Herbal Alchemist
A news media outlet wouldn't cover a story without substantiated documentation? Sounds reasonable.
The media does it all the time concerning marijuana and that propaganda.
A news media outlet wouldn't cover a story without substantiated documentation? Sounds reasonable.
Here's a question though. I see the Israeli government is condemning these acts (kid who was burned and murdered) and are stating they will investigate and find/prosecute those who did it. How often do the PNA, PLO and Hamas do that in the reverse for captured/murdered Israelis?
This isn't some police investigation into the matter, its on camera. Social media is a very powerful tool. Word gets out quickly nowadays. If you didn't see it now on CNN, you'd see it a few days later somewhere else. I didn't see no documentation for the three Israeli teens.A news media outlet wouldn't cover a story without substantiated documentation? Sounds reasonable.
Also, I see cops beating the shit out of our own citizens on the news almost daily. That kid could have gotten a similar ass whooping by the police in almost any US city just for being brown and being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Seems like cops being cops to me?
Here's a question though. I see the Israeli government is condemning these acts (kid who was burned and murdered) and are stating they will investigate and find/prosecute those who did it. How often do the PNA, PLO and Hamas do that in the reverse for captured/murdered Israelis?
This isn't some police investigation into the matter, its on camera. Social media is a very powerful tool. Word gets out quickly nowadays. If you didn't see it now on CNN, you'd see it a few days later somewhere else. I didn't see no documentation for the three Israeli teens. Actually Abbas condemned the kidnappings quickly after it happened... have to understand that Israeli soldiers violate Palestinians' right everyday. They are people with feelings, and they will retaliate.
Remember these guys believe the life of one Israeli is worth a thousand Palestinians.
I never said they followed through, both sides can condemn the murders as much as they want. It doesn't mean shit. That's my whole point. You're the one who brought up Israelis condemning the killing.As I stated in the text you quoted, I was talking about the teen who was burned to death. You do bring up a good point, though. The Israelis are also publicly condemning what their police did, and are investigating that matter as well.
To further that point, there is a distinct difference between giving lip service by saying "oh yea, that was a bad thing", and actually doing something about it. I cant seem to find mention of any of the many "governing bodies" within Palestinian territory that have actually bothered to conduct an investigation or search for a missing/beaten/murdered Israeli and/or to find a suspect. Perhaps if you can cite valid examples of this, it would go a long way of substantiating the point you are trying to make?
Interesting. Before I was born, my mother moved from Hawaii to Haifa. She lived there for 4 years with various familys as a sort of cultural/student exchange with the University of Hawaii. She tells me stories about how the father of one family was assigned to pick up body parts of civilians who were killed in random bombings and rocket attacks. About how her host's family members had a not so awesome end when he was on patrol for the IDF when two guys popped out of a spider hole, held him down, and slit his throat. Aside from this, I've also heard a smattering of other terrible stuff that happened to people and their property.
Needless to say she has a somewhat biased opinion, which is why I take what she says and run it through a mental filter. This also means I needed to do my own research, as I tend to do on multi-faceted issues like this. Its obvious to me, and to anyone else who looks at it with an unbiased eye, that while there is truth in those stories, they are told through colored lenses.
My point is that you are doing the same thing here. Throwing out terms like "zionist liars" while using wide, sweeping generalizations is not furthering your cause. Not with me at least. If anything, it makes me less sympathetic because I immediately start looking for the bias and BS. Its no different than someone making broad generalized comments about all Democrats, or all Republicans, or all white people, or all Palestinians for that matter.
Im afraid that your obvious bias here may be clouding up the forest, and only allowing you to see individual trees.
Did the Israeli PM say that on international news?
cawshook said:As for that Iran article, that really doesn't have much to do with the topic at hand.
cawshook said:As for generalizations, I defined Zionists in my previous post as people who share the mentality that it is ok to eradicate Palestinians off their land because they have a religious right to it. Not all Jews or Israelis.
cawshook said:Why does it have to be an international news source?
cawshook said:I never said they followed through, both sides can condemn the murders as much as they want. It doesn't mean shit. That's my whole point. You're the one who brought up Israelis condemning the killing.
cawshook said:Those horror stories are kid bedtime stories in comparison to the rape, mass murder and humiliation that Palestinians have to go through.
cawshook said:At least I admit some of my bias. You on the other hand...
