Oddly enough I can get booze delivered to my door with my "ID checked by delivery driver" (I dont believe thats ever really happened) without the need of an access point.
But yes I believe the entire "intent" of the law is to prevent underage kids from ordering shit to their front door and not getting ID'd. I absolutely dont buy that as the true reasoning but whatever. My understanding is you can still ship to pick up points, just not the consumer's place - be it residential or commercial.
@EliumVapor I would be curious, provided its an option... does the access point owner have to pre-approve this thing or does being an access point partner automatically mean you have to accept shipments from UPS on behalf of others?
For example, searching UPS access points shows a grocery store, advance autoparts, a michaels craft store, a CVS...
Are all of these places obligated to receive a package on my behalf? Does it require pre-approval? Maybe I've just never noticed it but I cant recall ever seeing an option to ship to my local advanced auto parts.
@florduh @RustyOldNail
can you imagine needing to fill out a FFL application at the local vape store, as if you’re registering a handgun...
I’m just joking, but with ATF oversight, I wouldn’t be surprised either...
Would any of us pass the background check?
And then after you pass the background, send your paperwork up to the state and let them dilly dally for a month before they "allow" you to go pick up your own property...that you paid for...a month ago...after a 2 year long initial approval process...
For all we know this another tool in the ATFs box to cross reference MJ users and gun owners... (ok there goes the tin foil hat)