A disposable vape pen with THC suspended in a carrier fluid would be an aerosol delivery system. Flower is not an aerosol until you process and suspend it in something else IMO
Exactly this ^^^

A disposable vape pen with THC suspended in a carrier fluid would be an aerosol delivery system. Flower is not an aerosol until you process and suspend it in something else IMO
When I read that article just now, made me think they won’t be shipping us flower vapes regardless….Okay, so you take the cannabis and turn it into an aerosol and it becomes a problem for them!
Take the cannabis itself and don't turn it into an aerosol and it's fine, they don't say anything about that - and no matter what other might say, vaping flower does not turn it into an aerosol... an aerosol is a suspension, vaping flower produces vapour and vapour is not a suspension!
Either their language is off and they are trying to ban dry herb vapes, or they are not bothered about dry herb vapes, just the aerosolised vapes which are completely different things!
Bollocks! Seriously this is just flat out wrong, an aerosol is a suspension!
The vaporised elements of the flower are a vapour - that's why they are called vaporisers and not aerosolisers = there are differences between an aerosol and vapour as I linked to previously. The use of the word vape for a liquid based aerosol is a misnomer.
When I read that article just now, made me think they won’t be shipping us flower vapes regardless….
Lol y’all get me all worked up….I can see that happening, but if so they really need someone who knows what they are talking about to change the language of the law. I can also see the law being misinterpreted by those who are asked to implement it.
I sincerely hope that it is just the aerosol solution 'vapes' and not the dry herb vaporisers ... I see the sense in the law form this perspective, but not from the dry herb vapes, that makes no sense, what that would be saying is that for states where cannabis is legal, it's okay if you smoke it, but not if you vaporise it! That's nuts!
Glad you chilled out a bit... Honestly, I think you are going to be absolutely fine!!![]()
I can see that happening, but if so they really need someone who knows what they are talking about to change the language of the law.
I get your point. It just isn't going to matter one bit to USPS or the companies who's products are confiscated before they reach their customers or the customers who won't get what they ordered.
Lol first of all we call it vapor!Yes, of course... hopefully the businesses manufacturing and sending this stuff out will change the terminology so everything is okay - which is what I expect to happen. I seriously doubt anyone is going to send a package out with 'vape' written on the front of it - not really
Edit: Stepped away and came back and yes... technically you are right that the vaporised particles do form an aerosol in the air, but that's not what the law or this discussion is about, it's about devices that use an 'aerosol solution' = or at least that's what I thought it was about.
I can see it being a difference in language but ... Seriously, do you guys over the water use 'aerosol' as a day to day term to describe the vapour you make with your vapes? Never in my life... although I might adopt it now, just for the fun of it!!
Hey guys... I aerosolised some great bud last night... I just got a new aerosoliser, etc...
Or on an early morning walk... ooh look at that aerosol hanging there in the sky just above the ground!!
USPS Releases Final Rule Banning Mailing Of Hemp, CBD And Marijuana Vapes
The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) on Wednesday released its final rule on the mailability of vapes, asserting that even devices designed for federally legal hemp derivatives like CBD generally cannot be shipped through the U.S. mail. The agency has been developing the regulations to comply with
"It goes without saying that marijuana, hemp, and their derivatives are substances,” the agency said. “Hence, to the extent that they may be delivered to an inhaling user through an aerosolized solution, they and the related delivery systems, parts, components, liquids, and accessories clearly fall within the [Preventing Online Sales of E-Cigarettes to Children Act’s] scope.”"
Its official. Curious to see how this unfolds..
No, I am not trying to hang my hat on anything, there is a very clear and unambiguous difference, in whatever english you speak, unless that's nonsense english - in which case - okay!
Otherwise, they really are not interchangeable terms, here's the link again, please read, and then scroll down and read the rest
Also, don't forget that it's not just aerosol - it's ENDS 'aerosol solution' - context is everything - but by all means go ahead and convince yourself that vapour from vaped flower is an ENDS solution... and air is a fluid, whatever... I give up!
Vapour vs Aerosol - What's the difference?
As nouns the difference between vapour and aerosol is that vapour is cloudy diffused matter such as mist, steam or fumes suspended in the air while aerosol
then read this
Aerosol - Wikipedia
then read this
Suspension (chemistry) - Wikipedia
Pretttttyyyyyy pleeaasassseeeee????
