Hello from Germany,
Had to send in my Mighty because the housing was broken around the Filling Chamber. Got back a brand new Mighty with serial number near 12000.
So far so god. Realized some new things and got some information from a S&B Engineer.
-new o-rings in very light blue
-the cooling unit turns with less effort till it snaps hard toward the last angle. Hope this prevents from breaking in the near future.
-the cooling unit is aligned 100% with the heater
-no more loose batteries or heater. They are fixed with foam rubber. When jiggling the device there is nothing to hear
-because of the foam rubber there is no more cracking of the housing when pressure on it, at least my new device. Old one was serial 2200
-the mouth piece does take more effort to turn out and sits better in position
-the device feels more solid in general
-the temperature drop with full batteries to reset the 1 minute shut off does finally work like supposed to (or the minivap has trained my lungs in absence of the mighty)
- no more Error 004 in the new firmware. Error 004 means heater not working. Some of us ,me including , have such heavy draws, the unit thinks the heater is dead because of massive temperature drops over 30 seconds
-vibration working good so far when attempting temperature
They are working on a lot of problems mentioned in this thread ( I read the entire mighty and crafty thread, I own both and some more devices ).
The breaking housing should be resolved in the near future. They are apologizing much for this and we're sending out the new device sealed with accessories. Hole procedure took 5 days since sending out the broken device.
They are working on a new firmware with a two point controller to make sure the unit is vibrating because temperature level is overhit like the crafty does. Look at the temperature of the display on your mighty. The unit is approaching the set temperature very slowly which results in not vibrating sometimes with empty batteries....
They have a solution for the 4 breaking cooling rips around the filling chamber but not implemented this in production yet, apologizing again.
The design of the mighty not standing or lying flat down was a design decision from one of the managers. Guess out which one yourself, don't want to tell to much
They thought of much more like a grinder attached to the filling aid, about the size of the sieves ( I was complaining about the coarse ones but the decision is justified for people not cleaning the chamber directly after use, the fine sieve will clog to fast) , the clear plug of the filling unit not being closed or even a pressure sensor for recognizing a draw to reset the timer..I promise you there aren't much things they didn't think of in the last 3 years of the developing work. These guys are genius'. Was discussing some more ideas I had (studying engineering in the last semesters and long time stoner) and you guys of the forum had and for every thing there is a justification apart of the housing breaking and the mighty not standing upwards.
Customer service is great! Write a nice letter, be understand-full, give critics and with a little bit of luck you get a new device and some worth full extras!
Excuse misspelling and grammar, I am German and this is my first post. Hope it is not too long but I wanted to share the Infos I got from S&B for thank you for your infos I got lurking around here after buying my first vaporizer in 2013.
Keep forgetting to look at my serial number so I know how long it had been sitting on the shelf at the head shop. I haven't heard anything rattling when moving it about so maybe it's already one of the newer ones. Last night I noticed the double vibrate on reach temp didn't go off but that's pretty minor. It doesn't take long to heat up so I'm typically glancing at it anyway.
Wish I could go back in time; would have gone right to the Mighty and saved myself $100 on that G Pro.
Thanks for the tip I did get that error onces as I was trying to be fast and hit the crap out of it right off the bat at 200c before company came over. I held down the power button and it reset at the time. Wouldn't they just tell me to hard reset it instead of replacing it with that error code?@vapeape77
I'm quite sure they won't replace units that aren't defective obviously. A simple rattle won't be enough imo. But if you have really one of the earlier models, you could try to provoque the error 004 by drawing hard on an empty chamber and a nearly empty batterie with one or two bars left.
Don't try to send your unit in without verifying if you have really an old firmware if you might think to do that now. The people at S&B should know if you are telling the truth because of the firmware.
Or you should hope it cracks before warranty ends
I "wasted" over 1000€ on vaporizers and accessoires, combusting for 2 years with a volcano collecting dust before I found the mighty which makes me stop smoke finally. Had the crafty before but batterie wasn't powerfull enough. VAS will make me spend some money on the next few vapes I already have planed to purchase for birthday anyway...
@ darkroom
Nice from S&B changing out the crafty for an upgrade! Batterie is much better, bought the mighty after the crafty because batterie limitations where destroying the user experience!
2.1 amps with 5volts are 10 watts. The mighty pulls more than 30 watts when heating and charging at same time If I remember right. Don't now how you can connect a car adapter to usb, don't think there is an adapter, you have to cut one of your chargers. The mighty should take 5-6 hours to charge per usb when the battery pack is at maximum output if a connection is even possible because of the low current. Don't try this with cheap battery packs without over current protection! Usb 2.0 can't take much more than 10 watts.
There are bigger batterie packs where you can connect notebooks and bigger power consumers if really necessary. Better stick with the car charger and a second charger at work if necessary and get a daisy for zombie scenarios and survival trainings without electricity...
Can't reply in the "crafty vs ascent" thread anymore and our discussion was more mighty-based anyway, so I continue here. Finally I understand the differences in draw numbers you were getting. Couldn't believe the large differences of draws to my personal experience even if is someone with iron lungs could finish a bowl in 3 or 4 hits, even with shitty material it should be hard without water (and I really don't think you're using bad material) but I have to say I finish my bowls at 200 degrees until there is no vapor. Packing tight with middle fine grind isn't good for flavor but for effects which I need personally to get satisfied. Disliked volcano first besides of the bags for that reason, even on 230 light brown ABV and not enough cbd effects for me.
