Space is the Place
Blank post on my end.
Blank post on my end.
Adams has his share of supporters as well as detractors, just like any disruptor of the established order of things. And the established order of things is obviously in need of the disruption it is currently undergoing.
Also there are plenty of other credible sources of information that agree with him.
"When bugs take a bite of the GM plant, the toxin from the plant splits open their stomach and kills them."
It destroys the stomach linings of susceptible humans as well. Fuck gmo corn. It's got bt toxin engineered right into it and the eu, along with dozens of other countries won't feed it to their livestock either.
So it's not just the chinese (& russians) that are refusing our corn. Enjoy your doritos
10 Reasons to Avoid Genetically Modified Foods:
GM foods won’t solve the food crisis
A 2008 World Bank report concluded that increased biofuel production (crops grown for fuel rather than food) is the major cause of the increase in food prices. GM giant Monsanto has been at the heart of the lobbying for biofuels -- while profiting enormously from the resulting food crisis and using it as a PR opportunity to promote GM foods!
GM crops do not increase yield potential
Despite the promises, GM has not increased the yield potential of any commercialized crops. In fact, studies show that the most widely grown GM crop, GM soy, has suffered reduced yields.
GM crops increase pesticide use
U.S. government data shows that in the U.S., GM crops have produced an overall increase, not decrease, in pesticide use compared to conventional crops.
There are better ways to feed the world
A major UN/World Bank-sponsored report compiled by 400 scientists and endorsed by 58 countries concluded that GM crops have little to offer global agriculture and the challenges of poverty, hunger, and climate change, because better alternatives are available.
Other farm technologies are more successful
Integrated Pest Management and other innovative low-input or organic methods of controlling pests and boosting yields have proven highly effective, particularly in the developing world.
GM foods have not been shown to be safe to eat
Genetic modification is a crude and imprecise way of incorporating foreign genetic material into crops, with unpredictable consequences. The resulting GM foods have undergone little rigorous and no long-term safety testing, but animal feeding tests have shown worrying health effects.
Stealth GMOs in animal feed -- without consumers’ consent
Meat, eggs and dairy products from animals raised on the millions of tons of GM feed imported into Europe do not have to be labeled. Some studies show that if GM crops are fed to animals, GM material can appear in the resulting products, and that the animals’ health can be affected.
GM crops are a long-term economic disaster for farmers
A 2009 report showed that GM seed prices in America have increased dramatically, cutting average farm incomes for U.S. farmers growing GM crops.
GM and non-GM cannot co-exist
GM contamination of conventional and organic food is increasing. An unapproved GM rice that was grown for only one year in field trials was found to have extensively contaminated the U.S. rice supply and seed stocks. In Canada, the organic oilseed rape industry has been destroyed by contamination from GM rape. In Spain, a study found that GM maize “has caused a drastic reduction in organic cultivations of this grain and is making their coexistence practically impossible”.
You can’t trust GM companies
The big biotech firms pushing their GM foods have a terrible history of toxic contamination and public deception. GM is attractive to them because it gives them patents that allow monopoly control over the world’s food supply. They have taken to harassing and intimidating farmers for the “crime” of saving patented seed or “stealing” patented genes -- even if those genes got into the farmer’s fields through accidental contamination by wind or insects.
GM Watch February 2010![]()
More gmo articles at
You can argue all you want about "GMO" crops. Not the point i was here to make.
I'm mainly discussing the need to cite credible sources when discussing topics like this. Given that quite a bit of that NN article was "speculative" at best, I feel this highlights my point perfectly.
As for NN/Adams having "supporters" we really need to look at the cross section. Using scholastic search engines like Omnifile I can't find a single peer reviewed article which sites either Adams or his website as a reference (in a positive light). That alone speaks volumes.
Basically, If i were still an undergrad, I wouldn't expect to get an awesome grade if I was citing information from any of Adam's blogs.
According to one FAUX NEWS talking head, World Cup Soccer is a "liberal plot" by Obama.![]()
[Faux News] I'm beginning to think that they have been afflicted with mass OCD along with a plethora of other disorders.
Beginning? Where ya been?
"On Tuesday, a chilling audio recording related to the Israeli teenagers' disappearance surfaced.
There are atrocities being committed on both sides of this equation and to side with one, in my opinion, is just as wrong as siding with the other. Feel the same way with this whole Sunni/Shia shit that's been going on for centuries. The whole middle east is a total clusterfuck.
I'm not sure what to make of this, but if these are the same guys that are kicking ass in Iraq right now holy fucking shit. Evidently ISIS is an actual security corporation, like blackwater or whatever they're called these days. And all anybody had to do was google them...
They have a web site and everything!
I don't know enough about genetic manipulation to know if GMO products are dangerous or bad...
I claim to be pro-science and anti propaganda and I am definitely pro vaccination. I have kids and I think it's ridiculous to potentially put them in harms way because some parents aren't believers that vaccinations as a whole do more good than harm for the health of society. On the other hand, although I'm undecided if GMO foods should be banned; my family does not consume any GMO engineered food. They're too many unknowns at this point to conclusively say they are safe and entirely benign to our health. For the time being, I'm probably okay with GMO foods to be sold as long as the FDA continues to require labeling all products that are genetically engineered.
He's not a layman (like ourselves), he's a medical doctor. What I am concerned with are all of the medical problems and damage that the ingredients in these vaccines are causing to the most vulnerable in our society, particularily to our young children but also those that are old and already sick.The spreading of "information" like this, is doing a huge disservice to humanity and is beyond borderline irresponsibility. I really hope its not your child (or worse mine due to actions/inactions of others) that becomes negatively effected by such dangerous propaganda.
On a related note, I also firmly believe that there is a special place in hell reserved for Andrew Wakefield and Jenny McCarthy.
Edit: I should at least address the article you posted. Your flaw is going off of a laymans article (from an obviously biased publisher) which takes actual cited information out of context. Again this is very dangerous since most people don't take the time or have the educational background to actually dig into the scientific citations provided.
I need to bow out before I get a forced vacation.
The spreading of "information" like this, is doing a huge disservice to humanity and is beyond borderline irresponsibility. I really hope its not your child (or worse mine due to actions/inactions of others) that becomes negatively effected by such dangerous propaganda.
On a related note, I also firmly believe that there is a special place in hell reserved for Andrew Wakefield and Jenny McCarthy.
Edit: I should at least address the article you posted. Your flaw is going off of a laymans article (from an obviously biased publisher) which takes actual cited information out of context. Again this is very dangerous since most people don't take the time or have the educational background to actually dig into the scientific citations provided.
I need to bow out before I get a forced vacation.
This is recent news, so I put it here.**No offense to anyone's religion. I am making a point that I hope
George Takei: What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?
Lol, that's awesome, love the hypocrisyi'm going to start reading Takei's blog posts.
"Hobby Lobby is the same company that invests in Pfizer and Teva Pharmaceuticals, makers of abortion inducing-drugs and the morning after pill. It also buys most of its inventory from China, where forced abortions are common."