HAve AT IT: (I Don't KNOw WTF IS happening with my computer, capslock key is acting up)I was referencing Ahmidinejad as an example of what I was looking for regarding citation. Although if one were to try, its not too hard to draw a connection between him and the PLO, Hamas, et al.
I used the terms "zionist liars" and "sweeping generalizations" separately for a reason. I read "zionist liars" the same as when someone starts using terms like "libertard" for liberals or "tea bagger" for tea party members. That's a solid red flag for the BS detector to turn on full.
Okay, let's change that to legitimate mainstream news outlets. Ill wait for the links.
My point was that that there is actual evidence proving Israel has indeed followed through in the past as well as presently.
Here, I'll show you mine:
May I now see yours?
...On that note, I'd love to see how Hamas or the PLO treat members who have anti semitic t-shirts. LOL, I have this image floating around in my head:
I'm afraid you missed my point completely.
If you can show two instances of action against them, that doesn't mean they do it all the time, and if you dont follow through all the time, its irrelevant.
It really doesn't mean they did it these two times either, they just said they did.
I'm sure Hamas is antisemetic, but did you ever stop and think about where those feelings come from?
Regardless of the disclaimer, those are straight up quotes.Ok.
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The myriad of facts, conjecture, perspectives, viewpoints, opinions, analyses, and information in the articles, stories and commentaries posted on this site range from cutting edge hard news and comment to extreme and unusual perspectives.
Actually I hand picked only two. One deals directly with a case mentioned by you, the other I'm using jokingly to make a point. However, it looks like your argument is that the government that does nothing, all of the time is somehow better than one that does something, some of the time? I don't follow that logic and request elaboration.
Sigh. Can't win.
I can quite assure you there was antisemitism in that region well before the state of Israel was created. How far back do you want to go?
Hmmm... let's see: turn on your inactive device - "ON" = BOOOOM!!! at that location, or a remote location ...BrilliantWashington (CNN) -- Power it up, or leave it behind.
By Greg Clary, CNN
updated 6:31 PM EDT, Sun July 6, 2014
The Transportation Security Administration said Sunday that officers may ask passengers en route to the United States from overseas to turn on their electronic devices to prove they work and aren't explosive devices.
They won't allow devices without power on board planes. The traveler may then undergo additional screening.
It's part of an update to security measures aimed at combating potential new threats from terrorists in the Middle East and Europe.
Tighter security ordered for some U.S.-bound flights
CNN's Jim Sciutto and Evan Perez contributed to this report.
Hmmm... let's see: turn on your inactive device - "ON" = BOOOOM!!! at that location, or a remote location ...Brilliant![]()
There are more than a billion ways to skin a cat, so to speak. The Israeli security booth device is more for show & demonstration of defense than anything else, I'm afraid. If a device is meant to trigger an explosion at an immediate or remote location, there is almost no way to stop that. Jamming signals may work in some specific instances, but for most, likely not. We live in a technologically/increasingly dangerous world. Very difficult to keep up with that, if not stay at least one step ahead.
The Israeli security booth device is more for show & demonstration of defense than anything else, I'm afraid.
Yes! It was a spoof that circulated worldwide, and was taken very seriously by many! Obviously the concept is idiotic ...but that never stopped anyone beforeSnappo, that booth is not real. Never was. It was meant as a joke.
Agreed.I made a mistake in an earlier post and I apologize. I said that the Supreme Court of the US was insane. They are NOT insane, they are CORRUPT IDEALOGUES... What an embarrassment.
Demote this corporate-leaning, activist, misogynistic prick masquerading as the "reasonable one".
Sotomayor for chief justice now!
I absolutely appreciate and agree with the sentiment of this post, but I can't help but wonder why the Israeli child was slain, but the Palestinian child was murdered. May I ask where the photo and caption came from? Words do matter.
I absolutely appreciate and agree with the sentiment of this post, but I can't help but wonder why the Israeli child was slain, but the Palestinian child was murdered. May I ask where the photo and caption came from? Words do matter.