contrary to what you've heard, America has the technology to supply more than enough energy to every man, woman, and child in this country. And I'm not talking about oil or natural gas. There are methods that have been suppressed for a very long time. That's going to change, as of now..."
The crowd stood peacefully and listened. They were eager to hear what the President had to say.
It was a new kind school, and they seemed ready for it.
The President continued: "Looking at your faces, I see what I've believed for a long time. The truth, no matter how shocking, is good medicine. It can cure our sickness and make us strong. In the words of another President who died not far from here, 'Ask not what your country can do for you---ask what you can do for your country.' I hope that by the time I finish my term in office, more of you will see the wisdom of that, because you'll know how deep the corruption has gone, how deep the rabbit hole is. Reality, as we've come to accept it, is an illusion. And I'm going to strip that illusion away, so we can all breathe fresh air again.
"Ready? Here we go."

(story by
jon rappoport)