As discussed above I agree that the implementation of it may be flawed and it could have an effect, but that doesn't change what we know to be easily verifiable facts of language and meaning.
Guess there is two threads going on this, repost and questionThis is the correct interpretation and semantics does matter when reading rulings or laws. According the USPS rule (yet to be published or official) yesterday and what the poorly written article was referencing:
"A solution is a mixture of chemical substances that is both homogenous (i.e., uniformly mixed) and stable (i.e., not prone to separating upon standing or filtration).
Raw or minimally processed organic matter, such as aromatic herb leaves, does not qualify as a “solution.” As such, if a device heats such matter to produce vapors for the user to inhale, that device does not operate “through an aerosolized solution” and thus falls outside the scope of the POSECCA definition. By the same token, its parts, components, and accessories (as well as the herbal matter used in the device) likewise fall outside of the POSECCA’s scope."
Guess there is two threads going on this, repost and question
It say flowers not included, but then says said shipments are already illegal… how the fuck is that true. I signed for my Crafty shipped from S&B 2 weeks ago, guess that was illegal shipment???
“USPS notes that products like dry herb vaporizers, intended to vape cannabis flower rather than “solutions” like e-liquid or oil, may not fit the POSECCA definition, but are already prohibited from the U.S. Mail under separate rules. They are considered drug paraphernalia intended to be used with federally controlled substances, and therefore “unmailable.”
USPS Vape Mail Ban Is Now in Effect
The U.S. Postal Service will issue a rule tomorrow prohibiting U.S. Mail shipment of vaping products. It will become effective
Thanks for the clarificationIts possible for two reasons. First, that is correct. Vapes were already technically nonmalleable due to the already codified drug paraphernalia law which is why the discussion regarding how much this will affect the industry is somewhat moot. The reason why they were allowed to be shipped are two fold. First, the paraphernalia law that its referencing has two exemptions and one of them is a tobacco use exemption. This is why you will see almost everything in a head shop advertised for tobacco use only. Second, the USPS have bigger problems on their plate. They simply lack the funding and manpower to effectively enforce that law. Keep in mind that the USPS was having difficulty enforcing the PACT Act even prior the amendment and inclusion of vapes. NY state along with a few others sued the USPS for lack of enforcement of the PACT Act:
The City of New York v. United States Postal Service et al, No. 1:2019cv05934 - Document 38 (E.D.N.Y. 2021)
The City of New York v. United States Postal Service et al, No. 1:2019cv05934 - Document 38 (E.D.N.Y. 2021) case opinion from the Eastern District of New York US Federal District
The likelihood of vape manufacturers getting prosecuted over violations of this law is very low IMO.
This is the correct interpretation and semantics does matter when reading rulings or laws. According the USPS rule released yesterday (yet to be published or official):
"A solution is a mixture of chemical substances that is both homogenous (i.e., uniformly mixed) and stable (i.e., not prone to separating upon standing or filtration).
Raw or minimally processed organic matter, such as aromatic herb leaves, does not qualify as a “solution.” As such, if a device heats such matter to produce vapors for the user to inhale, that device does not operate “through an aerosolized solution” and thus falls outside the scope of the POSECCA definition. By the same token, its parts, components, and accessories (as well as the herbal matter used in the device) likewise fall outside of the POSECCA’s scope."
I really hope you guys are right that the final language of the law will include a carve out for dry herb vaping (DHV). Personally I don't expect that to be the case. I don't think the framers of the law care about protecting DHV. I think it is their intention to eliminate vaping (for the children) and whether through ignorance or design their view is that DHV is vaping and electronic devices that enable that should be illegal to ship. How it will be enforced and how aggressive they will be about it remains to be seen. We already have law prohibiting the mailing of cannabis delivery devices and we know that is barely enforced, but if this becomes a thing the general federal interference in the industry may dramatically increase.
Time will tell but if you feel you have any influence with your congresspeople, now is probably the time to make yourself heard, if it isn't already too late.
Of course its not. It's about the money. It's always about the money. They use the children as their wedge, to make it look like they are doing something for society. Again, it is always about the money. The only reason cannabis is now legal rec in my state is the tax revenue.this isn't about protecting children