Well-Known Member
hey there,
just wanted to give an update on the mighty and my opinion about it. i finally recieved a working unit on the 01/09, and i am really in love this thing! tastewise and how to operate it. the filling aid is really great. but after about 9 days in use, i have the "next" problem. it started with the mighty showing "err 004" near the end of a session(looked for "err 004" in the manual and was like
fuck), when it got pretty hot. but not hotter than it was before, i guess. after while of cooling the unit down, i turned it on again and it seemed to work fine again. so i keept on using it til "err 004" appeared a second time, a day later. long stoy short...after talking to S&B they advised me to send it in for the so called "recalibration". and i must say, by all thats great about the mighty, that this really sucks. buying a vape at this prize and have to deal with these flaws. i know my ssv is not that hightech so its not that compareable, but it works and i never had a problem with it in about 4 years of heavy daily use. the mighty did this in less than 10 days
i hope they get these things sorted out. i don't want to have to send the mighty in on a regular basis for "recalibration". so would i buy the mighty again? at this point i think not. i would just accept the restricted drawn on the solo(which was my main reason for getting the mighty) and stick with it or any other more reliable vape. but to be honest...i had to send my solo in three times as well. :-) seems i'm not that lucky with these things. but at least i got the newest solo with the last replacement. =)
just wanted to give an update on the mighty and my opinion about it. i finally recieved a working unit on the 01/09, and i am really in love this thing! tastewise and how to operate it. the filling aid is really great. but after about 9 days in use, i have the "next" problem. it started with the mighty showing "err 004" near the end of a session(looked for "err 004" in the manual and was like

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