In my boredom at home in quarantine, I've been keeping myself entertained by taking goofy photos of my vapes with my phone and I realized (as Groot stood over my Noisy Cricket) that I never tried the Noisy Cricket with the Neo.
It is awesome! It gets a really good seal (I always use the gasket since I find that I get better results with restricted airflow, even when I can get a good seal without it). It puts out sweet flavor if you sip on it but it can also rip hard and put out some good clouds. Very even extraction. It even has a tamper!
The Noisy Cricket takes the Neo to the next level, imo. I was getting pretty good results with the Neo using a 14-18mm glass adapter as a bowl but was having frustratingly mixed results with almost everything else that I tried. With the Cricket, this thing really can be a sipper or it can do lung-busting hits - all with really good extraction.
My method for using the Neo is to do one pre-heat round with the Neo placed on the bowl. Towards the end of the pre-heat period, I typically do four or five quick(ish) cigar puffs to really saturate the chamber; this usually produces some light vapor. Immediately following the pre-heat, I do my full pull. I actually trigger a second pre-heat round for this and control the vapor density by changing how hard or light I inhale, like with a log vape. If I finish my pull before the timer (almost always), I just push the button again to end the pre-heat mode.
I actually find the coil glow very useful during long pulls and will cup my hand around the Neo so that I can see it. The glow changes very quickly with changes in inhalation rate and can be used to really dial in the hit and keep it right in the sweet spot. You also get used to seeing a certain glow, so when the battery starts to get weak as it drains, you can just slow down your inhalation to get that familiar glow intensity.
The full rip ABV is a little lighter than I can get with some of my other vapes, but it's bone dry and turns to powder when I rub it between my fingers; there's nothing left in there that I want.
I like it!