“The Supreme Court has ruled that for-profit corporations have religious rights and have accorded them religious exemptions,” said Doug Kendall, president of the Constitutional Accountability Center, in a statement. “Despite their attempts to qualify that ruling, it opens the floodgates to claims by corporations for religious exemptions.”
This circulating on FaceBook:Mark my words, this is not the end of corporations trying to force their religious beliefs on their employee's. I am personally waiting for the other religions to start too, like Catholics, for example. "We don't believe in ANY form of birth control, so we refuse to pay for anything." Or, Jehovah's Witnesses...""we don't believe in blood transfusions or organ transplants, so we refuse to pay for that."
This circulating on FaceBook:
Why not test daily for alcohol consumption while they're at it, which is also enjoyed on one's own personal time AWAY from the job! And while the government is in everyone's personal business, they should also make random checks to make sure we wash our hands after each bathroom visit, as not doing so poses a public health hazard. Court enforced citations need to also be issued to anyone who fails to cover their mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, at home and in public. Cigarette smoke needs to be outlawed, and if violated, made punishable by long-term imprisonment. ,,,and what about poor Fred, who just passed his 4 year college exam and is ready to apply for his dream job: Unfortunately, he was just the victim of a car hit-and-run and became severely injured, requiring that he get immediate blood transfusions - turns out his life-saving donor was/is an occasional/recreational MJ user. Now poor Fred has tainted blood, and will NOT pass his mandatory blood test. Sorry Fred, there is no excuse or forgiveness given such tests, or circumstances. 4 years of specialized education out the window, and a record that will haunt for life. Shall I go on?!!!
Governor RICK SCOTT!!! Ugh!I think Aasif Mandvi had the right idea...
Governor RICK SCOTT!!! Ugh!Don't fucking get me started!!!
Governor RICK SCOTT!!! Ugh!Don't fucking get me started!!!
He is, as always, demonstrating his talent and expertise as the consummate Vaseline sales representative (no offense intended towards Vaseline). The placid look on his face is yet another expression of satisfaction that follows his "fucked you up the ass and didn't even have to kiss you" look.
To his credit, he takes the question in stride and seems pretty unphased...
Although you can see a little "Fuck you" twinkle in his eye!
Tell us how you REALLY feel, Vicki.I despise this asshole. He's so fucking corrupt and lies like a fucking dog in his campaign commercials. It kills me how stupid people are, and how short their memories are. This cocksucker had the lowest approval rating in the nation at one time, but stupid motherfuckers will support him again because they obviously do not tire of being fucked up the ass!
What he didn't ask, and should have, is "When was the LAST time you were tested, Governor?"
To his credit, he takes the question in stride and seems pretty unphased...
Although you can see a little "Fuck you" twinkle in his eye!
Yup I agree with mr. brand on this one, when he said that if corporations want to be considered people, then they have to pay the penalty when they commit a crime. I'm paraphrasing here, but I liked it when he said that if gm is killing people, then they should be executed. End of fucking story, I totally agree with this.Corporations should not be considered people.
What kind of freedom is this?
Kansas boy fighting back after outdoor library shut down by ordinance
Published June 24, 2014
This photo shows 9-year-old Kansas City boy Spencer Collins with his outdoor library (Courtesy WDAF-TV)
A 9-year-old Kansas boy says he is fighting back after city officials forced him to take down the outdoor library he had created on his front lawn as a Mother’s Day gift.
Spencer Collins told Fox4KC he had the idea to create a “free little library” after his mother, an elementary school teacher, saw the idea in another state. The idea is to share books and a love of reading among neighbors by placing books in a clear box, and encouraging others to take a book from it or leave a book in it.
“Reading is one of my favorite things to do. We built it on Mother’s Day as a present for my mom because she really wanted one,” Spencer said.
However, the family soon received a letter from local officials telling them they must take down their library or face a fine. The letter said the library violated an ordinance that forbids structures on the front lawns of single-family homes.
“I thought it was ridiculous,” Spencer’s father Brian Collins said.
City official Richard Coleman told Fox4KC that the law applies to any structure, and the city is not trying to crack down on the “free little libraries.”
“You couldn’t put a bookcase out there, or a couch out there, or any items like that,” Coleman said.
The family took down the library so they would not face a fee, but Spencer plans on fighting back. He told Fox4KC he plans on speaking at Tuesday’s city council meeting to take a stand against the ordinance.
“I want them to change the law. That’s my main thought. I just don’t like it. I think it’s unfair because it’s really good to the community,
Turns out that poor Palestinian kid killed in retaliation was burnt alive. Fucking disgusting people everywhere... how can you fucking burn an innocent kid alive and just watch him go out in flames??"On Tuesday, a chilling audio recording related to the Israeli teenagers' disappearance surfaced.
Israeli media outlets say it's an emergency call to police by one of the young men, 16-year-old Gilad Shaar, when he realized he'd been kidnapped on June 12.
"I've been abducted," he says in Hebrew on the static-filled recording.
The police officer on the other end of the line doesn't appear to immediately catch the words. He repeatedly says, "Hello?"
Another voice shouts, in Hebrew but with a possible Arabic accent, "Put your head down. Hands down!"
There is more shouting and what sounds like one of the teenagers crying out, "Ay! Ow!"
Another police officer then joins the call, asking, "Hello? Hello, Hello? Answer! Answer the phone, please. Where are you right now? Hello?"
Israeli authorities say they didn't leak the recording to the media and are declining to comment further."
And just before they pound the shit out of Gaza and kill hundreds of innocent people, they'll leak a "chilling audiotape".![]()
Israel is still murdering and imprisoning Palestinians because they're searching for the three missing teenagers. I'll bet my house that they're fucking liars and there are no missing teens. I bet it was all made up as an excuse to further exercise injustice on the Palestinian people. Crazy how it happened at a time when they need US support the most. Like the Hamas bomb threat they claim they discovered targeting the US embassy in Israel which also coincidentally came at a time when there was tension brewing between the US and Israel. I dont trust these Zionists one bit.
Turns out that poor Palestinian kid killed in retaliation was burnt alive. Fucking disgusting people everywhere... how can you fucking burn an innocent kid alive and just watch him go out in flames??
Dude, I already stated my bias. Read my posts again. I've seen way too much of their games to give them the benefit of the doubt. You wouldn't trust someone you think is a liar would you?Why is it an atrocity when the Israelis do something like that, but it's a fabricated reason to pound Palestinians when the shoe is on the other foot... like a few weeks ago?
You wouldn't trust someone you think is a liar would you?
I dont need documentation, I lived in the middle east most of my life, I have first hand experience. They're not baseless feelings. historical evidence? do you know about the massacres they've committed? The statements that they've made?? They're feeling of superiority?? They're the world's most hypocritical country, bar none.Pretty sure both sides have significant documentation showing each is capable of something like this. That's my point here. To simply believe on and not the other based on your "feelings" rather than historical evidence is doing a disservice to everyone involved in rectifying this terrible situation. In fact, IMO, it's reactionary condemnation like this which is sustaining the problem for so long.
Bottom line is that both sides have lied and will continue to do so in order to further their respective agendas. If you want to stick with that logic, you should trust nether the Israelis or Palestinians.
I will never understand how the world can sit so quietly watching them build illegal settlements.Neither side is blameless. Israel creates a new settlement in disputed teritories: sometimes knocking out Palestinian settlements. Palestinians strike back, Israel strikes back, ad infinitum. It is the citizens who end up hurting for the egos and aggressions of their respective leaders.