I will try your method tomorrow and see if I can get the same high like from the volcano just for the morning session until taste disappears and hitting the ABV again later the day because sometimes I can enjoy a nice high without being to wrecked. Which temperature do you all use and do you all really finish your bowls until there is no more vapor? For me it was self understanding even if weed is not too expensive for me. @mixchu69 perhaps you want to try a little more finer grind and packing just a little bit and finish the bowl if you can stand the popcorn taste. perhaps if really finishing a bowl the size is not to small anymore! Don't feel offended, want to keep the nice tone you guys have (not always easy because you guys don't want to learn German, I suppose and writing on English is harder for me) because I really appreciate the forum. Normally I'm only a passive member or do even not sign up in forums because of the rude tone and stupidness but the community here rocks!Was reading here for two years before deciding to give the forum something back.
My posts are getting longer and longer and I'm writing weird I realize, to much mighty and minivap comparing today and I like to talk to much when buzzed. I better go to sleep after a last pure kief super lemon haze bowl in my mighty
My wife is already pissed because I'm with my new online friends the entire day![]()
Should have said I use the small basket of the Minivap for kief now! It works without basket slightly better but cleaning the stainless steel border of the bowl afterwards is much harder than pillowed kief between some weed, cotton, ABV or a basket and you should make sure to place a fine sieve in your CU!
Was bad dreaming about new users hating me because the kief disappears in the CU with one draw because of the coarse screen
Just clean directly after vaping if you are still capable and you should be good.
(P.s. Small rolled up kief balls are working quite good too, depending on strain and heat)
Ok I'm really away for now it is 01:55 o'clock here in my place!
I actually enjoy the aspect that it can crush me in 4 long pulls. My grind is real fluffy and find less of popcorn taste, just on the fourth pull. I use highest temp. The mighty hits hard. I probably could take 2 more pulls of vapor but most times don't do it because of taste and wispy vapor.@ darkroom
Nice from S&B changing out the crafty for an upgrade! Batterie is much better, bought the mighty after the crafty because batterie limitations where destroying the user experience!
2.1 amps with 5volts are 10 watts. The mighty pulls more than 30 watts when heating and charging at same time If I remember right. Don't now how you can connect a car adapter to usb, don't think there is an adapter, you have to cut one of your chargers. The mighty should take 5-6 hours to charge per usb when the battery pack is at maximum output if a connection is even possible because of the low current. Don't try this with cheap battery packs without over current protection! Usb 2.0 can't take much more than 10 watts.
There are bigger batterie packs where you can connect notebooks and bigger power consumers if really necessary. Better stick with the car charger and a second charger at work if necessary and get a daisy for zombie scenarios and survival trainings without electricity...
Can't reply in the "crafty vs ascent" thread anymore and our discussion was more mighty-based anyway, so I continue here. Finally I understand the differences in draw numbers you were getting. Couldn't believe the large differences of draws to my personal experience even if is someone with iron lungs could finish a bowl in 3 or 4 hits, even with shitty material it should be hard without water (and I really don't think you're using bad material) but I have to say I finish my bowls at 200 degrees until there is no vapor. Packing tight with middle fine grind isn't good for flavor but for effects which I need personally to get satisfied. Disliked volcano first besides of the bags for that reason, even on 230 light brown ABV and not enough cbd effects for me.
I will try your method tomorrow and see if I can get the same high like from the volcano just for the morning session until taste disappears and hitting the ABV again later the day because sometimes I can enjoy a nice high without being to wrecked. Which temperature do you all use and do you all really finish your bowls until there is no more vapor? For me it was self understanding even if weed is not too expensive for me. @mixchu69 perhaps you want to try a little more finer grind and packing just a little bit more and finish the bowl entirely if you can stand the popcorn taste. perhaps if you really finish a bowl at 200 degrees the size is not too small anymore besides the awful taste towards the end. Be aware packing this style will get much denser hits in my experience . Don't feel offended, want to keep the nice tone you guys have (not always easy because you guys don't want to learn German, I supposeand writing on English is harder for me) because I really appreciate the forum. Normally I'm only a passive member or do even not sign up in forums because of the rude tone and stupidness but the community here rocks!
Was reading here for two years before deciding to give the forum something back.
My posts are getting longer and longer and I'm writing weird I realize, to much mighty and minivap comparing today and I like to talk to much when buzzed. I better go to sleep after a last pure kief super lemon haze bowl in my mighty
My wife is already pissed because I'm with my new online friends the entire day![]()
Haha. I use the same technique as my minivap, start inhaling at a moderate speed for the first five seconds, then really open up my lungs and pull harder and deeper til it taps me out. You also have to remember that I combusted for 15+ years and used tall bongs that required enormous lung capacity to snap the bowl thru in one hit. It was always competitive between me and my friends, so everyone developed "breathing muscles."@vapeape77
I think the arizer baskets are fitting, too, and are a little bit cheaper than MV baskets. Perhaps somebody can confirm before you waste money or search the forum, only remembering what I read somewhere on FC.
You officially have iron lungs!Tried your method. First draw cut my throat after 15 sec. Couldn't use my full lung volume. Coughing, massive clouds, not far from my tcmv on red when working fine, a little bit less harsher when inhaling in some way. Tried to finish as fast as possible anyway. 8-10 draws until vapor fades out, so no more to say
just got this charging my mighty
im never going to run out of battery again ........